Ah I wrote this post in December 30th, 2015 and I chanced upon it recently. I love it enough to share again now. Will add my updated thoughts in bracket… Enjoy spending time with God yawl. He is like so FREAKIN’ good!!! What I find the most interesting about this post is the JOY I […]

Meet my journals, all 15+ of them…

Lol, so I did this post on my IG @coachesquad on all my many teas. and I decided this week on the Monday blog to also do a detailed post on all my journals and how I rock them. One time, I went to visit my mentor DDK at home and she said something I […]

President, Sweet Wives Association (The story behind hubby’s birthday)

Hey people So, this blog post is just to let yawl know that I am the undisputed president of the Sweet wives Association haha. First, it was Eniola my friend who said it, next my hubby on his birthday, and then my Rev Femi rings me yesterday morning to hail me. Yaaaasssss girl, YAAAAS. Ok, […]

My Open heart Surgery…

Good Lord!!!  Haha You know, I had just published the ‘are we even fighting at all’ post when in the middle of getting all the comments and likes notification, I felt a strong urge to go and pray.  I dropped my phone and went to pray. I thought my dear Jesus wanted me to ‘fight’ […]

The Biggest Chick Party of the year!!! #LoveLife2016

As I write this, I’m having a party in my mind. If I get anymore excited, I would self combust. Haha.  Yawl know my heart for Joyce Meyer.  Yawl know my heart for Christine Caine.  Yawl know my heart for Beth Moore.  OK you don’t quite know my heart for Beth just yet but she’s […]

Taking over TOILETS!!! #TheBibleBathroomChallenge

Hi guys… This FAB lane is on FAYA!!! Hahaha. I told yawl, October would be a rocking month here. And if thought I would not TURN UP like I promised every 3days, shake your head at yourself. Haha. Ok today’s post is a challenge. A FUN one!!! I understand how busy life gets these days […]

D E T O X!!!

I consider myself a great cook. So great that sometimes I don’t even taste my meals before I serve hubs. I just KNOW that it tastes nice jare so I can just dish it out happily. This blogpost however is a sharp contrast to that. When God dropped this post in my spirit, I was all […]


Tz actually called THE EVERYDAY LIFE BIBLE but I had to use that title for obvious reasons. Btw, happy new month yawl…And happy independence to Nigeria. This month, this blog will stay drippin’ with plenty good stuff regularly. At least twice a week, and on very good weeks, thrice. Don’t thank me, send cheques. *straight […]