#DoubleDelight…NaijaWife and Afoma Testify

First off, in my head, today is Sunday, January 26, 2014. Cos according to my F.A.B. voices publishing schedule, that is when I was to publish this… But between church and church tinz, reading my Booski’s latest post on dressing in the church, (www.dumebie.WordPress.com), kicking off my virtual mentorship group (mehn, these girls are something […]
Birthday munches… Part 3

Happy Sunday darlings… I hope you had a great time in church thanking God especially for the gift of life that you enjoy…I absolutely did… My church just rocks… Cos our God rocks too… I figured that in this Part 3 of my Birthday munches, I would share some of the munches that were very […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 3

Whoop Day three See if you can stop me Hehehehe. Feel free to catch up on Day one and day two of my #AttitudeO’Gratitude posts if you missed them Today, I had a low, high, low, just there, then high and higher day… And then HIGHEST!!! I am a tad tired so I will jump […]
Birthday munches… Part 1

Err, The series of posts with this title are going to be strictly show off… So if you don’t like me but read my blog (thats major crazy ooo loool), please don’t read this…. I will show off unashamedly… My birthday was about month ago and I had fun munching for a memorial some of […]
Random Musings

RANDOM MUSINGS *in my Mexican accent* Holla…. *AIR KISSES* Today is a beautiful Sunday and the girl just feels like musing… Random stuff on my mind… LET’SSSSS First of all this cant be real na…? As in how is this possible? You know I have been writing an article in my head about stuff that […]