Hmmmm. I typically don’t do reviews as officially as this. I am usually more informal injecting lots of my personal stories and gist See this review of Joyce Meyer’s Bible and then this book by Meyer too Good Health, Good Life.
For this review however, I tried to do this like a Professional.
I am actually working on a job that would involve regular official book reviews for at least three months and thank you very much, I am going to upwardly review my fees. This stuff is HARDWORK lol
Really good reading is reaaaaalllly hard writing

Ok guys, I reeeeaaaallllyyyyy wanna know what you think of this review. Today is a good day to show your love by dropping a comments aii?
This Book is ah-may-zing!!!

Nneka has written an awesome Book and truly if the principles within are applied to life, results are guaranteed!!! You can order the Book online at Konga, walk in and buy at Laterna Books(0803 301 4462 Oko awo VI, Lagos) or get the Kindle version on Amazon for those cool kids.
Let’s review Breaking Through The Haze…How I Overcame Infertility by Nneka Kyari
The opening expression of Nneka’s book is immediately relatable with any woman who has ever desired and sought after conception and pregnancy.
But what an error it would be to assume that Nneka has written to only women dealing with infertility. Though told from a viewpoint of fighting infertility, anyone who has ever had a giant to fight can find battle strategies within each page that guarantees victory in every area of their life too.
Graciously and openly sharing her journey right from the beginning up until the point of victory, readers quickly learn that life’s challenges are meant to be faced head on. Running from them, living in denial, or being absolutely overwhelmed by them will not make them disappear. Taking Faith-guided steps, in partnership with the Holy Spirit, however will inch you closer and closer to victory.
The errors of many women in need of a solution, including the Author, has always been to run to Doctors first, in fear and not in faith but that is akin to putting a cart before the horse. After a few years of frustrations, dashed hopes, endless tears, countless drugs and treatments, major disappointments and absolutely no results to show for it, it finally dawns on her that she just may be doing something wrong.
Without any disrepute to the Medical profession, which would ultimately prove integral to her testimony, she soon realises that there is only ONE who knows it all and can see beyond the limitations of Doctors to the real underlying reasons behind her challenges. She returned to God and let Him lead her step by step into victory.
Uncluttering her life from endless activities and split-focus, she plunged deep into an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit as she decided that it was time to face this battle and give it the focus it required.
Several flashback stories, from dealing with being bullied right into her University days, to financial challenges, divine intervention from a potential rape situation, sicknesses, among others, not only reminded her of the faithfulness of God in bringing her through them all, but also laid a solid foundation for her faith to battle infertility and hope for the future.
The texts actually come alive as she recounts those stories because you can almost see the bullies, her University hostel, the sickly child, the hiding place behind the old fridge, the cyber cafes, the room mate who slapped her severally, even her lecture hall.
Many of us would also quickly relate with taking ridiculous steps in finding a solution to our challenges as she suddenly finds herself taken to a ‘church’ in the company of a well-meaning Relative, where the demons behind her infertility were to be exorcised in the most ludicrous, painful and even comical ways. That story would get you laughing but the lesson would not be lost on you as the Author emphasises that such battles are not fought quite as openly and ridiculously as that. So rather than looking for demons to exorcise or humans to blame for our challenges, we learn that the real enemy is the devil and even though he uses people as tools, they are also his victims and so we need not fight physical battles but rather focus on Jesus, who can help us defeat him and his antics and manipulations.
Another truth would also dawn on Nneka. When something is really important to you, you should be able to make sacrifices to give it the attention it needs, achieve that goal and then move on because most goals do not take a lifetime to achieve, including pregnancy. If we give it the right attention with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and obey, we can break through it. The blessing is in the obedience. But if we do not focus, listen and obey, we subject ourselves to a lot of pain and struggle and prolong our battles. That Giant is not going to go down without a fight. And fight we must, if we will get the victory already promised us by God. So the sooner you begin to fight, the sooner you come into your breakthrough.
One of her battle strategies was Purity of heart, because it is on the platform of a sincerely pure heart that God does the miraculous.
Another battle strategy she employed was Prayer, and it was her biggest weapon.
Prayer with the Holy Ghost, Prayer with faith, Prayer with a pure heart, Prayer with humility, that is total submission to His will, Prayer in agreement with your spouse, Prayer with information, because being informed about her situation gave her more confidence in battle and so she was sure of hitting a solid target and not just shadow boxing. And because she believed God could do anything she also prayed bold prayers, specifically asking God for twins, a boy and a girl.
Another highlight of this Book is the fact that the Author rightly divides and applies the Word of Truth at the right places. The Scriptures fit in like a glove where inserted and that truly affirms her description of herself as a Bible teacher.
It would not surprise the reader that her moments of intimacy with the Holy spirit would ultimately reveal to her a root cause of one of her problems, PCOS, which was an unhealthy habit she imbibed from her childhood ambition of wanting to be a model. The solution was within her and the Holy Spirit acting as her Guide had ultimately led her to it. But knowledge without action, what she calls ‘The Discipline of Doing’ is useless and so she began to pay serious attention to her nutrition and started taking responsibility for her body and her husband’s including targeted exercises that would aid maximum functioning of her body and reproductive system. She realised that ‘fairy-tale faith’ , that is believing without being involved in your own miracle, was at best useless.
It is pertinent to note that all the steps she took were revealed to her by the Holy Spirit and specific to her situation.
In three months of taking responsibility, she began to see the results in her body without medication, including for the first time in her life, regular menstruation, which hitherto had completely ceased, and perfectly balanced hormones.
And as her Faith journey took her through the route of ART, she would conceive at her first procedure and have her miracle twin babies just as she had prayed, a boy and a girl.
One thing is sure, if the principles in this book are applied to any GIANT that needs to be taken down, one would sooner than later also see in their own situations, their ‘TWO RED LINES’.
The End…
Shout out to my cheerleading crew… Rotanna, my Dee and Farida. Haha.
I especially loved how I started and ended with the phrase TWO RED LINES. Very Chimamanda-esque.
I also hope you can see why you need to take better care of your health and what you nourish your body with. You see why you need our services at #SavedFitnFAB .

Nneka wasn’t trying to lose weight, she was trying to get healthy. So holler at us also for your healthy meal plans and recipes.
My meal plans are AWE’MAY’ZING!!!

Or if you need to lose weight, biko holler. My workouts are also fun plus my encouragement is off da hook…
Our classes kick off May 1, I am so excited!!!

CoachE’ is about to be propelled!!!
Lemme know what you think of the review guys.
Have an absolutely fruitful week!!! May your gift, whatever it is, make room for you and bring you to the presence of Kings and people who matter. Amen.

(Lol, don’t freak out. Emmanuael who is actually the current mr. Nigeria, played JESUS in 316, A musical drama put together by DCC
Well Done! You nailed the review
Thank you hun!!! Means plenty
It is posts like this that makes you turn to your cousin and say “Shey I told you she left school with a first class” lol
Great job momma.
This is pro’ onpoint.
This Chick makes me soooo happy!!!
First class brain on fleek!!! Lol
Thank God and Thanks hun
Aww, it is so beautiful. Makes me want to read the it’s a good thing I sent her that link right.
But really E u write beautifully
My booooo
Kene let you drop a comment haha
Thanks plenty jare
You should get it when you are back.
Love you tooooo much baby. You are awesome
Ah I love u 3 much.kisses
This review is detailed, makes me want to pick up the book and read. You had this flow all through that draws the reader in. But you always do.
Well done Eziaha.
Whoop whoop. God is too mush jare
Thanks Love
U make writing look soo easy, but it is really hard work!!! And dare I say u do it flawlessly! Great job on d review. I also like how u work ur wt loss services into ur writing these days! U’d do well in advertising/PR/business promotion. But then again, is there anything u wouldn’t be good at? Keep it up
Hahaha You should hear me sing. Lol
Thanks darling. Your comment is just dripping with grace. God bless you
Great review. Now I have to get the book.You are graced at what you do. God bless.
Pls do. Tz more amazing than these words, I tell ya.
Thanks love. God bless you too
Notes taken again n again, really need to get this book asap, i just know i ve a lot to still learn. God bless you for the fab review, it’s just so loaded. God bless the author for sharing deep insights as well.
I’m sure you will get it when you are ready. Wish I could teleport it to you lol
After this, E’, there’s nothing more to say; only do – and that doing is getting and reading the book (getting my own copy). You did a fab, formal and very professional review there. Proud of you (as always) after all you’re Fab and are graced with the One who meets all our needs, no matter how diverse they are. Well done hun.
Love ya!
Thanks mami
Yes to no matter how diverse!!! Sooooooo true!!!
See ya later today yeah?
Love you right back darling…
I haven’t read much book reviews but i liked your review.
It left me wanting to know the full story,to go out and literally grab my copy.
I know the meat of a review is mostly the story line or book content , but aside that do reviews also contain presentation style, cover details, font/lettering used, chapters or sections of the book etc.?
Awww boo this is awesome feedback. Thank you my good doctor.
I think some reviews need to contain that. I mean some authors are probably starting their story right from the book cover design and probably play around fonts too in the book so the review should include that (think childrens’ books or Art books)
Chapters and Sections? You noticed I did Joyce’s Good Health Good life in Chapters. My sis even suggested I did Nneka’s in chapters but I felt doing that will give away too much.
So depending on type of book and purpose of review, I’ll say YES!!!
Alright thanks!
Great review. I will now look for the book
Please do hun
thanks darling
I just ordered my copies of the book. Can’t wait to dive in. Indeed shout out to Rotanna. I saw her review on Amazon, lol. Keep propelling dear!
Goog good. It will absolutely BLESS you
Lemme go to Amazon biko. I keep forgetting
This was very professional no E’ness in it. Well written. Nice job coach E. I’m currently interested in safed fit n fab only I’m not interested in losing weight only tummy fat….. Any help
Thanks hun…
Yes yea we can help. Email us
Let me start by saying that your review is second to none..This is what I call a professional review. .in fact you deserve triple gbosas,lol.
So after reading your captivating review, I was motivated to get the book. To say that I was blessed would be stating it midly..I came out with a changed mindset..One thing I have learned for sure is to focus on God rather than the devil or symptoms.
Thanks so much for recommending the book and going further to review it..
Praise God.
And yes focus on GOD ooo.
Thanks plenty darling