Happy Sunday darlings
Before I hit you with the two moms, I’ll just say one line… I miss my DCC mega mega but s’all good.
Then today is comedy goes to church finally… Choi!!! I actually dreamt that it had already happened and I had so much fun. Imagine. Na so e dey shack me… You can still make it… Tz 4pm today in amuwo odofin lagos
While still on dreams, I also dreamt that I was preggers and I had this super cute bump. Awwwwwwwww. I almost can’t wait but of course I’ll wait till we are ready. Pregnancy must be such a dream of a gift…
So in honor of this beautiful gift, I’ll be featuring two more moms.
Caroline I am yet to meet, and one day I do hope we get to do a FAB hangout sometime soon so I can meet as many people as possible. And get go give as many E’ hugs as possible. Ah, the thought alone… #heaven.
Simple short and straight to the point… Please enjoy Caroline testifying….
I had a baby girl in march 2013, after euphoria had worn off, i realized there’s more to child training than i thought. Firstly, i think i’m pampering them( my lil’ one and her older brother*can’t refuse them anything*) but i do hope to get better in 2014 *so help me God*.
****Amen darling. Grace to be a FAB mom jare. ****
I also need to pick up my early morning personal devotion cos i don’t remember how and where i dropped it.
*Had already checked with her and whoop!!! She has picked it up already… More grace nne…***
Plus,after doing everything i could to escape it,i still got appointed to teach Sunday school in church(yeah, i know what u’re probably thinking).
**** I abs love how when we run, God brings it right to our dormot… Grace girl*****
I just hope and pray to get better in the coming year.
I wish to get to a point where i can boldly stand behind the pulpit and preach not just to a select few.
***Aha!!! This one requires grace-a-plenty and this is me releasing from my excess to you. I can so stand in front of many kinda crowd and even add drama to it set lol…***
That’s all for now…
****Thanks darling. And I do pray the end of the year meets a testifying New You indeed in Jesus name, amen****
OK mom 2 is my main girl Mienye. We met in university year 1. One of many first friends in UI. She has this real funny story about me at the end. The day I got her mail, I laughed taya. Choi… Too funny. Haven’t seen her in ages as she graduated before me but thank God for fb, then my blog then whatsapp… Hehehehe. Oh did I forget phone calls? In her words ‘…Tell ur Aku m that He’s got someone chasing after his woman, n babe, ma FATHER has settled this one o!…’ Loooool. Mienye is such a sweetheart. Thanks babe. If I had my box of uni pictures with me, I would have attached a throwback pic with her here. Interestingly, her hubby and mine work in the same place which is outside Nigeria yet in Nigeria looooooooool…
OK please enjoy my over 6ft friend and mommy Mienye…

2013 was blessed n filled with testimomies; first child, first house, Bs’ first promotion… to think that as at the 25th of june 2013 my eyes were swollen from crying over various issues. Ah! The devil is a liar o! I thank God, for my 2014 is even better, and filled with many more testimonies, this I know coz ” I HAVE A FATHER” *winks*
Dear FABers, welcome to my 2014. Yeah! *fire works*
~In 2014, my relationship with my father goes some steps higher (the earthly father has kukuma left d picture, so no competition)
For now, I’l stick wiz Sugar Daddy, b4 d year ends it’l have changed to SUGARLICIOUSLYHONEYDADDY. We’l b @ that level( Amen people)
~B’s in for it this year ( He gets all of me. hehehehehe!)
Dude is very pickkkkky wiz food o! Real serious, but MY FATHER has equipped me to impress beyond belief
Sexy bum shorts+apron(sowing into ”lessons from an apron”, big time!)=…so help me God.(FATHER! No babies this year o! Amen?)
****AMEN ooo. BTW that apron gist is on http://marriagebydbook.com/2014/01/20/lessons-from-an-apron/ and NNE I feel you on the food matter so AMEN too ****
We get each oda a lot, but I want us to more or less read each odas mind( need to invest a lot into this one*prayer n all*)
***That’s a wife talking. And my FAB wives can totally relate, yeah? ****
~My lil man grows in every aspect.
This MY FATHER enh! He’s too much, motherhood changes your perspective of things, it has made me see how small I am and how mighty MY FATHER is. I tot I knew luv, now I’ve seen a new kind n level of luv to think that He gave His only SON, choi, that level of sacrifice/luv blows my mind over n over again,
OK, back to d matter. My lil man grows each day n I learn a lot from him. I have learnt patience, humility, more respect for other humans, selflessness(tot i had this one covered, now I know better). In 2014 I give my *All* to ensure that my son has the solid foundation MY FATHER has given, being that these are the formative years, He grows in the way of MY FATHER (in every aspect) I thank God for the grace He has given hubby n I to play our parts n do a wonderful job.
***Now that’s a MOM speaking and I am sure my FAB monks can relate totally. Amen darling. Lil’man be growing in Christ ***
~ Make n invest in God fearing, christian girlfriends (married). This may sound too specific, so let me explain. I luv ma single ladies o! I was single at some point na, (def not a case of forming married)most of ma friends r single, n d fact dat we seem to have very different priorities makes it hard to discuss n pray over some issues. Need some friends that will hear me say ‘my husband coughed twice this morning* n will know wat it means spiritually n otherwise.I want to pull n b pulled in the way of my FATHER. I already have some names in mind, n truth b told, some r single, that just means more weddings in 2014 (dancing owigiri)
***Truly oooo. Much as nobody dey form ‘married’ but people, there are some things rated ‘married’ only and I don’t mean sex. Like she said, when a married woman says some things, only a married woman would get her right. NNE maybe you should start something. Say a virtual group. I am in one called CHAYIL(Pastor Mildred kisskisskiss. She invited me in). Totally amazing, christian and FUN. Unfortunately it is a closed group. But if you have some christian wives in mind, come together and start. I can give you pointers on how it can go. And yup, more and more marriages baby***
~In 2014 I make out time for friends n relatives. This one ehn! The grace of God is more than sufficient o! I don’t call or check up on ma people as much as I should. I even forget birthdays. Thank God for grace in 2014, none of ma friends will complain (old n new)
****hmmm. I am guilty of this when it comes to family and relatives especially. I am also receiving grace. Maybe we should be accountability partners, yeah?****
~ I weigh 15 kg less @ d end of 2014 (I had a kid, So? My FATHER made me HOT! n HOT I shall b). My exercises! I need help on this one o. My name has bn *madamstartandstop* on this case. Got Jillian Michaels ’30 DAY SHRED’, my people, I just keep wiping the dust off d pack. Ah! ( HELP O!) My case shall not be titled *SORRY* Amen people!
***Alika squared… I got kate’s Fit for life and it is awesome. Please slot that DVD in and I promise, you will love it totally. ****
~ My family n I eat healthy in 2014, loads of fruits n veggies
~ I sew very well b4 2014 ends. I am officially angered by d fact dat I have to run to d tailor for almost every thing (n dey charge o!), ha! It is well.
~ I start my MSc in 2014
~ I resume my business on a larger scale in 2014 (Amen people)
~ Ok, my FATHER has given me some gifts which i’ve not taken as serious as i should, so 2014 doesn’t end without that being fixed
~ I used to smile a lot, these days, not so much, n i don’t have problems o! Boko see me o! In 2014,I smile more (even if i have to wear it like makeup n keep reapplying it all day long, starting now!*smiles*)
~ I help more people in 2014(my FATHER has given me d grace, spiritually, financially n otherwise)
~ I read more christian books in 2014, prob join or start a book club.
~ I listen to christian messages on my relationship with MY FATHER, marriage, parenting,… ( oya sugestions o!) Will need to invest in getting them.
***mail dccwriters@yahoo.com. We have a billion on marriages. They will send you a list, u choose and pay and tz sent to you. Simple. Then there are loadsa FREE christian podcasts online on same. Google!!!***
~ I join at least a prayer group, there is nothing like too much prayer o!
~ I pamper may self often( get some selfish time,me! me! me!)
****tz easy as a new mom to totally let yourself go. So every once in a while baby, be selfish jor***
~In 2014, I am a better me. Nya! There is room for improvement o,and MY FATHER has given me grace . Amen sumborri!
~I take pictures in 2014, eh! For this one o, I need plenty grace. *I GO, I GO* has been my name on this one, it has been so bad that I have to b reminded to take pictures of my baby. Father! I know You have this covered coz in 2014 it changes o! #changeyourstylelevels.
~Plan and actually take a vacation wiz B and Nimz ( my main men). This body needs some rest jor! B works so hard n has no time for himself, so on this one I have no idea how it will happen, but MY FATHER has all d details.
So that’s it folks (for now!). You see, MY FATHER always suprises me, i start d year with *plans* I have, hand them over to Him, n He puts fisi. Trust, I’ll b back to testify, so many of my testimonies r not on this list. MY FATHER has His ways!
Thanx y’all n stay FAB.
My name is Tamaramienye, I am under 30, I live in Ibadan, n I am bound to testify all year long.
****babe wants to take over my blog. She even has a PS and PPS… Tz well ooo… Lol***
Ezi U need to introduce me to Booski,been thinking of wat créche to put ma little man in, U know now *virtue in, virtue out* (we don’t do garbage) + she’s a married christian woman, n lives in Ib♡♡♡.
***I didn’t stop laughing when I read this. I don’t even remember I did this, but I know e no pass me..****
There r things i remember about u that make me smile. Remember in 100level, NFCS dinner, got dressed and this babe said she had to make me up, well, she did, n when she was done I didn’t want to go for d dinner coz I felt very wired, kinda like mother gaggu *Loooool. Seriously gagguuuu***. Every body said it was ok, n I was just being worried 4 nothing (yea right!). Decided to go look for E’ as babe no fit lie o! **** more like i was too outspoken for my own good in Uni looool***
Ran into E’ on d way n babe goes ” HA! WHO DID THIS TO U? Without waiting for an answer, pulls me by d hand to her room an does her magic. When she was done, I felt like me o! Well, a finer me tho. Babe has that kindda heart. Luv u babes.
***hahaha. Love you too my darling. I so enjoyed this. God’s grace to achieve all my toaster, amen ***
OK dazall
Happy Sunday again
Today I will be trying out a new recipe for lunch… Gizdodo. Found it online on Nigerian good recipes TV.
Can’t wait. Will add many own flava to it too and will post pictures too. Babe is becoming a chef oooo. Whoop!!! Made yamarita sometime this week and it was amazing.
And just in case you are thinking ‘Eziaha I thought you wanted to diet and lose the weight?’
Indeed yes and I have been eating healthy and exercising all thanks to Kate’s DVD.

My smoothies recipes have been awesome too. Whoop. The weight is already respecting itself ooo and going down
And guess who could fit into the dress I wore last year August for my Booski’s wedding…?

Me!!! I was supper stunned this morning. Whoop!!! I wore it and it fit perfectly. Couldn’t resist a picture so…


FAB week darlings…
Lotta lotta sugar sweet hugs

I love these SENSIBLE moms. Notice the caps lock? Here’s praying you immeasurable resource&graces to raise these children in God’s reality, individuals who’ll see themselves as God sees them not even as you see ’em. Amen.
Keep growing&thriving(both as able wives&moms)! The good of the land walks gracefully into your hands this year.
Amen ooo
Thanks darling
Amen! Thanx so much. Luv u already (for luving me n calling me SENSIBLE)
I love these two moms cos they both define motherhood!and the second one writes so beautifully!I say a big AMEN to all your prayers dearies.
Nne she does ooo
Amen indeed
Thank u, thank u, bless u
ok. where do I start?
I’ll av expected Caroline to say more….but it’s all good. I guess das what she wants to share here.
Mienye, I burst into laughter about not being named ‘sorry’, it brought some memories replaying in my brain.I hope u get all u want plus d jara, and co.
I hope u both get more than it heart’s desires
E well done o wt all d kitchen things…..
Thank you jare. Soon you too go dey do kitchen tinz…
I soooo laughed at Mienye’s gist ehn… loooool.
As for Caro, I just hope that was all she sent indeed not that network swallowed it all. But I still enjoyed reading her…
Amen o. dat won’t be a bad idea besides so many people av been sowing kitchen utensils into my life lately u would think I announced a wedding. be like say wedding is on d way. lol(laughing and running away)
The FAB community won’t carry last on this matter oooo
*smiles* Amen. Thanks
E! God will use you to answer this prayer:
“I take pictures in 2014, eh! For this one o, I need plenty grace. *I GO, I GO* has been my name on this one, it has been so bad that I have to b reminded to take pictures of my baby. Father! I know You have this covered coz in 2014 it changes o! #changeyourstylelevels.”
Oya give her tips 😀
Can she pay?
Otherwise I ain’t sharing … :p
E’! Aw mush *spoils mouth* Beta allow my Father use u in my life jor
mummy E’ tried seeing u yesterday @ d comedy show buh i couldnt! #sadmuch!
Aww hun so sorry
Was that you calling me. Sorry I missed the calls
Ootd, we will see Wii
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His abiding peace be with you both all year round and bless your families too. And may God’s perfect will be made manifest in your lives, amen… Abundant grace+++
Amen o! U too dear
May the ladies all testify in Jesus name!
PS E, mehn, if only I could be married to you too.. Just for the food! Haha! But seriously, you go FAB Mrs O!! xx
You know what they say about the way to a man’s heart being his tummy? Very true!!!
Well there are two ways 😉 both equally important
Reading from you both is so inspiring. I’ve taken down some tips. I see you exceeding your goals as our dear Father knows how to leave us flabbergasted. Zeze zeze. On the aspect of cooking, I need plenty grace. If possible borrow from y’all.
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