Authentically Me & Surprisingly Satisfied!!!

Are you content in the path where God has placed you? Are you looking away from what others have in their lives to live how God would have you live? You can be AUTHENTICALLY YOU yet fully satisfied. Find out more when you continue reading . This blog was first published in 2015. There was […]
5 great books, 5 life lessons

First, a few of my fave reading and book quotes “Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” – Lena Dunham ”We read to know we are not alone.” – C.S. Lewis “Read a lot. Expect something big, something exalting or deepening from a book. No […]
Want to READ, RETAIN and RECALL More? Here are my 5 top tips

Readers are Leaders. That quote will live forever in truth hehe.But many of us, even though we know the benefits of reading, we still find it hard to read. I looooooove to read and by God’s grace, I read quite a number of books monthly, and maybe a book or 2 a week. I want […]
How feedback was sabotaging my emotional health…

Hey BlogFam I already love this post because it is a combo of sizzling hot and painfully personal. Matter of fact, it just crystallized in my spirit less than 2 hours to when I am writing it. Settle in… Ok so last month, one of the books I read was “Thanks for the feedback, by […]
E’Reads Series: My First Quarter Reads.

It is a WHOLE NEW MONTH and I am super pumped about it. Happy New month, Fam. January ran a WHOLE sprint and I am so glad the year is moving on nicely, and for me personally, rather imperfectly I must say. While I am doing my best to be FAITHFUL to His grace per […]
My Place of QUIET retreat: HIS Dulce Apartments.

Hey Darlings… Happy new month. 2019 is almost ovurrrrrrrrrr can you imagine? Gosh this year has been REAL!!! It has stretcheeeeed my whole life, but with the stretch has come such a strengthening for which I am SUPER THANKFUL!!! Ok so today, what are we about? I have been hearing ‘My place of quiet retreat’ […]
The New Social media (And why we ALL need to deal with our pride/motives quickly)

Hey yawl, So the girl has been on a whole social media break for four weeks and counting. The plan was thirty days but I took a couple extra days in… I actually had to pray for a desire to come back cos I was ready to leave forever!!! Gosh it has been so amazing. […]
I looked up and I was STRIPPED

Hey people, Been ages I wrote here. Ok life has been intensely awesome. First, there was EKBALLO which was HEAVEN ON EARTH. Yawl I can’t lie I am so stinkin’ proud of me. And an already perfect program was made even perfecter lol by the surprise appearance by my Rev. Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Imagine my shock when […]
EKBALLO: Everything you need to know

Whoop!!! Yawl, my heart is so full, so pumped and so expectant as we inch so close to our next powwow themed #EKBALLO Tuesday, June 25 2019 at White house hotels and conference center, Toyin Street, Ikeja. Phew. I am so ready for all that will go down. Please allow me work you through from […]
Meet my journals, all 15+ of them…

Lol, so I did this post on my IG @coachesquad on all my many teas. and I decided this week on the Monday blog to also do a detailed post on all my journals and how I rock them. One time, I went to visit my mentor DDK at home and she said something I […]