#OnLeadership: Creating a vision for my Team at #JesusGirlsFitness

Are you a growing business owner, or just some chick or guy leading a group of people and leadership is not going so well? Congratulations. The principles and action points in this post will help you steer that LeaderSHIP in ‘Direction RIGHT’ and with momentum too. Let’s sail… By God’s grace, I have had the […]
Dear Leader, purify those motives and SHINE that light BRIGHT

Hey Leaders, I am writing directly to those of us who LEAD in any capacity and at any level both spiritual and corporate or otherwise I embraced my calling as a Leader sometime last year, and one thing I do know is leadership is HARD, and this is especially true as a Christian who wants […]
On Leadership and Mentoring: 3 Lessons I have learnt

If you have ever thought leading and mentoring others was all bells, whistles and roses, being called ‘mama’, people carrying your bag/bible and deferring to you, people sowing seeds on a regular and the leader generally being a super star, then keep reading. In this post, I attempt to share with you three not-so-rosey things […]
These three things have been life-changing for me

Holllllaaaaaaaa Fam, Today, God laid it on my heart to share three unrelated things that I am doing in this season that are helping me win. Let me keep it 100% with us, Fam, 2021 would have, by now, flat out taken me out. EVERYTHING that can shake has been SHAKEN, and if God has […]
Is it too much? (Dealing with my insecurities)

Holla holla FaithFam Yes, on Eziaha.com, yawl are my #FaithFam. On stayhomemoms.ng, we are #MommyFam On coache.ng, we are #FitFam So holler holla #FaithFam❤️❤️❤️ If you know me, you probably KNOW that I love love love Heather Lindsey. I lean in a whole lot to her ministry and its expressions and we have many similarities, […]
Mayowa left…and other related stories

Hey People, I am just so excited to be blogging today and even more excited about the message the Lord has laid on my heart to share today. Hmmmmm. So, it started to crystallize over the weekend but it all came beautifully together- title and all- exactly Sunday on my way back from Halak Palal. […]
Dear Leader, purify those motives and SHINE that light BRIGHT

Hey Leaders, I am writing directly to those of us who LEAD in any capacity and at any level both spiritual and corporate or otherwise I embraced my calling as a Leader sometime last year, and one thing I do know is leadership is HARD, and this is especially true as a Christian who wants […]
The Organized Noisy World of Distractions

Hey Fam Gosh, I am so excited about today’s post as it has been stewing in my spirit for like 2 weeks or so, but hadn’t quite gotten done. This morning, your girl was doing a Bible study with Apostle Paul (yawl, PAUL and GOALS are synonyms) in his letter to the Corinthian church and I […]
My April Reads (plus review of Q1 books)

Gosh, this is so late and I apologize So I shared here my January and then February and March reads. January reads Q1 Reads The reason I do these posts is really to encourage you to read and then hand you practical guides in choosing books as I share not just what I am reading, […]
E’Reads Series: My First Quarter Reads.

It is a WHOLE NEW MONTH and I am super pumped about it. Happy New month, Fam. January ran a WHOLE sprint and I am so glad the year is moving on nicely, and for me personally, rather imperfectly I must say. While I am doing my best to be FAITHFUL to His grace per […]