Hey people,
So literally the MOST AMAZING assignment God has given me this year is DISCIPLESHIP. It has been a THING and half.
Over the next couple days, the ladies in my discipleship program will feature on the blog sharing what they have gotten so far from the program and their private sessions with me.
Wish I could take everyone in. Since I can’t, this is the next best thing- share with the world via my blog…
Meet Omowunmi
When Omowunmi visited with me, she asked a question and my answer couldn’t have come from me. I’m NOT that smart lol. The Holy Spirit literally answered it through me and I thought it was good enough for a standalone blog post, but in Omowunmi’s words…
Of which Omowunmi has her own blog here…
And she just did this amazing review of Michelle Obama’s BECOMING which EVERYONE should read.
Ok Omowunmi coming up…

Hello everyone.
I am Omowunmi, E’s disciple
My name is Omowunmi, one of E’s mentees. I was given an opportunity to have a personal meeting with her for a mentor-mentee discussion. I would be sharing one profound question I asked and the answer she gave.
I asked E’ to name 5 people she would recommend for any young person to connect with. First of all, her answer was totally unexpected. I was expecting to hear the names of the top 5 mentors in her life, but her answer provided much more than that. According to her, there has to be at least 5 categories of people in a young person’s life…
1. Someone at least two generations ahead of you:
These kind of people are needed because of their maturity and experience. They should preferably be 50 and above. As older Christians, they have more experience than you and they would not shy away from saying things as it is. You can learn from their mistakes and glean from their wisdom. Joyce Meyer is one of her mentors in this category.
2. Persons of hope:
These are people who are presently living the kind of life you dream of. People that have arrived at the destination you desire. This category of people are people you can connect with easily because your life journeys are very similar and you can relate with every of their experiences. You should literally hold these people by their clothes because they “sabi your road”. When you have issues, its easy to find solutions in their life stories. E’s persons of hope are Christine Caine (life purpose) and Lisa Bevere (parenting).
3. Spiritual Guides:
Your spiritual life should not be taken lightly. You need people to mentor you appropriately in this area. People that have a good relationship with God and can keep you grounded in God’s word. DDK, Pastor Mildred Kingsley-Okonkwo, Pastor Steven Furtick, and Priscilla Shirer are some of the mentors that provide spiritual guidance for E’.
4. Wise People In Your Generation:
These are millennials like you, who are outstanding despite their age. They are people you can easily connect with because you are in the same age bracket and probably at the same phase of life. Most of the bloggers that she follows are in this category and some of them are Dr. N and an and an anonymous christian blogger called inthemidstofher. Also Heather Lindsey and Sarah Jakes Roberts.
We all should connect with fellow young people that we find inspiring.
5. Professional Mentors:
This category of people are those who have taken career steps that you admire. They don’t have to be in the same industry as you, but they have to be high-flyers in their chosen careers. They have gotten to the career destination you envision for yourself,so learning from them would speed up your career progression. Marshawn Evans is in that category for her . She’s not in the fitness industry but she teaches a lot on how to do business even as a christian.
In summary, there’s no cast-in-stone answer to the question I asked. Your mentors in each category would differ from another’s.
In the comment section, let me know who your mentors are in each of these categories. You just might be someone’s person of hope and your answers can help direct their paths.
Till when I write again, Ciao!
Boom!!! How amazing was THAT!!!??? This is how people write books ooo. Lol
Ok we will come again. The Disciples that is. So much to learn and I’m excited to be right in the midst of it all…
Hi Eziaha,
I’m still new to this whole mentorship thing and to be honest I never knew anything about it till my friend started pushing me towards it but if I’m to answer category by category, it’ll be
1. I look up to my mom and Joel osteen, they are two generations ahead of me and they are full of so much wisdom. They always light my part
2. No one, which is kinda annoying cos I feel like a lost sheep most times so I look up to God for direction
3. Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo. I feel my spiritual life resonates with his own
4. Tolu Oladejo
5. I guess I could say toke makinwa… she inspires me so much basically.
Awesome write up. I look forward to the next