If you are not a fan of sloppy mushy loving between friends, you may not wanna read this post… This post defines MUSHY OVERDOSE
If you have ever harangued me for not doing a special post for you on my blog, please don’t read this one… Lol
Finally, if you are an E’ haturrr, bounce. Loooool
I’m mushying all the way in this post tho… Infact hubs said e don enter MUSHIN not just mushy lol.

Whoop!!! Tz my lover and bestie’s birthday today and given our personalities and friendship, we have earned the rights to be M-U-S-H-Y. I’m doing a post she would absolutely enjoy reading.
The Meeting:
She says, and I believe her seeing as I don’t really recall, that the first time we met, I walked up to her back then in Unîbadàn, and after introducing myself, I said
‘You are sooooo beautiful…’
and walked away.
And cos she was (and still is) a super yabber looool, she was telling her then best friend, ‘who is this one abeg?’
Today, almost ten years down the line, Eniola Ogunmekan (nee Lofindipe) is even more beautiful to me. Beautiful without and even more within.
I know she gloats in the fact that I was always the more pushy one at the beginning of our friendship… Kai, I tried to force myself on this silly girl. And that is just me. If I like you, I will make the extra effort ooo. I would constantly invite her over, ring her often, text her for days and she would just keep ‘ordinary friend-zoning’ me.

There was a time she was even yabbing me that I sent ‘bulk sms’ sms to her. Something I sent to only her ooo. Kai. I ‘chased’ Eniola ooo. And my, she did shakara for me. Naughty girl. (Walahi, now that you are crazy in love with me, I must retaliate ooo) No doubt we were friends ooo, but she would have to name say 3 or 4 girls before she named me. Best friend? Forgerrit. Looool

Today? Let’s just say I’m not just Eniola’s FIRST OPTION, I’m the ONLY best friend option. Whoop!!! Frankly I’m not even sure how we hooked up on a tighter level. Maybe my seeds germinated to an iroko. Lol. I just know I’m first friend on speed dial and I can’t complain.

Its sooooo good, loving somebody and somebody loves you back yeah…
And in equal measure.
I am CRAZY about Eniola. She’s my daily ‘go-to’ girl. When I’m not talking to her, I’m talking about her (esp to Aku m) or I’m thinking about her.

I’m shamelessly Enny’fied.
My one n only twinnie. Sometimes I am amazed as to how alike we think. We love similar things and we cringe at similar things. I said I was gonna give her baby a name but no need. Whatever name I think up will be the EXACT same thing she decides or something I totally LOVE so what’s the point? Godmother is good enough.

We were both going to get married in August ’13 and I recall that the dress she ordered was a similar design to mine. And we didn’t plan it.

I recall showing up a couple of days to her wedding. I had gone to get my nails done just before I went to meet her up at the Country club. I specifically decided to do a different nail design that day. I usually like to have a different picture on my ring finger but it has to be red, orange, blue or green. Yeah yeah, all brights. Eniola does same too. I absolutely HATE silver but I used silver nail polish that day just to be sure we don’t end up with the same thing. Only to show up, look at this woman’s finger and she also did silver for the very first time.
You needed to see us screaming like villagers in CC car park that day. Looool. Kai, Enny and I have like very similar tastes tz scary. Tho we differ in personalities. She’s a bit more laid back than me and this has potential to cause ‘katakata’ but hey, I’m (We are) finding a way ’round that since we are in this for the long run.

Plus Sapphire? She makes it easy and worth it. Another thing we fight about is movies. She is very selective about Nollywood movies focusing more on these recent high quality, high budget movies. Me? Ah, lemme not even disgrace myself here. Trust me, she yabs me a-plenty on that matter.

My one n only lover girl. Our husbands recognise and respect that. Lol. (We married well) The other day my phone was ringing and hubs gives it to me and says ‘Your lover calleth’ Choi. If I was a guy, I would easily marry her. We flow like that. We have the most buddy-fun together. I can hang with her all day mehn…

And we look for the best trouble together. If you hang with us, you will be jealous and/or prayerful lol. You’ll pray God gives you such friendship. I can just stare at Eniola all day and we communicate.

I can hug, kiss and love on her all day. (And you can make whatever you will of this but you know we are very married and very Christian too lol) Someday we will bottle up our friendship and sell at premium price.
I’m glad she married Afolabi. Make that overjoyed.

I’m soooo grateful I was an important part of those amazing days. I’m just grateful to be associated with Eniola. She’s a dream bestie. She’s the one girl I can talk to all day err’day. MTN and Etisalat/Glo needs to compensate us abeg. She’s that girl that picks my calls at all times. She’s the only girl that can harass me if I don’t reply her text in real time, not caring whether I’m busy or not. She’s one girl that gets my Rhema when I share with her (and I’m VERY ‘patient’ and almost ‘tolerant’ when anyone I manage to share with doesn’t get it. #Sarcasm# I just ignore you FAST) But my Sapphire gets me mehn… She’s probably one of the very few who know just how important they are to me and so bump into my precious schedule at will and demand full attention. Ugh. She’s my secret keeper looool.
She probably knows all my BAD secrets choi!!! Sometimes I even tell her and then I cringe that I did. Oh but she never throws it in my face or makes me feel less ‘Christian’ lol. She will just use a scripture and a story to counsel me. And my!!! Eniola always has stories. Guess tz the copywriter in her. Oh, but I’m safest with this girl. Move over TEN!!! Eniola is a 500!!!

See ehn, you can’t get me to support you over Eniola in public. Tz just not possible. I might berate her in private ooo but publicly? The person I’ll side over her is yet to be born. E just better make you dey our camp too. Oh and hubby loves her too. She is probably one of my fewest friends I have heard him say ‘I just really reaaaaallllyyyy like her…’ Sometimes they even try to keep me outta their convos imagine. Trust me na. I no dey gree lool. And I think her hubby loves me too (tho Afolabi really needs to stop calling me ‘mama’ and my hubs ‘papa’ *insert straight face* )

Both of us have turned our hubbies to our personal photographers. Loool. Then when we are together? Anybody around us becomes a photographer ooo. My fellow picture lover. We LOVE pictures. That explains why we have a lot together.

You know, I don’t even feel like I have scratched the surface of our friendship. Tz deeeeep and beyond words indescribable. But tz something I know err’one should experience. Words are just not doing it. I recall one time I was sick and had to fly into Lagos for something, I stayed at her place and my gosh, she (and her amazing hubs) went all out in caring for me. I didn’t even know she had it in her to be that caring.
You know how you feed the bride while she z getting all dolled up? We ended up playing both roles at each other’s wedding.
Or is it when I give a hint of an issue in a chat, she is quick to call me up immediately. Or is it all the support she gave me at one of the most trying periods of my life? Eniola gave an ear and a shoulder every single time (and there were lots and lots of times). I don’t even know what to say.

Gosh!!! Eniola, I miss you. Tz been what??? Almost four months!!! How have we even coped? Lol. Wooooooh, Afolabi, you need to move to Abuja ooo. Whose house will I drive to just because…? With whom will my kids do play dates (more like dump my kids at her house while I enjoy ‘me-time’) ? Who will pick my kids from school on days I can’t? Hian!!! Brother mi, biko. If you move, You won’t need to ask me when next I’m coming to Lag cos I will just be a drive away. You know I have a winning effect on your wife like no other… *wink*

I wish I was there today. Until then sha, I’ll just be looking forward to visiting. June 11 is certainly a date…
My darling Sapphire, my precious heaven gift, THANK YOU!!!
God bless you for bringing me sooooo much joy and happiness. Thank you for loving me in the way only you can and for letting me love you in the way I am most comfortable loving my friends- without restraints, hold-backs or boundaries. FREELY
Thank you for saying (typing) some of the sweetest words to me from a friend to another.

Thank you for being such a dear dear friend. Trust me darling, you are irreplaceable. We are irreplaceable. Certainly praying specially for you today.

Whatever baby, you can count on me. I am committed to this friendship. I am committed to you. For as long as we both live. Yup, you can count on me
Words will never ever do… NEVER!!!
But babe, I love you scarra… Love you bundles. I love you in unbelievable ways. I love you deep, wide, big, for now and FOREVER. We are family now you know.
My Iyebiye…Precious and Priceless Lover. (Bolaji helped with this name)
Enjoy wella this birthday and trust me, my brother is pulling all the stops for you on this one, I know you will be tripped cos I’m soooo tripped, I’m almost jealous. Tz the first as a married woman and the LAST as a ‘non-mummy’. By the next, you’ll be diapering everywhere and playing mummy, you’ll have to find real creative ways to get the time.

And yes boo, your twin boys will marry my twin girls (and biko don’t even think their LIST will be breeze ooo. Even that Bride Price app and the elders can’t calculate it) so that we can keep it in the family. Loooool.

And since I didn’t get to do a bridal shower for you (your fault btw), I get to throw you a baby shower. Whoop!!! Can’t wait.
Btw, I hope you still have the ‘Friends Forever’ friendship pin? If you don’t, you are sooooo toast, I promise. Just gaan find it or else?

Have an absolutely favour filled and blessed day and year ahead boo… Lemme not share your pre-birthday drama here lol.

And you know this post doesn’t even cut what we have but hey, tz from the bottom of my heart baby…
Gen 49:25 is a prayer I have for you today. The Message style
With the backing of the Champion of Jacob, the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel. The God of your father—may he help you! And may The Strong God—may he give you his blessings, Blessings tumbling out of the skies, blessings bursting up from the Earth— blessings of breasts and womb.
And dazall… Told ya it was going to be real mushy mush. Be magnanimous enough to say a prayer for her and wish her a happy birthday.
BTW, babe, you need to see the threat Bolaji gave me after reading the draft of this post. Loooooool. Remind me to gist you after you read this. I don enter… Loooool.
Happy Children’s day to all my FAB Children of God here.
And of course, we never forget the Children from Chibok. We especially ask You Lord for special blessings on them this day as always and a speedy release from the camp of the enemy.
Please let’s not forget them in our prayers till they are released.
Lotta lotta love y’all…
Lemme sign off with my oleku which I decided to make sleeveless buba.

Tying the knot wrapper is tough with Ankara but I think I managed to pull it off…

BTW, my birth month loadeth…
See y’all in the most ah-may-zing JUNE!!!
Going Forward, Still testifying.
Happy birthday sapphire.
E’licious… Everyone needs a friend like you. Nne, you are too sweet.
Thanks mami… Tz easier with people like Sapphire to be sweet. She’s like Sugar and Honey to me
Aww! Happy birthday to Eniola! You both are blessed to have each other as besties! Amen to all the prayers prayed for her. In addition, I pray that the love with which GOD has knit your friendship will grow stronger and stronger. I wish you a greater and successful life ahead Eniola! Amen.
Really enjoyed reading this post! GOD bless you E’ hun!
Titi mi… Thanks sweerie. And amen amen amen. AMEN!!!
I did enjoy writing it too. Draining especially with getting the pictures but very fulfilling to read. Plus it will make her day so……
Muah darling
Happy Birthday to Eniola…. I’m jelox ooo Mrs E’
Mrs. E’ still sounds ‘one kind’ to me lol
Pele dear. Don’t be jelox.
Mrs E! *tongue out*
You sha delight in looking for my trouble. I’ll so spank your bum when I meet you. Naughty naughty
Awwwwww, Awwwww, awwww.
Now tell me why everyone shouldn’t at least taste friendship like this in this life, even if they taste and lose sef, everyone needs to have this.
Happy Birthday Eniola. May you continue to be a blessing to all yours and everyone connected to you. May you life,marriage, friendship continually blossom in Jesus name, amen.
Have a blast… + Aww, those pics? and this? Twas Worth the typing E. Everyone should have a friend like you(you both)
Taste and lose? Ah….nne you will be soooo pained.
But at all at all na im bad sha.
Maybe if you lose, you will learn a lesson and apply to further relationships.
Amen amen amen hun
Ah, the pics was work oooo.
And thanks for the vote 😉
Happy birthday, Eniola. Words fail me at this awesome tribute to your person, life and friendship. You can be sure that no matter what you have hoped for, God will bless you above and beyond it. *for some weird reason, my heart is full*
Awwww Dee love
Aww aunty Ezi you are really sweet! You make loving another person seem so easy! You can love sha! Happy birthday Eniola, may God bless and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you. You are blessed to experience this kind of friendship with Ezi. I pray God renews you friendship continually. Chai and they say women are their worst enemies. See godly women loving each other! God bless you both oh! Aunty Ezi I’m sure you live by Matthew 5:16.
Aunty Ezi ke??????
Not fair ooooo
Amen at your prayers and thank you SO MUCH for these kind words. Too sweet.
Bless you boooo
And no, humans have it in them to be their enemies but we are kingdom peeps baby n all we do is LOVE
Happy birthday Enny, many more happy, successful and blissful yrs ahead. I met Enny during Mrs E’s (tongue out) wedding celebration and I absolutely luved her. She’s d calmer version of our FAB Mrs E (lol). I hope I get invited to d baby shower o or I’m so gonna crash d parry *hehehhehehee* Lovely post E, I got teary this reading this post.
You are NOT invited jor. Not after saying me I am noisy.
But yea Enny z calmer but she has yabis in her oooo.
I’m just gonna ignore your Mrs.
Thanks babes and AMEN
Sapphire dear,happy bday,God will grant u many more great years.u v a lot to accomplish honey.the sky is jus ur startin point .I believe in u
Yesooo lots to accomplish and we certainly believe in her
I was hoping to be the first to comment but my phone went on sabbatical and the sabbathist just returned it this morning. Yayyyyyyy. Late but not absent.
After all Ezi haff spoken hia dia is nothing more to speak. I hv witnessed their amazing friendship, nd I hv also been blessed to have Sapphire as a friend via Ezi and truly she is pricelessly divine. I love her spiritual life and her ever smiling face. I love her cheerful disposition to life. I wish you all heavenly blessings any woman would wish to enjoy here on earth.
Nd for Ezi, u hv a dependable friend bcos u r dependable nd much more. For me, u r d definition of friendship. Even when some of us cant keep up, u still manage to surround our heart and let us know u r always there. I love you scatter.
Awwwe traitor phone
And you this girl don’t make me cry OK…
Love you love you baby
Happy Birthday Sapphire! Though we haven’t met, I feel like we are wives of the same husband (with you being the favourite wife :|) God bless you dear one. May your light shine brighter and all that you cherish blossom! Have a fabulous one cherie!
E’! Hurry to Lagos! I miss you! :'(
Cheech boo. Just in time for Imela hun.
Can’t wait. I son miss you gaaaaaaaan
Favourite wife indeed… I’m rolling here. Only you can say that.
Amen amen amen to your prayers for her. I can’t wait for you to meet her.
HBD dear. I still insist every girl should have at least one friend that is like a god-given sister. No one should live without it. I celebrate both of u darlings.
So E I guess I’m right, a-MAY-zing people are born in May after all 🙂
Thank you Pastor M. And you are right ooo. May has some ahMAYzing people. I just wish we could form JUNE from amazing too.
And yesooooo, every girl should. I can’t imagine my life without my girls (hi ham blessed with more than one)
Happy birthday beautiful Sapphire! May God bless you immensely and make this a memorable year for you.
Lovely post E, you both give female friendship a great name..
Love the style of your oleku too, lovely xx
Amen boo.
Thanks darling. You sure know how to drop the best compliments as comments.
Bless you dear
I’m not too jealous since I have a friend like that. God will help you guys grow even more
That Maureen right?
God bless your friendship too boo
And amen
Yes o. Amen. Thanks dear
Emm the David-Jonathan thing is rare. E’ and Enny is duper blessed to av it so I’m not jealous. but I really wish I could av a friend half as sweet. my friends r all sweet,but……
ok, Enny I don’t even know what to say now dat E’ has finished praying for u. But on this day, I wish u a life that is ever pleasing to the father, in the good, the bad, the ugly,- ul soar on his wings, riding above them all. All ur days, ur husband shall be for u alone and u for him. and the glory of ABBA will ever rest on ur household. have a very lovely birthday.
lastly, I lived beside Enny for one year, she’s cool and calm but all u making it look like E’ is the nutty version, I disagree. is jus d degree of nuttyness dat defers jare
Thanks darling. Amen amen.
Lol at naughty. Me I am not naughty ooo.only Enny is. Lol
I am not even going to say anything about your but….,.
I am just gonna pray your wish comes true.
Thanks darling
I hope your friends are not on this blog oooo heheheh
Happy Birthday Enny. This post is a honour truly desrved. Have a most fruitful Twenty……..birthday. Lol. (Kk, that will be part of #bbthings).
Loooool babe. She is TWENTY simple.
Chai, what am i going to say now? i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you. Even this isn’t enough. Thanks everyone for your prayers and wishes, God bless you all. and yes, i know i am loved *blushes*
Wow! What a lovely friendship…..God given sister indeed. Happy birthday Sapphire,God bless you real good *hugs*
It is indeed lovely. Thanks sweetie.
BTW Chi love, been a while you were here…
Awwwh, better late than never…Happy Birthday to gorgeous beautiful Eniola, it truly is a beautiful friendship you and Eziaha have: initials and all the similarities… I remember that David said of Jonathan in the Bible that his love was sweeter than the love of women…choi…for two men to love each other that they were so in tune with each other ; ready to lay down their lives for each other… truly prayed for you Eniola dear on your day which is also my darling beloved best testimony of a husband’s birthday too…May GOD continually lift you up to be a blessing to others and may you always find joy in serving GOD in truth and spirit, amen..
And E’licious, this your tribute love letter birthday prayers picture memory lane is a definite 100%… keep on rocking ladies, life is indeed beautiful in GOD.
Many happy returns..+++++++++
Whoa! I love this! I see me and Dee becoming like dis in d nearest future hence am not jealous buh pray dat ur awesome friendship will never become past tense in Jesus name!
Amen amen
Yes to you and dee mehn
Awwwwwwwww E’ !!! You sha have succeeded in making me crave a friendship like this, sending my request to Heaven straight! cus I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed me this ASAP. Am glad that God has blessed you with such a great friend and sis as this. It is indeed divine. Happy belated birthday wishes to you Eniola, wishing you many more blessed, prosperous and glorious years ahead. Missing you all crazily @ the group, can’t wait to be back (reallllllllllllyyyyyyy soon). My love and regards to everyone.
Amen Amen Amen
Praying with you boooooo
And this really soon is making me giddy ooo. FAB recipes misses you gaaaaaan. Do and come back jor. E don tey.
We miss you too. And we have plenty newbies too