#31F.A.B.Voices…Phebe testifying

I am super sure if I checked my rather HUGE picture collection, I would find one with Phebe… Or Bomu as I knew her in Pharmacy school back in UI… Funny we weren’t exactly close and frankly I was too bored in pharmacy school to look to make any friends… Post Pharmacy school, Post-UI, thanks […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Vee testifying

Most of my readers are familiar with Valerie. She is my bestie, a Medical Doctor (she was actually Best Graduating Student), and a very VERY dramatic girl… She and Dumebi I dunno who has more drama… Interestingly, we were in drama unit together in Triumphant Assembly in Ibadan as students. Very loyal, fiercely loyal, this […]
Announcements on the F.A.B lane…

Before I go on, the app that did this is called Bit strips. Available on Google play only. Any other info, please Google. Don’t harangue me with questions, thank you!!! :p Looooool OK so I have a few announcements to make about how things are going to be around here. Cool stuff. Divine instructions. I […]
#31F.A.B.Voices… Viive Testifying

As much as I agree that I do have a bubbly effervescent personae, I would say my bestie Booski’s trumps mine… But Genevieve here has a combination of both of us. I mean, it would be such a happy moment when I finally meet her. She sends me messages on a regular and she just […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Tani Testifying

Tani is one of my 2013 discoveries. I mean she is one of those angels who just keep flapping their wings at several timely times so you never forget them. While it is registered that she is a bully and terrorist (babes keeps threatening to feed me to her lion-dog), you can’t take ‘oh-so-amazing’ away […]

Hey people… Just popping in to say that I would have to put a pause on the #31F.A.B.Voices…Testifying and indeed my online presence… Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook, BBM, and Blogging. My health has been trying for a couple of days, about a week now, but I believe I have been healed already. In the meantime though, […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Missy Testifying

Holla… Day 3 and I present to you a very good friend of mine who would like to stay anon. Incidentally, I can’t give any hints cos all the hints I have are blatant. You will immediately know who it is… That is if you knew her before. No prizes for guessing right but feel […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Booski Testifying

Day 2… I bring you my bestie, sister and an amazing Woman of Faith, the totally amazing Dumebi Ehigiator aka Booski… I love the mix of serious and fun she brings to this… Please enjoy… Oh Yes. 2014 is definitely my year. I don’t care what anyone thinks. Infact, I’m glad people are laughing at […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…E’ testifying

Happy New year my darlings!!! Now let’s kick this off with me sharing my 2014 plans with you. Some at least. Since we have 31 Favored.And.Blessed Voices testifying, I figured I’ll go first. Not just because it is my blog but I’ll also love to give direction and clarity as to what I meant when […]