The 6k Christmas?in?October promo at #ESquad…

Hey guys,Ok let’s go straight to the point with this post… So this October, I am having another promo on all my services. Online coaching class for those who want to lose weight – N6000 (regular price:10k. ) Discount for my past students – N5000 (if you have ever paid me for any service that […]
A LOT of NEWsss…New Name, New Vlog, NEW BOOK!!!

Hey guys, Oh, my world has been buzzing, spinning, opening up, stretching and just generally BUSY… And BUSY is a term I am reclaiming and redefining because it has been getting a lot of bad rap out there. When we say busy on this lane (yes, we. I am including you in my redefinition), we […]
#SavedFitnFAB…July WEIGHTLOSS results (pictures)
Hey guys, So I’m flying in to share SOME pictures from my July Squad!!! Three weeks in and we have seen some crazy good results. Eeeeek!!! Been sharing on IG and Twitter @savedfitnfab Feel free to follow us And these pictures are accurate because I made them snap just BEFORE the Class and told them […]
The N5,000 JULY WEIGHT LOSS PROMO… Questions answered!!!
Hey Darling, Thank you for indicating interest in the JULY WEIGHT LOSS PROMO with CoachE’ of SavedFitnFAB Ok so here are your questions answered. I hope and pray you read through carefully and then make your decision as you are led by God… I am breaking this down as easily as possible. It is a […]