Tuesdays are usually a day I set out to pray for my blog in totality.
The truth is, as I prayed today, I was humbled. I am amazed as to how this writing I just started because, well I have a big mouth (hand?) and an interesting life has become what people read and decide to lead better lives, most of whom I have NEVER met. This December/January especially, the mails have amazed me.

Truly, the treasures are in earthen Vessels, Ordinary lives… Making it clear that this great Power is from God and not ourselves… To show that it is NOT and can NEVER be about us… Or better put, about E’… (2nd Cor 4:7 PHP)

Today, as I prayed, the HS dropped it in my heart to also make today a prayer day on the F.A.B. Lane. With a focus on the F.A.B.Voices we have run so far…

So shall we pray…

First Lord, we are super grateful for all the dreams and testimonies we have here… And of course, grateful too for the horde of Angels you have released on our behalf here on this F.A.B. lane to ensure that we testify indeed…


Darling Sugar daddy, clearly my life is YOU. Ditto this blog…
We pray that you help her continue to live for you… We pray that her blog continues to be a blessing to the world and that ALL the glory returns to you. We pray for her mentoring class… And the lovely ladies there. All that You Lord want to achieve, you will achieve as she yields to you, amen.


Dear Lord, we commit Dumebi’s dream of kicking off her school ‘Hadassah’s Creche’ to your nurturing hands. Nurtured by You, we trust her dream will bloom. We call forth ideas, we call forth helpers of destiny. Bless her ministry as a child educator dear Lord. Cause her life to shine more and more for and of you. This year, she desires to start a family. We ask that you bless her with child(ren). Provide for her to bless those who are in need. And help her to achieve the other 2014 dreams she has in Jesus name, amen. 


This year, Missy committed to some decisions that would require COURAGE… The Courage to do, live and stand by her God-endorsed decision we pray for her…
The wisdom to make right choices and learn from examples rather than experience be released upon her generously from your throne of Grace in Jesus name, amen. We ask that this year, prompt obedience to you becomes easier and easier  her life reflects you even more and more and more in Jesus name, amen.


We pray against the spirit of fear of failure… The bible says He has not given us that… Rather Love, power and a SOUND MIND… With that Sound mind, you will achieve the dreams and desire of the year… Oh and that legal job, we receive it… And most importantly, as it is her desire to grow daily in her walk with Christ, we pray that same is her lot in Jesus name, amen…


We release Grace for you to be more committed to God both personally and especially as a Worker in His Vineyard as is your desire… We also commit her wedding plans this year to you and her fiance. We ask you to direct EVERY plan in your path alone. We commit her job too, we ask for wisdom to be released upon her as she carries out her official duties and FAVOR too so her desire for a confirmation and promotion is granted. Your Word says that Promotion is from YOU alone… She will be a beneficiary of this gift this year IJN… We also pray for the prayer group she intends to start… That you Lord take absolute control and give grace to start and sustain it in Jesus name…


Thank you daddy for a brilliant finish to Law school year in brilliant blinding ‘First class’ Colors. Wisdom, strength, grace is released to her for this journey and increasingly. Help her Lord in her desire for financial prudence even as you open more finacial doors for her… And even as she desires to be a financial blessing to many, she will have the means to, in Jesus name, amen.


Dear Lord, we pray for the super sweetheart Viive, as she has started living her life for you from a young age, the fire would not go down but keep increasing. We ask that you bring the right set of friends her way that would help her relationship with you. Help her to strike a model balance between school, fashion school, modelling and all… With you at the centre of her life holding it all together, we know her testimonies are sure… Amen


We pray Lord for Vee today and all her 2014 plans. We commit her medical goals/dreams to your hands trusting that with your help, she will make the right decisions and come out testifying. We receive and are grateful for the testimony of Residency in UCH. We also pray that wedding preps will go smoothly for her and Lord, the harvest that is guaranteed on seeds sown will manifest in her life in Jesus name, amen.


Abba Father, we commit the wonderful plans for the year Phebe has to you. More of you, she prays, more of You she will continue to enjoy as she seeks you. We ask for divine direction as per further studies for her. Also that her writing gift which you have so graciously given her will find public expression asap. Help her Lord to build the right relationships around her and also to be the kind of person she wants to attract. For all the major and minor plans, in alignment with your will daddy, help her to achieve and always give her reasons to return thankful in Jesus name, amen.

www.naijahusband.com – Another blog that is powered by You. We are super grateful for this gift… We humble ask that You continue to bless lives, marriages and relationships through their blog. Tz her prayer, and indeed ours, that more and more marriages reflect your intent and blueprint for marriages both as husbands and wives in Jesus name, amen.


We ask you dear Father that the writing gift she has will continually find free-flowing expression even with the ‘brutal’ demands of med school. We ask Lord that you help her achieve balance in her life with nothing suffering. We particularly commit her first MB exams to you. Success is hers even as she is divinely directed and helped by you in Jesus name… Help her life to remain even more beautiful and continually reflect you… Amen. 

Now we commit all our prayers with thanksgiving to Him who is able to do, exceeding, abundantly above all we can ever ask or think…

We will continue to testify… Amen.


33 Responses

  1. Amen and Amen…. with hearts filled with thanksgiving for ALL our God has done and with mouths filled with PRAISE for all our God is about to do… so be it in Jesus Christ holy name…
    peace and love+++

    1. Oh I have to pray for them ooo
      When they testify, my faith in my sugar daddy increases. And if things are not going well for them, guess whose phones they will be calling… Loooool hehehe

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