Why I changed my Workout Routine.

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on coachesquad.com, my online fitness site. Happy New week guys… Recently, I wanted better results from my workouts so I reduced skipping from 5000 to 1000 daily… It sounds wrong right? How do you want better results and reduce your workout? GOALS!!! That is the […]
Running CoachE’Squad… The Testimonies, challenges and more. Phew!!!

Hey people Gosh, do you know we actually registered a whole website for CoachE’Squad and this year, right after we registered the company as a Limited Company, so i am not even supposed to promote anything CoachE’ here (at least alone or primarily) but on the website BUT THIS YEAR HAS BEEN INTENSE YAWL!!! I […]
Grab your remote control guys, I’m on EBONYLIFE TV tonight!!!! 7pm

As a part of a Documentary on the Channel EBONY LIFE TV, I was interviewed on HEALTHY EATING & LIVING. It airs TONIGHT Premier Time – 7pm Tuesday Repeats – Wednesday 2pm, Thursday 4:30am, Saturday 6:30am, Sunday 10am and Monday 9am. I hope you can catch it one of these times. I’m sooooooo unbelievably grateful […]
MomPreneur Diaries Day2…So thankful for my PORTION and having the RIGHT VILLAGE to HELP!!!

Day 2, and I am able to start writing this now because one of my SUPER mentees came over to help me baby and house-sit. So thankful for a VILLAGE to pop in and help from time to time. I pray yawl are doing amazing and ON FIRE for Jesus. So far I have had […]
MomPreneur Diaries Day 1… My JESUS time under THREAT!!!

Hey guys Day 1 of my Mom-Preneur Diaries and I figured, let’s take it right from the TOP, the most important factor in any MomPreneur’s life, and that is the simple fact that WE NEED JESUS. And ironically, one of the first things that get affected in any mom’s life is her JESUS TIME. I […]
The 5,6,7,8 Bridal BOOTCAMP with CoachE’… DETAILS

Hey, Oh happy day to you and yours… Just sliding in to say YAY for our Bridal bootcamp with CoachE’. Wondering at the Numbers We mean in 5WEEKS, we will work with 6BRIDES to lose at least 7KG all for N8,000 ONLY. Pretty cool stuff. So know any December or January brides who […]
How to LOSE weight with HIGH FIBRE foods IN NIGERIA…

Recently, I did a COMPLETE overhaul on my diet. You see, since I lost that famous 30kg in about 4months almost 2 years ago, I have not even had any cause to lose weight, until now. Trying to lose some post-partum weight now and we are back on the grind. And you know me? I […]
The N5,500 price slash (Weight loss Coaching with CoachE’)

Hey Fam, First off, thank yawl for all the congratulations from all over. Still feels unreal to know that I am a new mommy, and infact TWO people’s mommy. TWO BOYS yawl. PRAYERS UP haha!!! CoachE’Squad was birthed from my first son even as I struggled with the pregnancy, post baby and INDISCIPLINE weight, and […]
5 SPONSORED SLOTS for PowWow with E’

Hey guys, Ok just wanted to pop in quickly this morning and say that we have FIVE slots open for FREE for FIVE Chicks (ok this grammer won’t make my English teacher in secondary school happy but I am in a hurry biko lol). I will post to social media later today but i wantd […]
Still warring baby… And we won’t STOP!!!

Hey guys, Hugs and Kisses all sround. April 1 and 3 will always stand out for me as really special days in my heart. Why? Because of the kind of God-encounter they were for me. I still recall how fired up in my spirit I was as I prepared for that meeting WARRIOR IN HEELS… […]