100 Domestic Queens Hangout… Pre-info :)

Chhhhhhhiiiilllllllleeeeeeee…. No you gotta say it right. Lower the octave of your voice, then drag it like you wanna say CHILD but end with an e instead and with a smile… Let’s do it again… Chhhhhhhhiiiiiiilllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee!!!! We been hard at work Chileeeeee, my team and I , and I’m super excited to FINALLY let a […]
My Abuja Stay-at-Home Moms, Are You Ready For PowWow With E’ 8.0???

Oh my gosh I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE GET TO DO A POWWOW WITH STAY AT HOME MOMS in Abuja!!! Yaaaasssss. Funny that the vision dropped right as I was enjoying the Shiatzu massage we had during the last one on my birthday. With how CRAZY AMAZING that last one was, I knew I desperately […]
#FruitfulAtHome DAY 15… Its the FINALE baby…

Yawllllll HOW amazing have the past 14days been???? I knowwwww. I wish I could blog daily but chhhiiiilllllllleeeeeeee… Well who knows, maybe Toluwani my EA can make that happen. A couple of these #FruitfulAtHome posts were written by her. I would send her the Voice notes and she would transcribe… then I would edit and […]
#FRUITFULATHOME Day 14… Chiiiiiillleeeeeeeee

Chhhhiiiiillleeeeeeeee *In my best SJR voice* This is Day 14 Chileeeeee and what a ride this has been… Ok let’s keep things moving… I woke up at almost 7am this morning. I LOVE that my fitness tracker tells me how long I have slept. I slept for 6 hours, I am so EXCITED about that […]
#FruitfulAtHome Day 13.. Housework is NOT fruitfulness oooo!!!!

Hey guys, Ok so this is just me marking register, because I had a PRETTY LONG DAY!! Yes fruitful, got some good amount of work done. I got to tend to the needs of my family and do domestic stuff. I had a job with the printer I had to go sit down with him […]
#FruitfulAtHome Day 11… Babe,please drink garri tonight.

That was exactly what I told hubby tonight cos the child was tired. What a ridiculously long day. Yikes. Anyways, the husband was like He wants rice and stew and fried plantain. Cos he says he needs energy to clean the home, which is DIRTY!!! Ugh. Just served him. Now in bed. Let’s attempt to […]
Who sets your STANDARDS????

So, the Lord laid it on my heart to ring a certain friend and ask her a couple of questions. These days, I’m tryna be a faithful member of the MIND YOUR BIZ ministry, of which Sarah Jakes Roberts is our CEO and Founder, so I really pressed in to be sure the Lord wanted […]

Oh gosh, the other day I got a message from some chick on Facebook. It was a name I was vaguely familiar with, but not outside the borders of Facebook, I was sure. But the content of her message was, for want of a better word, interesting… She said something like… Hi Eziaha. I noticed […]
#FruitfulAtHome Day 3:Half makeup and a half clean home

Hey beautiful people… It is a BEAUTIFUL day no matter what time of the day you are reading this. My goodness, picking right up from where I stopped yesterday… Last night’s feed was a DIS=2DA=ASTER!!! Lol. Hubby fed ElJohn ewedu and amala, and everywhere plus his cloths and the floor was full of amala and […]
#FruitfulAtHome…Day 1: EXHAUSTED!!!

Hey guys!! So, I’m going to make it official pretty soon, (I am working on our fliers) but our next Pow Wow, THE 8thyawl, will be a hangout with Stay at Home Mom’s but this time YAAAAY!!!!! in D’BUJ. Yes, we are taking it on the road all the way to Abuja. Can’t wait to […]