Milk or Meat? Don’t be ‘that friend’

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Lol. I had something else to share this week but something happened yesterday that made me change my mind. Was going to actually blog on why you should EXIT every whatsapp Prayer and Word group you are in RIGHT NOW and maybe I will get to it later this […]
Meet the Fab Mentees….Goodness-Mercy Weme’s journey.

I’m Goodness-Mercy Weme, one of the beneficiaries of the just concluded mentoring program on TFS. I really cannot find the right words to describe my stay at the program. It has been all shades of awesomeness. I’ve been blessed and blessed tremendously. I’ve grown in just this short period of time. Thank you mama E. […]

You know, this week was an absolutely emotional one for me. For some reason, I spent quite some time on the phone with women. I took away ONE thing from EVERY conversation. EVERY!!! That some, maybe most of us are NOT fighting hard enough!!! My Rev (who I am CRAZY about more now than before) said […]
Meet my journals, all 15+ of them…

Lol, so I did this post on my IG @coachesquad on all my many teas. and I decided this week on the Monday blog to also do a detailed post on all my journals and how I rock them. One time, I went to visit my mentor DDK at home and she said something I […]
Can we all just CHILL with the names?

Best friend Mentor Role Model Armour bearer Soul sister Covenant friend Sister Accountability Partner Purpose partner Lover And the list goes on and on and windingly dizzyingly on… Phew!!! Heyyyyyy yawl, this blog will shake a few tables until it breaks, lands every one on it on the floor and hopefully, you rise with wisdom […]
The WILD WOMEN are calling!!! Details within… (Time based blog)

Heyyyyyy yawl, Gosh I am SUPER EXCITED to be finally able to do this. So, I have this group of ladies with whom we pray, study the word, share all things Jesus and generally vibe on a Jesus level. Its like a Jesus party, especially at our once a week midnight prayers together over the […]
From mentorship to DISCIPLESHIP… An invitation to YOU!!!

Hey guys, how about we wrap up the year on this beautiful blog with this issue that’s super important to me and will be forming a core part of my 2019? But first, allow me some bragging rights… I mean, it’s only right haha (Barzzz baby. I did a rhyme right there) On Christmas night […]
A few tears 2018 brought, and their significance

Hey blog fam, I feel like I have 7 blogs to write before the year is over. Right now, I am trying to prioritize and see which one God would actually have me share, and which is just me being upset and moved enough to a blog post. Both important. One importanter. This blog though […]
2D and 3D conversations (and why I don’t pick some calls)

Hey guys… Phew. It has been REAL guys. This weekend at Upstream, DDK said something I understood at a level most won’t. she said Prophetic vision is the gift of perspective. What this means is that you understand why God did what He did then, and link it to what He is doing now and […]
Can we FREAK OUT (but) in the LOVE ZONE?

Freak out in the LOVE zone!!! Chilleeee, this phrase did me good when I first heard it. Matter of fact, I already had this post in mind but I was gonna title it CAN YOU DEAL? However, once I heard Dr Caroline Leaf use this phrase in an interview with my Pastor Steven Furtick to […]