Meet my Treasures… and why we need to UPGRADE

So I did this amazing post on ‘Meet my journals’ and today I wanna kinda build on that as I welcome you into my Bible world, and also tell us why we all need to quickly upgrade a couple things in your walk with Jesus!!! First, phew how has life been? Girl, it has been […]


On my way to work today, I was dosing up on my usual every morning tonic on Inspiration FM, ‘The wake up show with Eyo and Dallas’. Totally hilarious, those two boys. After their usual drama, they introduced the topic of today and it was on spanking a child, whether it be right or wrong… […]

…but we KNOW…

BUT WE KNOW Nicodemus’s (hereafter known as (Bros) Nico) story in John chapter 3  has always amazed me even as a child in Sunday school class at my Parents Anglican church, which by the way still misses me (can you Imagine biko nu). I recall my teacher then telling us how we needed to be […]