FAB Christian Biz Principles 101…
I know what you are thinking. Like, didn’t this Chick just start her business 3.5seconds ago? Where does she get off sharing Christian Business principles already??? The Nerve!!! Hahahaha. I really dunno too. God just has a way of setting me up. He has a sense of humour so Indulge me… So like yawl know, […]
SavedFit&FAB… Going PREMIUM to serve you BETTERER!!!
My bestie just popped out baby number 2 and Sunday was the christening. I had gone into the bathroom and on my way out, I didn’t realize I was talking to myself out loud. Haha. Guess what I was saying? I was mentally preparing a customized meal plan for a Client who was looking to […]
Warrior. Mom. #PropheticMotherhood
Hey guys. I’m back!!! Three POWERFUL posts in 2days!!! Catch up Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2 Purpose, Seasons and a GIANTSLAYER TURNS ONE!!! Anybody giving cash rewards??? Anyways, I’m back and this time I’m tumblin’ flippin’ excited!!! Now let me tell you a bit about KingDaveed. Not only is he strong, that lil’ man is STRONG-WILLED!!! If […]
Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2
Hey guys. I am back. Feedback on Part 1 of this was awesome. Chrishill phones has to be the winner. Funny thing is I didn’t tell any of the three business owners I featured. I kinda forgot or didn’t care to. Whatever. Anyways dude rang me and was soooooooooo grateful. Gushfully grateful. He said A LOT […]
Purpose, Seasons and a GIANTSLAYER TURNS ONE!!!
It was Wednesday, September 16, 2015 when I started noticing a tiny, almost negligible growth right on his lower inner left eye. Slowly but surely, it continued to grow till it was SO OBVIOUS. People would always ask ‘what happened to his eye?’ and everytime I would say NOTHING!!! Finally, I decided to take him to […]
16 things I have LEARNED in ’16
I dunno about the rest of the world but 2016 has been one big education for me!!! Phew!!! I can’t even believe myself. As we kiss the Ist quarter goodbye, I figured I’ll share 16 things I’ve learned in 2016 (so far) Learned as in a deeply bearing-personal-witness kinda way… Leggoooooooooo 1. Never estimating anyone […]
Fight WELL… #WarriorInHeels
Timothy, my son, I command you…In accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as WEAPONS in order to FIGHT WELL!!!…1 Timothy 1: 18 How’s our fighting game going these days guys? I’ve probably read that post of mine about 501 times and it gets me pumped EVERYTIME!!! […]
#SavedFit&FAB… Dear Sister-trying-to-lose-weight,
Hey b, I got your email darling. Right after your IG message, tweet/DM and Facebook inbox. You really want to lose weight. At least I think so. At the very least, I hope so. You reached out to the right person boo. Me!!! You see, God helped me and I won the battle over FAT!!! […]
My Open heart Surgery…
Good Lord!!! Haha You know, I had just published the ‘are we even fighting at all’ post when in the middle of getting all the comments and likes notification, I felt a strong urge to go and pray. I dropped my phone and went to pray. I thought my dear Jesus wanted me to ‘fight’ […]
#SavedFit&FAB…The FIRST FIVE (Pix) and ANOTHER FIVE!!!
Been a while on these streets guys. Air kisses. How’s everyone’s fitness game going? Strong? Off the tracks? Just there? Haha #FitnessStruggleIsReal Just keep pushing guys. Consistency is key here and so if you are willing to put in the discipline now and pay the tough price, you will get to your Later On where […]