Marriage, through the eyes of a young Christian man, @walejana

When Eziaha spoke to me and told me so many nice things about myself, I was blushing! *Hold that thought* So what exactly did I tell Wale that got him blushing? A lil history first. I have never met Wale physically nor his beautiful wife Toyin but they are my BBM buds. I frankly don’t […]

Turn away from ELIAB!!!

The Davidic study is one I am constantly on because I am crazy about King David I am CRAZY about KingDaveed The first for myself and spiritual growth. The second for my son because the reason we gave him that name has plenty to do with King David so it guides our prayers for him. […]

The Battle…The WAR!!!

A battle is a large scale fight that is part of a war (Source) A war sometimes consists of many battles. (Source: Wiki) Battles can be won and lost, but it may not determine the end of the War. Battles are usually short term, while wars are lengthy. (Source) Education out of the way, may […]

Away from the noise…

She is one of the ladies I am privileged to mentor. Shall we call her Chinda* Awesome darling. She had shared with me the challenges, especially financial she and her hubby had faced middle to end of last year (and it was quite dire) and so she was going to go off the radar for […]

Needs, Seeds, You and I.

One of the best things about my marriage I notice these days is just how in sync we are with each other. I dunno how to put it beyond the fact that my marriage just keeps getting better and better and better and many days I just wonder if I can even live without this […]

RandomlE' gistin'…

Hiyaaaaa people… Choi. Some of you have no chill at all. Stalking me all over to blog. Doncha know ayam preggers? Loooool But seriously though, I apologise for going AWOL. Stuff been happening and blogging took a back seat. Anyways here am I now so let’s get to gisting shall we? Happy Sunday everyone. So […]

How to get an IMPERIAL COLLEGE all expense paid scholarship…

Hey darlings… Been a long minute here. How’s everyone doing? Me I am good oooo. Just stretching leg and tinz he he he. BTW went shutter-happy today and me up with these lovely selfies being that I have not really been taking pictures sef. Oh BTW, that is 100% Nigerian human hair… I know. Tz […]

FAITH in HD (Human Definition)Free House and Bold-face Job

Response from my last post https://eziaha.com/2014/09/10/how-to-believe-god-for-a-house/ was incredible. Still coming in. Emails/comments/messages have been amazing with people sharing their testimony/faith projects with me. I’ve been blown away. Thank you all so much for sharing. My faith peaked. God is amazing shaaaaaaaa. Choi!!! I’ve had this testimony pending for a while from one of my FAB […]

How to believe God for a HOUSE!!!

I LOVE the title of this post walahi. Usually I think on posts wella before I write it. But this one came yesterday and I was too busy/tired to write it and so today, with a bit of time, I’m up to writing… Btw, feel free to replace ‘house’ with anything else you are in […]

E's mail… Dear E', how do i hear from God? A FAB mentee responds.

This morning, I have resolved to not do anything at all till this blog has been updated. So I won’t even let my boss know I am in yet. Anything short of him breaking down my door, I won’t respond. Hehehe Hey, how is everyone on this FAB lane? Been what? 22days!!! Over three weeks!!! […]