…Until that which your spiritual eyes have seen…

Hey FaithFam, welcome to the blog. It’s a throwback blog and we’re going all the way back to 2015. It’s still such a relevant message for today so let’s get into it. Hallos people And happy Sunday 🙂 Actually I’m typing this on Saturday but I’ll schedule for Sunday. Something about Sunday makes us a […]
My Open heart Surgery…

Good Lord!!! Haha You know, I had just published the ‘are we even fighting at all’ post when in the middle of getting all the comments and likes notification, I felt a strong urge to go and pray. I dropped my phone and went to pray. I thought my dear Jesus wanted me to ‘fight’ […]
My Hub’s Birthday Pressie… and other stories
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom/grow in wisdom/get a heart of wisdom… Psalms 90v12 Hi guys. How’s everyone doing today? How did your week go? This week was a birthday week in my family mehn. Started off with BIL on Sunday, Hubs on Tuesday and Popsie’s 71st […]
Iyebiye… Precious&Priceless

Disclaimer… If you are not a fan of sloppy mushy loving between friends, you may not wanna read this post… This post defines MUSHY OVERDOSE If you have ever harangued me for not doing a special post for you on my blog, please don’t read this one… Lol Finally, if you are an E’ haturrr, […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Priceless Testifying

Ok… I can’t believe the last time I published this was Sunday last… I’ve been moving from one place to the other, with network fluctuating and so on… But today, I made up my mind that I would put this up. I have a super special guest. Love this girl like my Sisturrr. She just […]
E's.Mail…Pre-marital Counselling

Airport lounges are a great place to blog… I have done quite some blogging every time I wait… I actually thought I would spend some time reading this book while I await my flight, but I decided I would read the book in-flight since all electronic gadgets would have to be off then… I am […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele

Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me endlessly just as you carry out your […]
Let’s give ’em som’in to be proud about…

I love mentor-mentee relationships… Especially those within the kingdom. I love such phrases as… ‘…one of my sons was telling me…’ ‘…my father in the faith/Lord said…’ ‘…one of my mentees came to see me…’ I really look out for such phrases whenever I am listening to a message or reading a book. I know […]
#DoubleDelight…NaijaWife and Afoma Testify

First off, in my head, today is Sunday, January 26, 2014. Cos according to my F.A.B. voices publishing schedule, that is when I was to publish this… But between church and church tinz, reading my Booski’s latest post on dressing in the church, (www.dumebie.WordPress.com), kicking off my virtual mentorship group (mehn, these girls are something […]
Maybe we should ALL stop laughing…

First off, I the biggest biggest warmest lovingest HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my most fabulous FAB’ers, Ify. Beyond the blog, Ify and I have become sisters though we have never met. One of the many joys of blogging. She has such a beautiful heart. Aside from dropping the most amazing comments and prayers on […]