First off, in my head, today is Sunday, January 26, 2014.
Cos according to my F.A.B. voices publishing schedule, that is when I was to publish this…
But between church and church tinz, reading my Booski’s latest post on dressing in the church, (www.dumebie.WordPress.com), kicking off my virtual mentorship group (mehn, these girls are something ooo, I am yet to even catch up on their gist which I will today. Love love love you darlings…) , trying to kick off my Prayer partners group ( I should complete that today too) rounding up the Winners 21days fast in church Sunday evening, cooking, watching DHW season 8 again (Booski, please return the season 8 I gave you, this one ain’t complete…:p ), praying into and planning for this week (ah, iyanu musto shele this last week of January), doing my email runs, updating and totally loving Subway surfers as the World tour moves to the very colorful streets (Subway?) of Miami (thank goodness. I hated the streets of Mumbai esp coming from the Christmas streets of London) and generally being useful to my husband, Sunday was one EXHAUSTING day, both physically and mentally. I actually FELL ASLEEP. If you know me, you know i DON’T fall asleep. I am nocturnal and sleep only when i am ready, most times past 12 (hubby has accepted me the way i am lol). The body had to leave me cos my mind was still in top speed…
3.30am, body, spirit and soul are awake… So with a fresh bowl of smoothies and Rev Femi’s Leadership and Loyalty pt 2- Why are people disloyal?
( If any message series could leave me and run away, this one will cos I have played life out of it, lol. Love my Pastor much) playing in the background, I whip out my E’Pad to do due diligence to my blog…
I will get out of your face and let you enjoy the two Testifiers I have today…

NaijaWife is the kinda person everyone should have in their lives. Thankfully, her and Naija husband are generous enough to have us share in their lives through their blog www.naijahusband.com
Awesome awesome blog. Personally,the blog has been a blessing… Esp the Too much book post which helped to reset my head (both posts and comments). As much as I would love to give NW a real hug someday for being such a sweet’drama’heart I prefer her anon…
First up of my double delight, The original F.A.B. Naija wife….


This picture!!! I just can't...

NaijaWife here! The no holds barred wife and blog partner of NaijaHusband over on naijahusband.com. As any good guest should, I must first express my gratitude to my gracious hostess, the lovely and F.A.B. Eziaha for hosting me. I haven’t met her in person before (or have I? *cue the sound of mysterious laughter*) but her personality reached out to mine across the blogosphere, grabbed me in a virtual hug and I couldn’t resist paying her a visit when she invited me.
***nne you haven’t met me yet. If I meet you, even if a chance meeting, I will know… 🙂 )

She’s told me I should pick a monicker and picture. But I’m lazy, so we’re just going to use my koboko flogging (and no that’s not my husband in the pic) twitter picture and add F.A.B to my “NaijaWife” title. So that makes me the * Drumroll please* ….

F.A.B. NaijaWife!

I like that name. I think I’ll ask NH to start adding F.A.B. to my real name every time he addresses me.

***Have I ever told you you remind me of Jada Smith and Eva Longoria? Yup, I think you must be that cute and ‘Gabrielle-dramatic’ while still a believer of course….***

Ok. So I’m supposed to discuss my top lessons, accomplishments, triumphs etc but E’ has word limited me so I can’t say much 🙁  

One top highlight of 2013 was the launch of our blog naijahusband.com. I don’t know if I can call it a launch really, seeing as it was just one of those things you do for kicks. I think I was sitting in our parlor laughing at my husband for something funny he’d said, when I thought, “We should start a website! Let’s see if there are any other men out there like you!” And before we knew it, we were chronicling our experiences as a couple together and sharing it with the world.  
***awesome idea…. Such a blessing… Thanks for the gift of your blog…***

Since then, we’ve “met” a lot of cool peeps, great minds and beautiful souls who’ve shared their stories and problems with us.  Yet at the same time, it’s also brought a few challenges along the way. It wasn’t easy at first to get our story out there. We didn’t know our way around blogsville, and didn’t know how to tweet.
**** Really??? You seem like a Twitter-pro to me NNE*****
But God really surprised us. He took what we started for fun and turned it into something more than just our personal jokes.  Despite the odd reactions here and there like “How can two people be genuinely happy in this world? They must be faking it”. image


It’s been an overwhelmingly AMAZING and FABULOUS experience. God clearly has a plan for us and we’re praying he reveals more of it in 2014.
*** Amen amen amen!!! (4.45am BTW… My alarm just went off… I was an hour 15mins ahead of it. Gosh… )

So I’m going to re-word that “bucket list” question Eziaha asked me to make (I’m not kicking the bucket anytime soon o!)  and call it my “hope list” instead. Here goes:

My number one hope for 2014 is that I won’t be afraid to speak or live in truth. No matter what.  
My second hope is that more good husbands will emerge from the dark corners that society wants to hide them in and SHOUT IT OUT for the world to hear that they love their wives! (the way Aku’m loves Eziaha).
*** I am allowed to sneak in a pix of this lovely couple yeah…? #eyelashes#

Aww NW, that is so sweet. Sweet to know that you believe me and don’t think we too are ‘faking it’ or I am living in some form of fantasy bubble and the truth will soon shele and my eyes will clear ROTFLMBO…****

I hope that God will bring across our path more and more couples who, like we do, deeply and truly love one another and want their marriages to work despite the odds.


Stay Blessed!


Thank you so much my darling NW… You are such a delight!!! Godly delight… And thank you NH for letting her do this. God bless your home richly…
BTW, y’all know NH and NW are anon so she couldn’t share real personal stuff with the FAB community…

OK on to my second delight, Afoma Umesi…
Such an amazing writer. Medical student in the freezing Ukraine. I totally love her blog, just like she loves mine. And she writes mature, over and above her teen-age. And she is soooooo pretty.

No doubt, you will make such an amazing Doctor. Consider O&G or Paed lol. Her medic diaries are my fave… She also writes lovely fiction… Make way world, for this Superstar in the works…
FAB’ers, my 12th Testifier on the FAB lane…


Okay, so this is like “Take two” for me because I initially wrote a review of the year 2013 but Eziaha wanted something for 2014, something futuristic, she said.

***and this is ‘Take two’ for me because she is my numero two today… He he he ***
To be completely honest, I stopped making new year resolutions a while ago, I believe you don’t need a new year to make plans. But that’s beside the point. I also just realized I don’t have that many plans. So, I thought deeper and I really just want to be happy. I’ve always been happy, but this year, I tasted true, sincere happiness and I never want to give it back. I realized that happiness comes truly as the bible says from giving. So, I want to give more. More love, more work, more attention to the things and people that matter.
I have my first MB exams this year and I want to do great! I want to look back on it and be able to say “I gave my best”.
***at least you don’t whine as much as my darling kemi who still spanks so I am trusting God with you that you will do well too…***
I’ve never studied so much in my life! And I’m supposed to be a bookworm.
This year, I want to travel to a new country in both Africa and Europe, not to shop, but to just breathe a different air, take pictures and make lovely memories.
I want to keep writing on my lovely blog! I love it so much because I believe it was the star of my year! So many wonderful opportunities to inspire and be inspired and reaffirm my convictions. God blessed me with that blog of mine.
*and indeed your writings blessed us too…***

I’ve always wanted to write a book, maybe novel or collection of short stories or even a novella. I always start and then never finish. I’d like to start something this year. To start and be patient and flesh out my characters and not give up after 10,000 words like I did the last time.
***can’t wait can’t wait… A medical doctor and a writer… iLike***
Speaking of patience, I want to be more patient. I’m about a hundred times more patient than I was in 2012, but there’s always room to grow and what better growth than a fruitage of God’s spirit.
I spent a huge part of this year, bending over backwards to make people happy, to not let them get upset with me over decisions they really shouldn’t have a say in. 2014 will be different. This year will be about me and mine. I will not be coerced emotionally, physically or any other way into doing anything that will leave me unhappy or my conscience troubled. I will be unapologetic about my life decisions and never be ashamed of my beliefs. I will remember to speak my mind, but only when my words will have a better effect than silence. If you’re wondering what that means, it means I’m learning to pick my battles wisely.
*does this somewhat remind you of my third testifier, the anon Missy here  https://eziaha.com/2014/01/03/31f-a-b-voices-missy-testifying/ ***

This year was fraught with so much tension, worry that I wasn’t good enough, in school, at writing, at being a person. I’m a worrier, but I think that comes from my love of planning ahead. I’m learning to take life one day at a time and not worry about things I cannot change and when they are things I can change, I will be proactive instead of sitting and worrying. I want to spend less time online and more with people who care and who are “real” to me. I love all the social media sites, especially Twitter, but sometimes, it honestly gets too much with everyone trying to stuff their opinions down your throat. This year, I’m standing up for myself, because no one else will, if I don’t.

* a life of balance. Between the real and the virtual. May we social media enthusiasts especially bloggers and ‘twitterers’ receive grace to strike this delicate balance…***

I spent the past year struggling with my relationship with God. Well, not struggling, but trying to find the right balance because the sudden onslaught of school work was ridiculous and just making it to school and back while having to study over twenty pages every day of medical jargon takes a toll on you and you still have to cook and clean and chill. Dear God, I love to just chill and do nothing, but I’ve learned that work must be done when it should and God should take first priority. I’ll fight harder to keep Him in that place next year, put more time into spiritual activities.

*Amen darling. Cos He has a way of holding it altogether when we give Him prime/first place…I trust God with you my darling…***

I want to love myself more, be kinder to myself, encourage myself and not compare myself to anyone else. I want to be a source of refreshment to everyone I meet and also realize that not everyone will like me and be okay with that. I want to keep drawing closer to my heavenly father; I mean you can never be close enough. I want to love my people more. I’m trying to eat more too; school keeps stealing all my adipose tissue.
I want to be happy and healthy.

***Happy, healthy and more God-loving you sure will be this year. Amen****

Thank you babe. You sure brought a BURST of fresh air to this #31F.A.B.Voices… Plenty love to you hun…

Oh BTW babe, thanks for the ‘Nineteen minutes e-book by Jodi Picoult.. Amazing writing…Then Afoma and I are both Subway surfers lovers. She even did a post on it here.. http://ihundasmusings.com/2013/12/10/what-ive-learned-from-playing-subway-surfers/ . She blogs at www.ihundasmusings.com

I better get to making the pancakes for brekkie for Aku m and keep it in the m’oven… No need deceiving myself to grab a few minutes of sleep before…
Oh BTW, the message by Rev just finished… Right on time.
And hubby’s alarm just went off too… He says that is ‘wake up part 1’… Ugh!!! I wish I could just go back to sleep but this body…

My next post which hopefully should come up today if I can get a breather in between all the academic/work research I would be doing today is inspired from my mailbox…
A darling FAB’er sent me a mail asking a question on …. I had started responding to her privately anti thought, ‘…this should bless more lives na…’ So I decided I would merge it with another mail, provide answers and blog…
I trust God it would bless you…

Have you read AND commented on Pastor Mildred’s Dilemma post here?
2014….and so it begins
Tuesday dilemma is up tomorrow so hurry along and lend your voice to the debacle involving a cheating husband and beAstie…

Oh BTW, move over Sapphire, Vee, Booski and co, I have a new friend…
Hello Rukewe!!!
Can’t wait to run her F.A.B 2014 entry here…
Speaking of which, I have OVER 31 voices already yay!!! Thanks to everyone who sent it, most of whom I have never met… I love love love all the impact this is creating and all the testimonies that will be shele-ing from this…
And I heard it in my spirit man as I took sometime to pray about this… We will indeed testify. Not that I didn’t know of course but I loved how the Spirit put it to me… It was this HUGE thanksgiving blog party at the end of the year when we returned,not only with our testimonies but of course with our thanksgiving…
Not just the 31 voices but as many that read the blog and trust God enough to commit to Him even as they play their own part…
iTestify… uTestify… WE TESTIFY…

Time check:5.50 am… Phew. Blogging is work… Fun work tho…


Going Forward… Still Testifying

35 Responses

  1. Lols@naija wife,m nt married yet !but I shall enjoy,great relationship wit my hubby,jus as u r,amen
    Afoma,I like u already, ensure that u complete your novel/novella,tz impt,cos medsch z kinda “selfish”,cos it tends to take a HUGE part of ur day,leavin u drained mostly,but m absolutely sure u r goin to pass very well).ehm @ dat ‘bendoverbakwards’ I pray it does stop,cos even d peeps u do all dat for dnt appreciate it.*bn thr*
    Eziaha ,pancakes!dis is the 2nd time in 16hrs,dat I v seen n heard pancakes witout eating one!!!n in dis village of mine thrz notin like flour,except yam flour!I want pancakes!
    Ehm Rukewe,*coughing* v u paid ur dues?u kno thrz an association rite?we v rules and regulation oh,infact a large book on our constitution(jus kiddin) welcomeaboard dear,thrz room for u!

    1. lol@ our constitution. don’t mind Eziaha and the pancake gist o, just wetting people’s appetites and not offering a solution.And yes, it is beef*tongue out*

    2. Amen oooo. You sure will enjoy a fab marriage jare…
      Afoma, word from a medical doctor herself and class valedictorian in UCH…
      So I will say amen…
      Oh yes, striking a balance between our love for ourself and others.
      :p at the pancakes
      You can make yam flour pancakes. Looooool
      Hahaha Rukewe darling, good luck with the constitution. Hehehe.

  2. Ezimoooooo. D DHW is now mine. Keep off. U sha know how to multi task. Naija wife…what can I say…lovely blog. Always something to laugh about. But I always pity d husband. Kaiiiii. Lovely couple though. Afoma is prettyooooooo. I could hook her up with Uzo. Perfect. Hmmmmmm…

    1. Oh Uzo and Afoma will be picture perfect…
      *beefing alter ego takes over*
      No!!! Mba. I no gree.
      Uzo is this hunk of a guy. Dumebi’s brother. That would be too much hotness. So NO… :p

  3. i can’t disagree mehn, NH and NW are absolutely delightful. God bless you both.
    And this Dr babe is adorable O! loves God, loves to write, beautiful and brainy, you get a 10 from me baby. May God help you achieve all that you hope to achieve this year.
    Mummy E’ (lol!) we are irreplaceable baby. Welcome aboard the F.A.B friends lane.

  4. @Naija wife: wonderful blog! and who says a couple cant have a quarel free marriage…. its so gonna be possible for me through Christ who strengthens me. Amen. Keep up the good work & may God continue to inspire U & Naija H. Amen
    @Afoma: good uve announced abt so many incomplete novels / stories….. guess wat? There’l be plenty of disturbing & waiting for the finished product so no giving up. May God teach you to balance your life as a medical student & grant you outstanding success in our exams & use your blog as a motivating medium. Amen
    @Eziaha: hmnnnn….. Only God can understand and put together the numerous words in my heart concerning you so I’l just trust Him to take charge of your life & Let His Perfect will be Done. Ure indeed fabulous. May God continue to use you for His glory and single you out for greatness. Amen. #Big Bear squeeze you tight spin you around hug#

    1. Please disturb afoma wella jor…
      And thanks for all your kind words my Darling…
      Returning all the glory to God and hugging you right back sweetie.

  5. Dumebi Dumebi! Why has thou overthrown me for a fine doctor maiden? 🙁
    Uzo is supposed to be my love now… *walks away with basin of tears*

    Afoma dearest, *raises glass* Here’s to greater, mindblowing expressions of the treasures within! Go girl! The world’s your center stage. Don’t you doubt it.

    FAB NW aye! We are loyal ma! *in street parlance* ..lol
    Keep up the inspiration party you’ve got going on in the cyberspace. God bless you and NH.

    Eziaha, we’ll ignore all the not-so-subtle intimidation you’ve been aiming our direction with those meals. God’ll fight our battles. *sigh*

  6. Awww thanks fab ladies!! I have so many people holding me responsible for this novel now o! I need to get to work! And Eziaha you spoke about me like you really really know me!! I’m so surprised lol! Thanks for the love darling! Xxxx

  7. NW, thank you for making peeps know it’s possible to have a fab and blissful marriage. Looking forward to one. Will def visit your blog ASAP.
    Afoma, may my Father help you achieve and exceed all your plans for the year.
    Vee and the fab crew, I am a law abiding citizen, I promise to uphold the constitution of this great association. Lol. Ehmmm, what currency do you want the dues to be paid in? I can also pay for the next 120 years. E, is just awesome and I’m soooooo sure y’all are too.

  8. Awesome Husbands and Future Husbands… Una don hear wetin NaijaWife talk? STEP OUT OF THE SHADOWS. Hehehe!

    F.A.B Sisi Blu – I have Christened myself. I won’t wait for E.

    Thank you ooo Lizzie – that food intimidation. At least she didn’t post pishos this time.

    Afoma – Fresh goals. Say NO to comparison. YOU is YOU. Any other YOU is a kanta-feet!

    We will certainly testify.

    We don’t have to wait till December. The testimonies start now!

    E! E! E! E! E! E! E! E!



    1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
      No one does this like my darling Sisi blu
      Welcome back hunnie.
      Channeling your inner Jenifa…
      Complete with your yabis :p

  9. The world has a different view of what marriage today should be or marriage in general, according to it we are suppose to managed a cheating spouse or a koboko beating one and those who think theirs will be just like How the Bible created marriage to be are dreamer or LEARNERS….am not married yet, but i refuse to accept that view o, i have seen good marriages and ours will be just the way God created it to be!!!So E and 9jawife am so agreeing with you and believe o!
    @afoma great plans you will surely testify….

    1. Nne I couldn’t agree more with you…
      And indeed you shall have what you say and believe…
      Marriage is a good nay great thing. And we are to enjoy it start to finish…
      Thanks love

  10. everytime I visit d naija couple blog, I’m tempted to think they r my cousin and her husband. especially naija husband. I hope that it marriage gets stronger in the love of Christ daily.
    Afoma, I wish u good success in all ur endeavors dis year.

  11. “that more
    good husbands will emerge from
    the dark corners that society
    wants to hide them in and SHOUT IT OUT for the world to hear that they love their wives!”-amen!
    I pray for sucess in all your endeavours Afoma…will check out your blog already..
    And yes E, we’ll testify!
    Btw it’s RukeVwe(that’s my namesake)waiting for hers*smiles.

  12. Loved this post…thanks to NW for her blog and for shinning and speaking ever so loud about godly virtues and marriages in a generation where all we hear is how outlandish Bible principles are. Perhaps not many couples like them are testifying so i’m grateful for them. For the laughter, and the nods as I read and identify with all them posts. Thanks to them for reminding us that following God’s principles works and that marriages based on love, friendship and God’s word are working and are not boring. Praying that your path/ home continues to shine…brighter and brighter unto a perfect day. You will look back at old blog posts and smile at how much better things have gotten. AMEN.

    Dear Afoma, AMEN to the need to strike the balance between ‘real and virtual’ and be less of a worrier. Love your personality, it’s very endearing.

    May you two find 2014 to be all you desire and more and may the grace of God you both exude shine out continually. Thanks for sharing of yourselves via this medium, i join you and I speak God’s agenda into your 2014 amidst any apparent contradictions of life. The Word will prevail.

    God bless you E’ hmm, you know I love you.

  13. he he he haw haw haw… now i am laughing in Hawaaaaaiiii! i have been AWOL…. forgive me… The wives would understand i believe… 3 sweet kids under 5 plus full time job no be small thing abeg… meanwhile am soooo excited, new mercies every day, the steadfast love of our sweet FAB Sugar Daddy never ceaseth…
    ehen, i looooove Afoma’s blog o, though i’ve not commented in ages; ihundamusing thinz…all those short and sometimes sad stories + medic diaries + poems and pictures…yayyyy, Afoma you know i’ve commented that you are an A+++ and you are so mature for your age. I believe you’d be a favored and blessed doctor someday… May God bless all your plans in accordance with His holy will amen.
    Naijawife, how blessed you are to enjoy anonymity in blogsville… who knows, you just might be my neighbour….hee haw! my neighbour in Houston, Texas now…meanwhile, i trust that Naija husband did no newspaper wrapping gift thinz this last Christmas… your blog posts are truly hilarious…i’d never forget the one that NH says you told him about your debt as a single lady before you peeps got married… that is sooo commendable and brave NW cos some christian men coulda walked away at that point… Bravo!!!
    and amen to your prayers and plans NW… In Jesus Christ holy name… myself and my darling Godgift husband are a living testimony that a christian couple are genuinely happy and trusting God for His Divine providence….kisses to my honey…
    okay Fab family, gotta go, love you all.
    God bless and peace of Jesus Christ+++
    Eziaha o, did Sapphire get the hint and get you the lovely red-framed glasses i see in your picture?

    1. Sad stories indeed. Yes she writes some sad stories.
      Full time momma, full time worker. But our Jehovah di ebube jare…
      amen to the prayers for afoma. She will make a real amazing doctor.
      Ah nw and nh. Hilarious blog. That chop my money series is my best. With too much book coming second. Nh is s real star
      I am sure your marriage is super sweet jare. More sweetness to it amen.
      No hun sapphire didn’t ooo. Lemme see the glasses you speak of self…

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