My Hub’s Birthday Pressie… and other stories
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom/grow in wisdom/get a heart of wisdom… Psalms 90v12 Hi guys. How’s everyone doing today? How did your week go? This week was a birthday week in my family mehn. Started off with BIL on Sunday, Hubs on Tuesday and Popsie’s 71st […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… V-Log Finale
Hello people… So here is my surprise surprise… My grand final on this #AttitudeO’Gratitude challenge… And I did a double video Actually triple video… Whoop… Disclaimer: I am way prettier than this. I am NOT as fair as this I INISIST… And I speak way better than this too. Looool… I was in a hurry. […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day PAY.IT.FORWARD

Yay!!! So today I am paying it forward… I’ll be thanking Him in advance because my testimonies are sure… Sharing this publicly would also make me accountable to my faith… I must stay in faith till I get my victory and by december 31, I would be right back to testify in appreciation… Deal? Lezzdodis… […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 11 #SundayDelight# :)

Hey FAB’ers Happy sunday/weekend/holiday, did you have? I hate to start on this note but sweerie, holiday is over and you prolly have work tomorrow… Sawry… :p Looooool I had a FAB Sunday from sun up to sun down… There will be plenty of pictures. Some clear. Some not. Some show off. Some will make […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 10

I am literally typing and laughing… Kai… I talked with a most amazing person today sha. But this is me jumping ahead of myself… How was your day dawleen? I am still in lounging mode but today I was more productive with my day… No movies absolutely. I just did plenty of learning and knowledge […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 8

Hello FAB’ers Did you have a restful holiday today? Ramadan Kareem to my muslim friends. I hear this is not the ram killing one. Na wa ooo. Please why is that??? Ha ahn!!! Please wake me up when tz time for the ram eating one… Speaking of which, someone posed the question in a Christian […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 7

Oh… What a glorious day… On a scale of 1 to 10, today gets a 50!!! What an absolutely FAB day!!! By 12noon, I had enough testimonies and stuff to be grateful for… But I had to chill till now… Bad idea… Cos I’m drop dead tired right now but the show must go on… […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 6

Yipee Day 6… It gets better everyday jare. I must confess. \ This series makes all the sense ooo. You really should do this if you are a Blogger. It has good effects on you and then on your blog. #Twoforthepriceofone Hehehehe Before I begin, lemme shalla to all my partners-in-gratitude… The offline ones. Daily […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 5

Yay… Day 5 Whoop whoop Ok let’s roll it already… First lemme find out how your day was… How was your day Tweety? Hope ndi uchu didn’t see you? Looool. I purposely put in all this Igbo. And I purposely don’t translate too. And Yes I am still fighting tribalism… Hahahahahahahahaha A friend of mine […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 4

Hey FAB’ers Hope the weekend went well ooo because work dey tomorrow. At least for you and not me… Hehehehehehehehehehehe Today was a super intense day for me. From one thing to another. Hardly any breather. Just got in from LDM which btw way SUPER AMAZING and I have to run this and post quick. […]