Correct Those Kids Early

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on, an online lifestyle blog. The beautiful thing as a stay-at-home mom is that you have more time, so make sure you are investing the right amount into parenting, and not just in an endless stream of Telemundo or Netflix. “Scaling up.” This is […]

CoachE’Kids; Dietary guide to Strong bones & Stronger kids

NB: This post was originally authored and published by me on, my online fitness site. Hey Moms, Can I just tell you how EXTRA I am? Lol The time was past 2am and I was working through my to-do lists, and what I was tackling at the time was Nutritional supplements for kids. You […]

Still Mommy-lurvin' on the F.A.B. lane… Mienye&Carolyn testifying

Happy Sunday darlings Before I hit you with the two moms, I’ll just say one line… I miss my DCC mega mega but s’all good. Then today is comedy goes to church finally… Choi!!! I actually dreamt that it had already happened and I had so much fun. Imagine. Na so e dey shack me… […]


On my way to work today, I was dosing up on my usual every morning tonic on Inspiration FM, ‘The wake up show with Eyo and Dallas’. Totally hilarious, those two boys. After their usual drama, they introduced the topic of today and it was on spanking a child, whether it be right or wrong… […]

Books R' us… #Mmesoma

I really have an avid ecstatic love for books. My library is dizzying. I read a lot. Interestingly, not as much as I would love to but hey, I read plenty. On sunday in church, the visiting pastor said he reads a new book every three days or so and i knew i had work […]