The List…

Here you go people… As for the meaning of the Igbo words there, well I leave it to my Igbo Readers to help. The total cost of this 5page list came to just under N900 000. I saw this list on the evening of my birthday and I cried eh. That was the beginning of […]
VIDEOS… The toast and the Vows

WOW Marriage good ooo. Especially when you marry your BEST friend… Ok not to TMI you, I just wanted to share these videos with y’all… Couldn’t wait to First is the weddingToast from my bestie Ayomikun nee Akinrimade (whose toast i also did at her wedding) who relocated about two months ago. I mentioned her […]
My dreams… My reality

I had rolled around a possible title for this Post. I had thought I would use ‘Out da Game’ but I just didn’t feel comfy using it again. No doubt, I was out da single ‘game’ but there had to be more to this Post jor. Monday while talking to my one n only lover […]
Shedding my S-WOMAN toga!!!

Holla Holla I do know many of you are waiting for the pictures from the wedding and stuff but hey, we will get to it in the near future. Not just yet. But rest assured that I had a BALL. Dumebi did too. Too much drama lol but hey the Bride and MOH are drama […]
The TOAST… For my Booski

Before I go on with the Post, may I humbly submit that I introduced Dumebi to Tony. I mean, I didn’t introduce them to date ooo. I just was the vessel God used to bring them together. Like I said in the toast, Our oga at the top pulled a fast one on us. NONE […]
Ada Ada… My Booski Part 2
You should read Part 1 here to put this in context… Before you proceed… The village ceremony started somewhat late but lasted for like 30mins and in the mean time, I took some pictures. With the GROOM Tony Ruth Onyegbule who i saw last at Chidinma Ojike’s wedding I think At first, my Booski […]
Ada Ada… My Booski Part 1

***PICTURE OVERLOAD ALERT: Post contains a billion pictures. Just warning you ahead of time…*** The traditional wedding was about nine weeks ago… As expected, I have actually forgotten some stuff that went down but hey I will try. That is my way of saying welcome welcome… Lol. This post is totally about my Booski Dumebi. […]
Monday morning musings…

I was reading a Post… I don’t recall which now, and the person said she had no idea what to write about. At least when she started. But as she put pen to paper, she gradually found the words. That is how I feel this wonderful Monday morning. Interesting yeah? Lol. So lemme start and […]
Just incase I stop blogging…

These BLOGS I LOVE will make your day anyday… No worries tho, I am not about to stop writing as God is still letting the juices flow, but seeing as I had a four day hiatus in between Posts, I can imagine that my blog faithfuls have missed me, no? Your weekend was cool yeah? […]

I hear people constantly say ‘…I am a tee-shirt and jean person’ and most people that say this are people who don’t get an opportunity to wear it a lot as a result of their career so whenever they have an opp, they tee-shirt and jean away yo!!! And you can see how happy they […]