You know, this week was an absolutely emotional one for me. For some reason, I spent quite some time on the phone with women.
I took away ONE thing from EVERY conversation.
That some, maybe most of us are NOT fighting hard enough!!!
My Rev (who I am CRAZY about more now than before) said something once in his leadership school.

It was a QnA session and someone had asked what informs his preaching per time…
He gave many things but one stuck out. I have NEVER forgotten
He said that sometimes you have quite a lot of people asking him questions on the same thing.
Different people. Random people. Same questions. Same issues.
Then he knows it is time to address it in a sermon…
That’s what this week was about for me so let’s yarn in this post.
Good thing is, I’m addressing myself too. I’m gonna write this knowing that I would have to come back from time to time and read it. Matter of fact, I’m sharing mostly my fights…
Ladies, are we fighting enough for what is OURS? Are we even fighting AT ALL?
No kiddin’ but looks like everywhere I turn, the devices of the enemy seem to be pumping itself up. But we who he is attacking are on Instagram.
If the devil ain’t coming for your kid, he’s coming for your marriage, or your husband, or your job through maybe a boss or policy from hell.
Oh, he’s coming for your finances too what with fridge spoiling today and pumping machine breaking tomorrow. Or even endless hospital bills for members of your home. Oh he’s really coming for our health.
He’s coming for your prayer and study life by making you either oversleep, engaging you in fruitless activities that leave you drained and unable to engage in activities that actually bear fruits. The ones God wants to use to bless you.
He’s coming for you by constantly whispering lies in your ears, sometimes through people closest to us, that make you cower and not live out your full potential.
He’s coming for you through domestic accidents, car accidents, and even NEPA!!!
That dude is coming for our lives and he’s not even slowing down. He’s deploying ALL of his arsenals.
He of course knows how to get to you and he is NOT holding back.
But a lot of us are sleeping, yawl.
Giving up.
Holding back.
Drawing back.
Making excuses.
Blaming the wrong person.
Fighting the wrong person.
Or just lounging on Instagram.
You know what, we are in a battle guys. This is not PS3. Or candy crush. Or subways surfer.
This. Is. Full. Blown. War.

We are in a battlefield guys. Not a play ground.
Sadly some of us are giving up just because he pulled the first punch.
Honey let me tell you what you do…
You. Fight. Back!!!
Oh Jesus, YOU roll up your sleeves and shokoto and get ready to kick some devil ass without pity.

But some of us don’t know how to fight because we don’t have any weapons. Our arsenals are empty.
The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal but they are MIGHTY through God…
Tz not to late to get in the battle field babe.
Good thing is, we have read the end!!!
We. Win!!!
We end up with Jesus on the streets of gold baby.
The devil rots in eternal hell.
We. Win guys!!!
So we fight from victory.
We fight on our knees.
We go in our secret prayer place, get out our sword of the spirit-the WORD- and do some serious damage to the devil.
So that boss will not let you be, messing up your life and making you miserable at work.
No, don’t take it as ‘one of those things…’
You get home, block out like 30mins and scabash until even you KNOW it is settled!!! Do it everyday until that which you have spoken, becomes your reality. Either he/she changes or leaves or you leave to somewhere better.

Your laptop packs up for no just cause. Or starts misbehaving. And you know just how important it is to your life and productivity.
You sigh. And just leave it lying there.
No baby!!!
You better lay your hands on it and start commanding ooo.
NEPA decides to misbehave messing up almost everything at home. Nne, fight!!!
Either you are fighting for God to take you to the level financially where NEPA has zero effect on your life, or that you have power every time you need it.
I didn’t realise how powerful NEPA can be until some two weeks back. Light was almost always absent and my inverter almost always off.
If you see how my prayer life dipped ehn. Plus my productivity. I would just lay in bed almost all day, hating NEPA and doing nothing. Then when they bring it, I’m happy and wham, it goes off again and my everything dips.
I usually confess that I always have light in my home but during that time, I used to continually feel bad that all my confessions weren’t working and so I wasn’t even confessing again.
Ah, one day I heard God.
Like Eziaha, isn’t this when you are supposed to go even harder on your confession? Just some manifestation of the devil using NEPA and you wanna roll over and play dead.
I mean, NEPA!!!
Where’s your fight girl? How do you defeat the devil if you can’t defeat NEPA!!!
Go and do battle on this situation until it changes. But in the meantime, resolve that you would still maximise your day.
Oh I repented!!! I know I shared with the ladies in this group I’m in and one of them talked about not waiting till circumstances are perfect to keep our faith going.
You know what? I decided I would do battle. I would battle with the Word and keep my confessions going. I would fight until I have my 24/7 power supply (whichever way it comes) but in the meantime, find creative ways to yet maximise my day despite NEPA.
I’m not kidding, all through this week, NEPA was not even an issue.

I’m still fighting. I don’t stop.
How many of us stay fighting for the relationships God has put in our lives?
One little misunderstanding that you know you could have dealt with by putting your ego in check.
But no!!! You sacrifice a perfectly amazing relationship on the altar of self-worship!!!
You know what? I’ve decided to fight to keep the friends God has given me especially those in my inner-inner and then inner circle.
Gosh, I have decided to DO GRACE!!! Make excuses for them, forgive and fight to keep our friendship going.
This week one of my friends upset me. Or maybe I was over reacting and I just decided to do nothing. I would just leave it and well if we get to the end, we get there. Ain’t nobody got time to push.
You see, sometimes I’m like a spoilt kiddo. I hear how awesome I am a lot that sometimes I forget that awesome don’t mean i am perfect.
But this kiddo also wants to obey God so… I Shake it off and get on my face before God… humble!!!
Then in my Quiet time as I prayed, God told me to fight to keep it. Infact, God pushed me. He made me do what my flesh would NEVER do. That was when I tweeted this.

And I’m thankful I did. Because humans are not perfect. We don’t toss people just because… we fight to keep the relationships GOD Himself brought to us. Still. Pretty. Traumatized!!!
And you know, I’m pretty resolved to keep fighting!!!
For friendship!!!
Sometimes you are not even fighting for a friendship but for a soul. Maybe God wants you to minister to XXX but a few ‘hinderances’ along the way, gets you like ‘abeggi. See someone I am even trying to help…Ain’t nobody got time for that’
No!!! Let’s not give up on something absolutely amazing that God wants to do through us just because human beings do what human beings do – misbehave!!!
You know, I was pretty done with this post and was just editing when one of my babies sent me this message.

You see, I felt like one proud mama. I told her I would add to a post I was writing. I’m so glad I didn’t give up on her when she gave me so many reasons to. Instead I loved her deep and prayed for her hard. I’m soooo proud of you baby. You are sooo much stronger than you know. Do you see how much stronger she sounds and how much willing she is to fight? Fight to kick any stupid soul ties as a result of past mistakes? Imagine if I got tired of an assignment God gave me in this babe.
Fight to be a blessing.
Fight to obey God.
For some of us, the fight we have cowered from is a fight to save our marriages. Our marriages have gone through a rough patch and are not exactly the ‘fairy tale’ we quite expected and so we just resolve to sha be in it, and enjoy the 50percent it is offering. Afterall, at all at all na him bad pass.
Gosh, honey fight for that dream marriage you envisaged. We don’t do half measures. We don’t take the crumbs the devil offers. We fight to take hold of ALL that God died for, thriving amazing marriages and all.
Or maybe you suspect your hubby may be looking outside or there is this one woman who you have bad vibes from. Or maybe sef, you KNOW He is flat out cheating. Don’t just sit and cry.
Or maybe cry yes but clean your eyes and go do some serious battle in your secret place.
Fight the devil. It’s really him.
Not your husband.
Attack the real enemy that wants to stay hidden.

I believe in marriage. I don’t think any marriage is exempt from the devil’s wiles. My own marriage throws me constant battles but one thing hubs and I are decided on is the fact that we will FIGHT to keep it. Keep fighting till it gets better and betterer.
I believe we should fight to save our marriages. Frankly I have a couple of people in my corner whose marriages I had sorta joined them to write off (don’t judge)but one day, as I prayed for God to help them move on, He nudged me to pray instead for a restoration.
Because He can restore.
He urged me to encourage them to FIGHT to save their marriages. And you know what, I actually believe, BELIEVE that He can heal these marriages. And I’m excited too.
You see how Elisabeth fought in War room??? You see that scene where after praying, she comes outside and starts to shout at the devil?
Sometimes that’s what you need to do. I know someone may think you are mad but you know what you are doing.
You know, a dear friend of mine shared with me how long she stays just thinking about her life every morning, what she has and doesn’t have, comparing herself with X and Y. For almost 2hours every morning.
Hian!!! That devil is a bastard. God punish him. I had to tell her it was time to do battle.
Get your Bible out, search out scriptures that pertain to that and just keep repeating it to yourself.
Or when he comes and reminds you of your single state or the fact that you don’t have babies yet? Or you don’t have a job yet. Cos trust me honey, he’s coming for you. To attack your mind. Stay ready to fight. And no matter your circumstances, resolve to be JOYFUL even in your waiting. Sometimes, that’s our most potent weapon. Our joy, complete and unshaken.
It a journey we are on and I am so convinced she’s gonna be such a fighter the devil will wish he didn’t start this fight!!!
Frankly that’s also something I do. I have an absolutely over-imaginative mind and so whenever the devil throws those thoughts in, I don’t take bait. Rather I go all 2Cor 10 : 5 and 6

For example, sometimes the devil may say what if KingDaveed falls down and hurts himself or whatever worse…
I actually stop what I am doing and say out loud…
‘…I capture that thought and I force it into the obedience of Christ and His Word. I declare that there are Angels watching over us and him and so we will not as much as smite our feet against a stone…’
I say that as often as I need to.
Because we counter thoughts with words…
Creflo Dollar says ‘…a silent Christian’ is an oxymoron.
So I love to watch that scene with Elizabeth shouting over and over again. Legit gives me goosebumps.
No way we should let the devil get away with anything.
Are we also fighting for our health and that of our children?The delight of my heart
I recall January 1, KingDaveed started running a temperature. Like play like play we hit almost 40 degrees.
I. Was. So. Mad.
You see, I’m a firm believer in using your faith to keep the sickness away but if you have slacked and it has come, I am not anti-drugs. Especially for a baby. Except God is leading me otherwise, I can trust Him to give the doctors wisdom in prescribing and trust that the drugs will work.
So I spoke to my bestie, she prescribed, I bought. And hated that I was spending money on drugs at the start of the year.
Trust the devil to start speaking into your mind that na so the year go dey. Since we have cucu started that way.
I got scriptures. As many as I could. On health.
I wrote them out long hand. And every single day, I speak it over my household. My baby, hubby and now my help. Of course over me too. I stay on the offensive. I fight!!! I don’t agree that ‘ is the weather…’ I recognise that the stripes that wounded Him covers the elements too…’
So if for some reason he starts coughing, I start speaking with every cough
‘I declare that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus… I curse this cough smiting it from its root in Jesus name…’
Even if it looks like nothing is happening, I keep speaking. I even add that
‘…God I may not see it but I believe that you are working behind the scenes. Therefore I am not moved by what I see…’
There was this time the devil was messing big time with my peace. And joy. It was when I was looking for a help. With every sign of hope, I was joyful. With every hope dashed, maybe we don’t agree on this and that, or the agent just does the most ludicrous thing, I would be soooo sad.
One day, after my mood went from 100 to -100 because of another closed door, God had to sit me down and ask whether my trust is in Him or the Agents? The devil was messing BIG TIME with my peace and joy.
I knew I had to fight. Because this battle if I lost it, I would desperately open a door He had closed.
I gathered scriptures on peace and joy and trust. Wrote them out long hand and started eating it.
I fought till I got my peace back.
With every door that closed, I rejoiced. Because that was God closing it and saving me. My joy and peace stayed in tact.
And when God finally opened a door, I KNEW it was Him. But until then, I didn’t let the devil mess with me.
Wooooh, this is a battle of Words oooooooooooo.
See why you MUST study the scriptures for yourself and not be a comedian???

You see why you stay on your knees?
You know, there was this time in a friend’s home where she realised she was always fixing this and that. It always starts small small. The devil NEVER comes in obvious fashion.
An AC here so you call the AC repairer. The hose in the washing machine, you call the plumber. The water heater starts dripping? Plumber again? Microwave packs up? Speed dial the guy who fixes it? Cabinet/wardrobe spoils, you call carpenter.
Fridge sparks? Generator packs.
And the list keeps increasing. And the frequency too.
One day she told me ‘…but babe I am a TITHER na… it is time to pray...’
That was wisdom.
That is wisdom.
Sometimes the solution is not to call the plumber. It is to go round your home, anoint everything while reminding yourself, God and the devil that you tithe and so the devourer stays rebuked.
I love this DP…

I strongly believe that this is what we have been called to be
Warriors. In. Heels.
It don’t have to show from your outer demeanour. But spiritually, be a pit bull!!! A bull dog!!!

When you wake up, let the smaller demons tell the bigger demons to tell the devil himself that it is time to pick race.

We are not about that giving up life.
You need some scripture for that?
Hebrews 10:39
We are not quitters who lose out. Oh no we will stay with it and survive. Trusting God all the way.
Just to balance things up, there is a part for you to play.
Any fight of faith that leaves everything to God is an irresponsible faith.

Say you are fighting for your marriage, sister that is not the time to respond to everything hubs says just because you must have the last word or show that you are right!!!
You sef shut up sometimes.
Or you are fighting for your health yet KFC daily and you don’t work out?
No ma!!! No sir!!!
Eeeeek and Hallelujah!!!
A dear dear friend shared something with me this week that got me doing the Holy dance. I had encouraged her to work on her weight especially as we were in faith for her health which the devil was messing with big time. Now, her irregular period has normalized and all that hormonal drama is gone. Plus she is rocking a HOT new look.
So faith and work!!!
So as I trust God for the health of my home, I make sure that the home stays clean, we eat good food not just junk and so on.
I’m trusting God for my finances so I make sure I am tithing and being a good steward of HIS money HE has so graciously given me and putting Him FIRST!!!
I’m fighting to keep friendships and so beyond praying, I’m doing the necessary investment and inconveniencing myself occasionally for my friends.
I mean, that’s how we fight!!!

And after it dries, kick ass!!!
Sister, the devil can deal the first blow but make sure that he doesn’t KNOW what hit him by the time you gather yourself.

Let me leave you with Ephesians 6
10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.[b] 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.[c] 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.[d]
Here’s to fighting, heels and all

My email is
PPS: I have to mention my people… Joyce, Christine and Shirer.

Haha. I don’t even know what to say. I’m just thankful for them!!!
Blogging is work!!! This took me like FIVE hours!!! Jeeeeeez!!! But by Jesus, I LOVE this job!!!
But I need to learn to write shorter. Not.
Wow!!! I needed this today. It is time to fight!!!
Thank you
This in deed is beautiful. God bless you
Thank you ma!!!