My step-wise guide to personal Bible study

Hey blog Fam Life has been almost insanely intense on my end, but I honestly cannot live life any other way. Jesus KNOWS I’m going to be out here living my best life always so He throws me some of His best assignments lol. HERE. FOR. IT!!! P.S this post was first published on this […]

Pump. Passion. Energy. And a BRAND NEW YEAR!!!

Hey FaithFam. We’re cruising on the Throwback Lane this January. Lol. Today, I’m bringing back another ‘oldie but goodie’ post. If you need a reminder of why you shouldn’t dim the passion and energy you were feeling with the dawn of the New Year, you’ve come to the right place.   Hallos people,Happy Super Duper […]

Convenient Christianity? 5 ‘inconveniences’ to embrace.

YourDictionary defines cliff-note as ‘a summary of a much longer work designed to allow a student to quickly learn the key points of the longer work’ “Don’t look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for […]

My step-wise guide to personal Bible study

Hey Blog Fam, Happy New Year again. I am unbelievably excited, thankful and pumped about 2021. I really don’t care what the year holds, I am just rocking it out and hard with Jesus, building myself into the kind of woman that will thrive in every season of her life “He will be standing firm […]


Hey Fam, Gosh, I am SUPER EXCITED to do this VERY TIMELY post today and I pray that it is practical enough to help you WAGE WAR with PROPHECIES. It was 4 years ago at WARRIOR IN HEELS hosted by my mama Pastor M, and PDDK was the guest minister. She PREACHED A STORM those two […]

5 types of “mentor figures” we all need

Hey people, So literally the MOST AMAZING assignment God has given me this year is DISCIPLESHIP. It has been a THING and half. Over the next couple days, the ladies in my discipleship program will feature on the blog sharing what they have gotten so far from the program and their private sessions with me. […]

My Place of QUIET retreat: HIS Dulce Apartments.

Hey Darlings… Happy new month. 2019 is almost ovurrrrrrrrrr can you imagine? Gosh this year has been REAL!!! It has stretcheeeeed my whole life, but with the stretch has come such a strengthening for which I am SUPER THANKFUL!!! Ok so today, what are we about? I have been hearing ‘My place of quiet retreat’ […]

Milk or Meat? Don’t be ‘that friend’

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Lol. I had something else to share this week but something happened yesterday that made me change my mind. Was going to actually blog on why you should EXIT every whatsapp Prayer and Word group you are in RIGHT NOW and maybe I will get to it later this […]

Meet my Treasures… and why we need to UPGRADE

So I did this amazing post on ‘Meet my journals’ and today I wanna kinda build on that as I welcome you into my Bible world, and also tell us why we all need to quickly upgrade a couple things in your walk with Jesus!!! First, phew how has life been? Girl, it has been […]