3 easy hacks to help you EAT LESS

NB: This post was originally authored and published on coachesquad.com, my fitness website. Hey Fit-Squad, I hope we are crushing our fitfam 2019 goals. I did this amazing post on The Lady’s room website where I shared a few tips to ensure your goals are achieved. Find it here. But this is not why we are […]
Dietary tips to fight HIGH CHOLESTEROL

PS: This post was originally authored and published on coachesquad.com, my fitness website. Hey Fam, In recent times, I have seen an upsurge in medical challenges that involve high cholesterol issues in Nigerians even from their 30s. Male and female alike, its crazy. And super dangerous. So more people are asking me for meal plans […]
#SavedFitnFAB…July WEIGHTLOSS results (pictures)
Hey guys, So I’m flying in to share SOME pictures from my July Squad!!! Three weeks in and we have seen some crazy good results. Eeeeek!!! Been sharing on IG and Twitter @savedfitnfab Feel free to follow us And these pictures are accurate because I made them snap just BEFORE the Class and told them […]
The N5,000 JULY WEIGHT LOSS PROMO… Questions answered!!!
Hey Darling, Thank you for indicating interest in the JULY WEIGHT LOSS PROMO with CoachE’ of SavedFitnFAB Ok so here are your questions answered. I hope and pray you read through carefully and then make your decision as you are led by God… I am breaking this down as easily as possible. It is a […]
#SavedFitnFAB…D Premium Journey so far (plus a 5k July promo)
It has been 6 AMAZING weeks of coaching. And say 2months of owning my own biz… I have learned I have cried and laughed I have grown I have grown because i have encountered different kinds of people and temperaments and everyone of them have given me a RICHER life… Lemme set this up with […]
Before 30.
Yawl watch that program on Ebony life i think? Before 30. I have caught glimpses of it every now and again in the past. Just enough to have an idea (plus i think this Tinsel chick married to the Ghanian dude is a BEAUTY FOR DAYS) but not enough to follow. Tz about 4Chicks with […]
#SavedFitnFAB FAQssssss
Phew!!! 2 weeks in as CoachE’ of SavedFitnFAB (Premium) and it has been quite an exciting journey. I never hesperredit!!! I am even going to be on TV soon but let’s leave that cat in the bag for now. This Post will be a revised version of this where my clients and intending clients can find […]
Book review…How I overcame infertility by Nneka Kyari
Hmmmm. I typically don’t do reviews as officially as this. I am usually more informal injecting lots of my personal stories and gist See this review of Joyce Meyer’s Bible and then this book by Meyer too Good Health, Good Life. For this review however, I tried to do this like a Professional. I am actually […]