Powwow in June needs VOLUNTEERS. Interested?

Hey Blog Fam, Gosh today is special on a lot of levels… Monday, April 1 First day of the month First day of the first quarter First day of the week too Too many firsts. It is just pumping me with energy.Can I tell you a thing about Quarter 1?? It was EPIC yawl. Too […]
A LOT of NEWsss…New Name, New Vlog, NEW BOOK!!!

Hey guys, Oh, my world has been buzzing, spinning, opening up, stretching and just generally BUSY… And BUSY is a term I am reclaiming and redefining because it has been getting a lot of bad rap out there. When we say busy on this lane (yes, we. I am including you in my redefinition), we […]
Daughters&Sisters Without Rival

For in His eyes, we are all Daughters #WithoutRival and this eliminates every reason we should ever compete with one other… Lisa Bevere. Without Rival I don’t know about yawl but I’m saved enough to admit that if not for Jesus, I would have been the most selfish, competitive Bitch ever (excuse my French) ME, […]
Book review…How I overcame infertility by Nneka Kyari
Hmmmm. I typically don’t do reviews as officially as this. I am usually more informal injecting lots of my personal stories and gist See this review of Joyce Meyer’s Bible and then this book by Meyer too Good Health, Good Life. For this review however, I tried to do this like a Professional. I am actually […]
Support.Growing.Businesses… Part 2

Hey guys. I am back. Feedback on Part 1 of this was awesome. Chrishill phones has to be the winner. Funny thing is I didn’t tell any of the three business owners I featured. I kinda forgot or didn’t care to. Whatever. Anyways dude rang me and was soooooooooo grateful. Gushfully grateful. He said A LOT […]
But FIRST… What’s left!!!

Haha. I can’t even keep away for just about three weeks. You know you love it too. Haha. Plus yawl keep the stats BOOMING Thank you… 😍👏Let’s do more please Anyhoos, I wanted to pop in and say hey… Plus share something short (hopefully) with yawl. This is especially because I get asked questions like […]
Tz actually called THE EVERYDAY LIFE BIBLE but I had to use that title for obvious reasons. Btw, happy new month yawl…And happy independence to Nigeria. This month, this blog will stay drippin’ with plenty good stuff regularly. At least twice a week, and on very good weeks, thrice. Don’t thank me, send cheques. *straight […]
#DoubleDelight…NaijaWife and Afoma Testify

First off, in my head, today is Sunday, January 26, 2014. Cos according to my F.A.B. voices publishing schedule, that is when I was to publish this… But between church and church tinz, reading my Booski’s latest post on dressing in the church, (www.dumebie.WordPress.com), kicking off my virtual mentorship group (mehn, these girls are something […]
E’spiration Friday… Between Wana, Adichie and Okada books

Ehen, you recall the E’spiration series I said I would start… Ok, here goes Episode One. Inspiration FM is an absolute inspiration. Pun intended. I know I did that post on Inspiraton FM and values where I knocked them some but truth is, half the time, they rock. Three people that totally make it worth […]
Holier than thou? Who? Me? Hian…
So this morning, I wasn’t gonna blog about anything ooo. But something happened that brought out the Blogger in me… Someone called me ‘holier than thou’ Her exact words were ‘…Ezi please stop all this holier than thou thing you always do…’ Ok lemme back up a bit… We were discussing something on people who […]