Still Mommy-lurvin' on the F.A.B. lane… Mienye&Carolyn testifying

Happy Sunday darlings Before I hit you with the two moms, I’ll just say one line… I miss my DCC mega mega but s’all good. Then today is comedy goes to church finally… Choi!!! I actually dreamt that it had already happened and I had so much fun. Imagine. Na so e dey shack me… […]
From across the waters… Two moms Tomiwa and Cannime Testify

Today we have two delightful FABers testifying. Similarity? Well both are moms and both live outside Naija And both are bloggers yay!!! First off, Cannime who is the only blogger that had the same Sunspot blog theme as me. That was my first attraction to her blog. If you refer need any info on Canada, […]
#FAB.Testifying.Delight… E' meets Ru

Hmmmmmm I start this post with a Hmmmmm cos I am truly amazed by God. And how He just orchestrates things. I was praying late last year and I recall I was especially praying for my inner circle friends and how to manage them better in 2014 especially as I can’t claim to have been […]
#DoubleDelight… Mary&Chinwe on the F.A.B. lane testifying

OK whenever I do a double delight, I try to pair people who have something in common. So what do Chinwe and Mary have? Loooool. The fact that I have never met them but their names keep ringing in my head. Imagine. True to blood FABers, I think of you girls as my sisters. Thanks […]
#DoubleDelight… Bella and Ewa testify…

Ok so we are back to double delight… I chose these two girls purposely because they are absolutely delightful. They are two of my mentees and they are super duper awesome girls/teenagers andi love how both have a heart for God. Too delicious!!! Bella sent in hers first so let’s hear her first I met […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Priceless Testifying

Ok… I can’t believe the last time I published this was Sunday last… I’ve been moving from one place to the other, with network fluctuating and so on… But today, I made up my mind that I would put this up. I have a super special guest. Love this girl like my Sisturrr. She just […]
#DoubleDelight… Teniola and Dave testify

A happy new month is apt…. So happy new month my Darling FAB’ers… I pray this year is truly F.A.B for us all… All day, Everyday… Amen. Another double delight Sunday… Teniola I have not met yet but I feel like I know her… My sweetheart, I love how she is deliberately living for Christ […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele

Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me endlessly just as you carry out your […]
Let us pray… #31F.A.B.Voices…

Tuesdays are usually a day I set out to pray for my blog in totality. The truth is, as I prayed today, I was humbled. I am amazed as to how this writing I just started because, well I have a big mouth (hand?) and an interesting life has become what people read and decide […]
#DoubleDelight…NaijaWife and Afoma Testify

First off, in my head, today is Sunday, January 26, 2014. Cos according to my F.A.B. voices publishing schedule, that is when I was to publish this… But between church and church tinz, reading my Booski’s latest post on dressing in the church, (, kicking off my virtual mentorship group (mehn, these girls are something […]