Stay ‘HOME’ !!!
Oh my gosh I am so super excited to finally be blogging about this thing. Like, it is so personal, so stripping but yet so freeing. That I am bold enough to share shows you how much work God has done on me, and how He continues to work on and in me too. I […]
TFS Convos; Who do women say I am…?
Hey guys, My Happy Place and Space is when I write. I am soooo thankful for this gift. It legit makes me happy, even if i write into the night. Like deliriously HAPPY!!! Here’s praying we all find AND EXPRESS our Gifts in such a way that it makes us reeeeeeeeaaaaallllly HAPPY!!! AMEN!!! That said, […]
My Hub’s Birthday Pressie… and other stories
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom/grow in wisdom/get a heart of wisdom… Psalms 90v12 Hi guys. How’s everyone doing today? How did your week go? This week was a birthday week in my family mehn. Started off with BIL on Sunday, Hubs on Tuesday and Popsie’s 71st […]
RandomlE' speaking
I miss my friends. My inner circle. Sapphire Booski Angel o’ love Cheech Soul Soeur Olaedo I actually teared up watching Oluchi hug Rulani goodbye with both of them in tears on ANTM last week Thursday. I knew I missed real real sisterly hugs and talk. And you see these girls above? They know how […]
The REAL boko Haram….
Ndi Boko That’s what my mama started calling ’em after the drama that happened in UI in my final year when we HEARD that they had written a letter to our school (and like two more schools) that they were coming to bomb us next. *insert your BEST ‘shuo’ face here* I’ll spare you the […]
Cupcakes for Valentine…
Let’s start this with some drama Had a 7am flight. Got to the airport 20mins to 7… Counter ‘closed’. Babe be forming hard chic. So what’s a sister to do than to beg nicely. Paying again?!?! Hell no!!! So I beg. Babe no gree ooo. ‘There is nothing I can do madam…’ They had already […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Vee testifying
Most of my readers are familiar with Valerie. She is my bestie, a Medical Doctor (she was actually Best Graduating Student), and a very VERY dramatic girl… She and Dumebi I dunno who has more drama… Interestingly, we were in drama unit together in Triumphant Assembly in Ibadan as students. Very loyal, fiercely loyal, this […]
#31F.A.B.Voices… Viive Testifying
As much as I agree that I do have a bubbly effervescent personae, I would say my bestie Booski’s trumps mine… But Genevieve here has a combination of both of us. I mean, it would be such a happy moment when I finally meet her. She sends me messages on a regular and she just […]
Shedding my S-WOMAN toga!!!
Holla Holla I do know many of you are waiting for the pictures from the wedding and stuff but hey, we will get to it in the near future. Not just yet. But rest assured that I had a BALL. Dumebi did too. Too much drama lol but hey the Bride and MOH are drama […]
Ada Ada… My Booski Part 1
***PICTURE OVERLOAD ALERT: Post contains a billion pictures. Just warning you ahead of time…*** The traditional wedding was about nine weeks ago… As expected, I have actually forgotten some stuff that went down but hey I will try. That is my way of saying welcome welcome… Lol. This post is totally about my Booski Dumebi. […]