Hey guys,
Hugs and Kisses all sround.
April 1 and 3 will always stand out for me as really special days in my heart.
Because of the kind of God-encounter they were for me.
I still recall how fired up in my spirit I was as I prepared for that meeting WARRIOR IN HEELS… I recall I had done this Post ARE WE EVEN FIGHTING AT ALL, before I knew what the theme of WWW was that year.
Somehow, it felt like a meeting not to be taken lightly, and even though I had not heard about our Guest speaker Debola Deji-Kurunmi before, it didn’t matter. I just knew that meeting was going to be something.
So I would literally get on my face and pray for the program, and I just really prepared for it. I was pretty much determined to attend both the Island one on Friday the Ist,
and the mainland one on Sunday the 3rd,
and it involved moving heaven backwards, but it didn’t matter.
Nothing but that meeting mattered.
And the day came, I wore my pink tee, blue ripped jeans, and heels and got there early. When DDK was introduced, something in my spirit leaped. I mean, mama was reading her profile and I am not even sure why but I just got so excited in my spirit, but I was.
And then DDK came up, and MY GOODNESS, I could NOT believe all she was saying…
I had a true LEAN IN posture and I stopped writing at some point because EVERYTHING DDK WAS SAYING, I WAS WRITING.
Can we just take a 13 second praise break and thank God for technology???
Wow!!! I am so thankful that we could capture the words in a CD, and I can relive the moments.
Jesus alone knows how many times I have listened to that message.
On the island, she used the story of Jael in Judges 4 to pass across a truth that I have neither forgotten, nor stopped studying. I feel like Jael is my sister truly. An ‘ordinary’ housewife who did what a WHOLE Captain and Prophet combined couldn’t, and that is take down the enemy.
My biggest takeaway was when she said
‘Your life is perfect prototype, perfect platform for God to work the supernatural’.
You see, in that season, I was JAEL. This stay at home mama who was truly content in her season, but whose tide was about to change, because shortly after then, CoachE’ was birthed, and I only started to really consider kicking a business off when I heard DDK say ‘…Apostles in the MarketPlace…’.
I realized that I didn’t just have to be in the marketplace making empty money aka Money without purpose, but I could be an Apostle and then make more Apostles for Jesus in my secular place of assignment, and make money to do big things for Jesus. That is why no other person could have written the foreword of my MarketPlace Apostle Devotional but her,

and I am so honored that she did. In fact, let me share a snippet…
…This powerful devotional by Eziaha is a clarion call to situate everything in God. Everything! Not just your family, ministry or spirituality; but your business and your money. One of the most defining revelations I believe the Lord wants to teach us is that every territory is His territory, and every platform is for His glory. Ministry is thus, not higher than the MarketPlace, if the Lord is Lord over it!
So darling MarketPlace Apostle, where you are standing is Holy Ground!!! Did you hear me? You’re standing on Holy Ground! Don’t let your Business Plan, Social Media Strategy, Recruitment Errors, Payroll Structure or Balance Sheets fool you…you are sitting on a goldmine for the Gospel. God needs your boat, God needs your intellect, and He needs your Sphere of Influence for His glory…
The day I got her Foreword and read it, I think I cried. Then had goosebumps. The shared with Funto because I couldn’t keep it alone. Cant wait for yawl to lay hands on it too.
Ok, back to DDK and Warrior in Heels.
DDK gave me perspective that day. She literally flooded my path with light using the word.
On the mainland, she used the story of Abigail, wife of Nabal, and how ‘good character’ was her weapon of warfare even when she had a fool for a husband, and then she finally told us how to war with the Word.
That was the first time I was hearing the term IMPORTUNITY, that is an ability to stay with something (lambano) in the spirit until it is birthed, this time in the place of prayer. How we shouldn’t give God any rest until that which we have seen in the Spirit, our physical hands are holding.
Does anyone remember that her story of wanting to jump ahead of God and ask someone for a favor but God stopped her, and instead she just continued to lambano the thing in the spirit, calling the guys name in her prayers, and miraculously, God sent someone to the guy who told him and his wife that they need to go and see a Debola whose surname starts with a K when they return to Nigeria.
DDK unlocked something in me, and the crazy part is that message, ONE YEAR after is still speaking and hitting all the notes. I don’t know that I can listen to it without speaking in tongues, and just being in wonder of how someone can be so in tune with the Spirit.
Ah!!! I recall one of the first questions I asked DDK when we finally connected was HOW DO YOU PRAY? HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR YOUR MEETINGS?
Because the accuracy of Warrior in heels is not something that you download two days before the ministration.
I wish I can share what she told me, but I will just say CAPACITY. She talked about how we continue to build capacity even before platforms, or trouble comes, so that way, we are ready. Oh and she also said she just stayed prayed up ALWAYS in the Spirit.
Like, I hugged DDK and I fell down. Haaaa!!!

Kai, I don’t just want to be a surface Chick. I also never wanna preach or write a surface message. I want my words to have life in them years and years down the line into forever, just like the LIVING WORD, the BIBLE. I want to get into the depths of ALL that God has in store for me, and that means that I do not, I never ever STOP WARRING…

The crazy thing is that spiritual warfare is even now more important. The battles coming against us are not Moimoi oooo. We need to literally put on the whole armour of God and just to help us all, if you don’t have these messages by DDK, please drop your email, and I will send to the first ten, so the later people can ask them.
***Maybe you should EMAIL them to EMAIL you as opposed to commenting, because people won’t come back to find who to send to, most likely***
Please don’t send me a mail requesting, just drop your email in the comments section and I will send to you.
Oh, thank God for April 1 and 3 2016 and all that it birthed in me that day, and thank God for my Pastor Mildred who put together such a powerful meeting as directed by God. So thankful for her obedience.
Let me end with a simple prayer. One of my favourites…
Isaiah 30v20
And although the LORD gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers won’t hide themselves anymore, but your own eyes will see your teachers…
May our eyes behold our teachers, and may our feet be directed to the path where we will find them, in Jesus name, AMEN!!!
More blogs on DDK here especially after I attended PROPHETIC MOTHERHOOD, a powerful meeting convened by DDK herself.
Ah!!! I listen to it and pray in tongues all through. Totally changed Motherhood for me. Grateful to God for DDK as one of my Teachers.
What Pastor Dotun Arifalo said
And then that time Funto and I hung out with DDK
So we postponed POWWOW with E’ and Steph by an entire month.
Sunday. April 30.

At first, I felt bad that stuff had to make me move it, and then God graciously reminded me that April was actually when CoachE’ went premium and so His hand is gidigba in the postponing. So it is more like our Anniversary thing. Whoop!!!
Already blogged about PowWow with E’ and Steph here
So you can still join us if interested and now I am more pumped for it. I actually believe God moved it for some specific people. I hope you take this second opportunity.
And I actually pray that God leads us to host a PowWow with E’ where DDK is the Minister, yay!!! That would be ANOTHER LEVEL haha.
Whoop!!! The CoachE’ vlogs are back again, and this time BETTER!!!
The CoachE’Diaries…SavedFitFAB
Here is the first one, all of 4minute long.
Here I am talking about how Food fuels your body like a car and why we best be making the right choices. 3 short POWER POINTS and you will be super educated into change (I pray)…
Please watch and support your girl.
Link here
Vlogs should be up every Monday or every other Monday. A couple of other things are cooking from CoachE’ and I can’t wait to launch them. In fact, one was to be launched today but something outside my power delayed it, but these days, I have learned to stay flexible in my timings and life generally, and not pout when things don’t go my way, because ALL THINGS ALWAYS WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD… So cheers for UNCONDITIONAL TRUST through it all!!!
God is just incredibz!!!
And hey, we are making a FOOL OF FAT this April, and you can join our Squad A or B at any time.
N10,000 for the general plan and N15000 for the specialized plan either for Nursing moms or those with special health conditions.
Email esquad@eziaha.com for details
Phew… I am just sticking to Jesus sha. He makes dead things come alive in ways we can never ever imagine, and then He continues to make us more like Him in the process. I have grown and I am still growing and I am so thankful I get to do life with Him.
HE ROCKS!!! On every possible level and in every possible shade!!!
Time check 10:15pm. Need to go (hand)wash my cloths, take my first bath of the day (don’t judge) and sleep because I am super excited at church tomorrow, and how Priceless is taking me out for Pizza to celebrate her daughter’s second birthday. Haha.
Should blog about Mommyhood this new week. Such powerful stuff God keeps highlighting from my life to share. Look out for that one guys, both the moms AND ESPECIALLY the non-moms (yet). Nothing like being equipped early.
Ok bye!!! Haha
That’s how Eziaha would be setting someone up, bring your pizza money o.
Ps: I dont even know you only my KingDaveed ????
Please I need the message. Email is akpes15@yahoo.com. Thank you
Hello. Could you please send me the message? I’d be grateful if you could. The email address is dimmaofili@gmail.com. Thank you.
Please can you forward the message to me too.Email address is lpatty234@gmail.com. Thank you so much….hugs
God knows that I need fire to be set on my bones… Recent happenings has made me rather complacent.. Thank you in advance.
unleashanu@hotmail.com. Thank you!!!
Please I need the message.
Wow! Me too. vdblessed@gmail.com
hi, please if you can forward to oelachii@gmail.com, i will be grateful. Thank you
oh i hope am not late…
Just in case you have gotten the message before me you can help a sister. thank you
Hi Mzquinn… I’ll be grateful if you can send the messages to me. maxharrym@yahoo.com
Hey guys
So i have collated all the emails up to this point.
Please ask for anyone above to send to you. No more emails please
Thank you Ma’am… I really do appreciate.
My first read in a veryyyyyy long time, my life has been soooo busy it’s like 24hrs is not enough. Mehn this post has got me jumping on d inside and calling me to REFOCUS!!! E’ thou art blessed amongst women , kaiiiiii. I don’t know that thing/s you have been seeking God to do for you, I mean that very deepest desire. I call it DONE in the name that is above all names, it is DONE in the name of Jesus, Amen
please anyone that has the message to send,my Email is sochimilli01@gmail.com
I soo need the message. Pls, someone that has it already should forward it to me.
yetayoidowu@gmail.com. Thanks in anticipation.
ademolaoluwaseyitan@gmail.com kindly send me the message . I would be glad and grateful.
Please anyone that has the messages kindly send to me – bolohassan66@yahoo.com
Amazing blog post. hmmmm. Eziaha please send to me onyinyelovelyn@yahoo.com
Always gasping for air like i did a 1000 meter race after reading most of your write up. It has a way of rekindling the fire and getting me to refocus to do the needful. Have it in your mind that your writeup is never a waste, it does achieve the aim, so keep it rolling. Please someone should help by sending to Olivialivie16@hotmail.com.
This totally got me triggered again. Someone should please help by sending to deborahtoriola@gmail.com
I am new here. Please can I get the message
Thank you so much