Phew!!! 2 weeks in as CoachE’ of SavedFitnFAB (Premium) and it has been quite an exciting journey.
I never hesperredit!!! I am even going to be on TV soon but let’s leave that cat in the bag for now.
This Post will be a revised version of this where my clients and intending clients can find answers to most of their questions.
Here we go
Q: What services do you offer at SavedFitnFAB?
3 services basically.
- Online Weight loss Class (Whatsapp and BBM powered)
- We sell customized meal plans
3. We offer Phone call consultations.
Q. CoachE’, I am a bit confused as to which to join. What do you advice?
Girl, if you have anything above 5kg to lose, please consider joining an Online class.
If however, you have 5kg or below to lose, or if you are at your perfect weight, but you want to start loving your body and nourishing it right, you should consider buying a meal plan. If however, you just need clarity on your fitness and weight loss journey, you can book a 15min phone call consultation with me.
Q. Awesome CoachE’. So what is so special about the Online Class? What does it entail?
A: Honey, first of all, you get plenty of love and encouragement from me which is really what you need on this journey. Secondly, I equip you with information/education that would help you not just lose the weight but also maintain it long after the class is over. And finally, you get meal plans, meal guides and workout guides. Trust me baby, in that community, with CoachE’ and God, I dare that FAT!!!
Q. Wow!!! What about the meal plan? What exactly do you mean by CUSTOMIZED?
A: Simple. I don’t just copy and paste a meal plan from somewhere and give to you. I interview you and based on your fitness goals (do you want to lose weight, maintain your weight or add weight?), your schedule (sedentary or mobile worker), your budget/pocket (I want you to be able to sustain it), your food preferences (CoachE‘, I cannot survive without JOLLOF RICE and fried plantain ooo. Please don’t come for my Jollof) and your personality, I CREATE a meal plan that would work for you. Jollof rice and all. My services also cover those who need to be on a special diet due to health and related reasons.
With mealplans, I would also advice you on workouts to do to ensure your goals are met.
Q: Wow CoachE’, this is AWESOME!!! What kind of meals are in your meal plans though?
A: Honey, all Nigerian meals. Easy to find and affordable too.

Now because I have international Clients too, we will be finding alternatives that can work where some of my Naija meals are not available. Hello Google!!! I also share healthy recipes too.
Q: I was going to get to that. What if I do NOT live in Nigeria? Even my timezone is different. How we go do am na?
A: Easy peezy baby. So long as there is food where you are, and there is also Morning, Afternoon and Night there, Please email me ASAP!!! My business is GLOBAL and not a LOCAL sturvzzz!!!
Q: CoachE’. Working out is not my thing ooo. and I loooooooove food. Can you wave me a magic wand that can make fat disappear on its own?
A: Honey, you need to join my class. I need to spend major time educating you on your health and why you need to take care of this body. By the time I am done with you, you would become a Fitness Coach too, preaching the ‘workout and eat right’ gospel. And nope, no magic wand or miracles honey. You need DISCIPLINE!!!
Q: CoachE’, na you dey reign. After you, na you again. I am sooooooooo in. Oya what are your rates?
A: Honey, this question gladdens my heart!!!
Please study this table well.

But just in case it is still not clear, lemme repeat
The Online Class is N15,000 for 6weeks and N18,000 for 2months.
The meal plan is N12,000 for a 2week plan and N18,000 for a 1month plan
Phone call consultations are N2,000 for 15mins
Q: Yaaaaaaaay!!! Oya Account number darling. I need to pay like yesterday!!!
A: Sweerie poraro… This question right here is the essence of this Post lol. Email me honey and let us do business together.
Q: Taaaa gbalaga (loosely translates to ‘Gerrarahere’). Not everybody has that kinda money na CoachE’. Na wa ooo. So money conscious (and you call yasef a Bornagain). Hissssss!!!
A: Hugssssss. I would reeeeaaaallllyyyyy love for you to afford me and so I pray you can afford me soon enough.
But sweetie, I have shared almost everything on my weight loss journey on this blog (Please follow link) and will continue to share more via social media. I have gotten so many emails from Chicks telling me how they applied all I shared and the weight stays dropping. Please read those posts and apply. I pray God helps you too, even more than He did me!!!
Q: CoachE’ anything for the students? I see sontin hegziting in that table above
A; Of course baby. I am going to be partial towards yawl. Undergraduate students please. You get to pay N5000 for a one month online coaching. If you need a meal plan though, you pay 5k too for 2weeks. Plus, I don’t know if you already know but I graduated with a First Class from University of IBADAN and was Best Graduating Student. I can also help with study tips and all. You are welcome. If I get enough students, I would consider putting yawl together in your own group. I mean, let’s do STUDENT mentoring too na. Haha.
Q: CoachE’ for President. You ROCK!!! So, after I pay what next?

A: Honey, notify me with the name you paid with, and then I would email you a Client form depending on what service you paid for. Once you return it, you get your meal plan in 3 working days (at least for now) and if you are paying for the online class, I add you to an existing one if possible.
Q: Hmm, CoachE’, please I am not about the GROUP life, I prefer private coaching. Can we work something out? My case needs serious help and no interference biko.
A: Of course darling. We can. I have Clients like that, Celebs and err’thing. The fees are higher though but I am sure you already figured that out. Please email me and let’s talk. I love you already,
Q: I have this chick I KNOW who needs to lose weight but I don’t know how to tell her. What do I do?
A: Honey, gift her one of my services please. If you need help as to how to go about it, please holler at me and we can prayerfully find a way to present it so she doesn’t feel bad but actually jumps at it. This weight loss drama is sensitive and I shared a bit of my struggles here
Q: Ok Coach E’, me I want results sharp sharp ooo. How fast can I lose 10/20/30kg?

Honey, WRONG QUESTION!!! The koko is START FIRST. I lost weight fast and I learned a lot on the journey too so yes, if you follow closely, you MAY also get results fast too. But the truth is, I was just giving the journey EVERYTHING!!! I didn’t have unreasonable expectations but I put in unreasonable work.
One thing is sure, it depends on you, how fast your results come. But if you keep calculating AND DOING NOTHING, the FAT will remain. So START!!!
Q: I am sooooooo pumped Coach E’. When are we starting? I need to start sliding into those bodycons again
A: Baby, the first official classes kick off May 1. Just 10 per class so I can sufficiently follow through and harass wella. You should start with my first set. But if for some reason you can’t, classes would always be running concurrently so holler so I add you up when you are ready.
Q: CoachE’, I can trust you right? I have been upandan on this journey with no real results. Frankly I am getting frustrated. Can I trust you?
A: Hugsssss. I KNOW how you feel. Putting in effort with no real results. Ugh!!!

But something I tell my Clients if they are D.A.T Chick (inside gist) and then SavedFitnFAB is your LAST BUS STOP. Plus you have a Saved (Born again) Fitness Coach and this means that I bring in the Fruit of the Spirit into my business understanding that God is my ultimate Oga so I have to give yawl my best!!! Plus, I’m not just passionate, I KNOW the koko of this weight loss thing (Remember, FIRST CLASS lol). I studied plenty on my own journey and I still dey study sef. No long story, just come on board honey!!!

Q: So CoachE’, anything for the preggos, or breastfeeding moms?
A: Sincerely, I would prefer to even work with preggos so that they don’t blow up like I did on my own journey.

I have decided to gift myself HOTNESS in my next pregnancy and also I want the weight added to drop off FAST even before 6weeks (very possible) so I am researching and writing down tips to make that happen. I can share with you if you come on board before or during pregnancy. As for breastfeeding moms, you know baby first abi? I can help with meal plans and co but we have to have a loooonnnngggg talk first if your baby is under 6months.

This thing is not just about money. I am really interested in your life.
Now all these are actually real questions I have been asked. I hope yours is covered. If it isn’t, ask in the comments and I will respond.
Let’s get this FAT dealt with once and for all guys!!!
CoachE’ is in and she will fix you up!!!
Spirit, Soul and BODY!!!
Coach E for president!!! I’m no longer worried about putting on weight when I’m pregs! I know I gotcha! Xx
Yes mami Yes!!!
I wanna see more healthy, fit and fabulous preggos biko.
Welldone! May God bless the works of your hands coach E’ plus I love the way you replied the person that said “n u call yourself a born again” I really don’t know what people think ‘born again’ means again…lol. Greater heights Ijn!
I tell ya oooo
Born again equates wretched, don’t talk about money, stay broke on your way to heaven…
Thanks darling. Amen amen
I am so very proud of you dear.
Now to getting a website for savedfitnfab which will be the first port of call for your potential customers and clients and make it more professional and streamlined though of cos you will still talk about it here. you can post testimonies, pics( if they allow), talk about general fit stuff and then ask anyone who wants to be fit to register for your plan etc. you know how those coaches dey do nah. I.e Stephanie.
You can then have a email subscription list tailored for the weight loss peeps and newsletters specifically geared towards being fit n fab.
Good Lord, Esther please don’t make me run away. Lol
You are spot on. everything right in my vision book. I am just taking it little by little and praying big time for strength for this new season of mine. I need increased capacity biko. Rest assured, I am not even playing.
Wanna start with IG first. Plus can you believe I am hiring my first staff already? Phew, my GOD is AMAZING!!!
You are awesome darling. Thank you
Wow! You really are doing an awesome job.. I wish I could be motivated like you. I started a weightloss journey on my blog but i just stopped half way and i am not happy about it…
Hun start again!! You can!!!
Rooting for you
Lovely Post as always and may God keep you ever strong and determined to help people…
Amen amen. Thanks hun
Wow! Been hooked to your blog almost all day. That’s an impressive journey. The abs, totally amazing. How did you get to have your abs that flat and toned? Did you ever use a waist trimmer? Do you encourage the use of waist trimmers to get toned abs. Pls tell me how to go about getting toned abs. Thank you
Honey if you read through, especially the SavedFitnFAB posts, you would have the answers to those questions.
Please read through Plus my abs aren’t quite as toned yet.
Work in progress…
Thanks darling