So I did this amazing post on ‘Meet my journals’ and today I wanna kinda build on that as I welcome you into my Bible world, and also tell us why we all need to quickly upgrade a couple things in your walk with Jesus!!!
First, phew how has life been?
Girl, it has been poppin’ on my end. I just love the Father and I am completely undone by how good He is.
Like I say, the goodness of God is GOOD!!!

I truly feel like I am in that season where God is my teacher on literally everything. And one of the main ways that dude speaks to me is through the spoken word. I am literally OBSESSED with the Word of God.
And I pray for you today that you will be obsessed with the word and literally in LOVE with prayers.
Which is why I am doing this post. If you think this is a show-off, I cast out that spirit off you in Jesus name. It really is not. It is an invitation into the behind the scenes of my life in the hope to pump more passion into you to fall even deeper in love with our Jesus. He is SO GOOD!!!
Ok, so first of all, I will be highlighting JUST four of my Bibles. I have like a gazillion more but these ones are the focus for now.
So sometime at the end of July, I dragged myself to my all-time fave Bible place, Laterna Ventures with one goal…
Buy a very beautiful illustrated NLT study Bible.

The second part of the goal was to buy my friend a Bible gift and I had asked her and she said she wanted the Message version.

Got in and all the beautiful Bibles were in NIV and NKJV. I was so sad, but thankfully I looked a little closely and saw in a corner the most beautiful NLT illustrated study Bible. Bonus points being that Heather had mentioned this same Bible several times on her vlogs and blog so I was just flippn’ to have seen it.
It was about 11k and frankly money wasn’t flowing like that for me BUT I didn’t want satan to even rob me of this, so I closed eye and got it. The Message Bible gift was about half the price. I desperately wanted to buy this parallel one I saw too but the way my bank account was looking, I knew I could not afford it as it was also about 11k.

Made a mental note to come buy it in August.
Walked out feeling like I just hit a jackpot. Raved to a few of my friends and slept so late that night just admiring and literally eating the Bible haha.

I just really LOVE the Word of God. I know that when we are ready for Him, we realize He has all the while been ready for us.
God knows I have never bought a bag, shoe or dress with my money that is 11k. I am so ijebu lol.
I just know that investing in the Word and resources is so WORTH IT!!!
Since I got it, my Bible study entered next level. When I got home that night, I quickly dug out three more study Bibles.

My Joyce Meyer ever faithful one… Gosh I LOVE Gmama Joyce!!! I actually have two of the Bibles. Lol. One is a hardcover which I got in October 2009 as a student too In Ibadan. I recall the price was 4000 naira. Then in 2016, I desperately wanted to attend JM’s conference but since I couldn’t’ I asked a friend who did to get me the Fashion edition of the same Bible. So October 2016, I laid hands on my amazing Pink leather Fashion Bible haha. It costs me N26K lol. The Dollar was crazy at the time but I didn’t currrrrrrrrrr!!! That one is very special so I only save it for special occasions. I use mostly the hardcover.

The MacArthur study Bible which I got in May 2008 as a student in Ibadan. It literally cleared my allowance but I have always loved the Word!!!

It may have been like 5k or 6k then. It is in the NKJV and the commentary is LIKE NO OTHER!!! So much depth to it. I recommend!!!
Then I dug out my Max Lucado study Bible which was a gift from a set of ladies I mentored about three years ago. This one comes in NKJV.

So these are the four Bibles I roll with now daily.
I am not saying that you need Big Bibles as an indication of your relationship with God but what I know is that for me personally, the YouVERSION Bible App, which I use DAILY, is not enough.

I love the many versions it gives me, and then all the many plans I have access to, but nothing beats a hardcopy study Bible for me.
I don’t want my relationship with God confined to ONLY my phone, and I am NOT old school!!!
There is just something for your Jesus time, with your study bible or bibles, the internet for when you quickly need to check something (like today my MacArthur Bible threw me a new word ‘inerrant’ so I needed to quickly check and I saw that inerrancy of scripture meant that the Bible is without error or fault in its teaching), your journals, highlighters, a pen and a ready heart.

It is like a date with A WHOLE JESUS with ALL my heart focused on HIM. I definitely do NOT need the distraction of my phone (and we ALL know how those notifications distract us)
Yes some days my date happens on the move and a little more casually but we KNOW how we do when we wanna do date night with hubby or hang out with the boyfriend or a best friend!!! You are R-E-A-D to the Y READY!!!!
You see, my friend Ogo told me something I literally cannot get over recently. She said that having a personal relationship with Jesus is the same thing as Jesus being a person I am in a relationship with.
Microphone moment!!!
I am in a relationship with Jesus and my time with Him has to be EXTRA. It is my way to honor Him. It is also my way to receive from Him. When you have a special guest come visit, you pull out ALL the stops.
No one is even a little as special as Jesus so I have to be EXTRAAAAA!!!
All these ‘I don’t hear God, I don’t know my purpose, I don’t enjoy my time with God, my relationship with God is suffering’ and the likes stopped being cool in the 1900S. Now we CHASE after Him literally (though we soon realize He is the one chasing after us). We INVEST in this relationship… Our time, our morning, our energies, and all.
Cool Chicks stopped being casual last four years. We are very intentional about this relationship, and we all need this upgrade.
Truly where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. So please put your treasure aka money in the right place. And this would look different for you than it is for me, but you know what intentionality and honor looks like to you.
Now pursue it. Like David did.
And what even surprises me is how the people of the Bible didn’t have a BIBLE yet look how awesome their lives were. Kai!!! All they had were many scrolls all in different places. Like they wished they had what we have now, the scriptures canonized into the inerrant book called The Bible for us to have 247 access to every time!!!

Now we have this treasure literally available in endless versions, forms and easily accessible
My sisters, please let us use it. And use it well
Again, I pray for you that you will LOVE the WORD of God and take steps that show that you do!!!
Psalm 119 v 97 TPT
“O how I love and treasure the revelation of your word; throughout the day I fill my heart with its light!”
Zivah&Chazaq (Love and Strength)
Pumping Passion for Purpose