Still warring baby… And we won’t STOP!!!

Hey guys, Hugs and Kisses all sround. April 1 and 3 will always stand out for me as really special days in my heart. Why? Because of the kind of God-encounter they were for me. I still recall how fired up in my spirit I was as I prepared for that meeting WARRIOR IN HEELS… […]
The P413 POW WOW with E’ (1.0)

Whooooop-de-deooooo!!! Like God is just so super amazing The POW WOW with E’ is finally a reality. Ok so before I get carried away by my own fizz, a few FAQs likely to surface… What is a POW-WOW? It is a meeting for discussion, especially among friends or colleagues. I JUST LOOOOOVE this name. […]
A HUGE Peek into E’s Diary this November…

Hey yawl!!! Ok I had a Post planned out (that line of Equal Frequency) but I feel like this one will fly better. Plus people, that Post does NOT want to get ‘done’. I am almost tired but my mama din’ raise no quitters!!! Until it gets done, I think this Post will have to […]
A RICH SlipStream…

‘…Can we learn, can we glean, can we STAY IN THEIR SLIPSTREAM…?’ Bianca Juarez Olthoff. Propel Conversation series. Happy new week guys. I am bursting with sunshine this week. My online coaching classes are LIVE again and I realized just how much I had missed it. And all the fun and gists it brings Ok […]

Hey yawwwwwl!!! If you feel breathless after reading this POST, It is because I am writing it soooo super fast. Hahaha Ok so our FIRST Propel meeting was EVERYTHING!!! Walahi, I have not even recovered from it. Every thing I want to do now, I filter through the wisdom I garnered BOTH from the videos […]

To follow God closely is to fulfill your calling COMPLETELY… Beth Moore, ENTRUSTED BIBLE STUDY. I am just going to write from my heart, but first, hope everyone is AWESOME yo!!! New week!!! May God bless our week in Jesus name, AMEN!!! Ok I dunno about yawl but I LOVE SOCIAL MEDIA!!! I think it […]
The 6k Christmas?in?October promo at #ESquad…

Hey guys,Ok let’s go straight to the point with this post… So this October, I am having another promo on all my services. Online coaching class for those who want to lose weight – N6000 (regular price:10k. ) Discount for my past students – N5000 (if you have ever paid me for any service that […]
Eziaha PROPELLED!!! Lessons from my life…

Hey guys. Ok lemme share some lessons I picked from Propel that totally and radically changed something in me. Yawl know me, when I like something, I go all the way IN!!! I discovered Propel earlier this year, and I desperately wanted to see a video from the curriculum. Not the ones on YouTube ooo. […]

One thing I need to do right now is just BREATHE!!! Like B-R-E-A-T-H-E!!! Propel Women is something that really REALLY changed my life radically first and then continues to change it as I follow closely Ok let me give some background on Propel. It is actually an Organization founded by my crazy Big Aussie Sister, […]
Hey guys!!! Ok read this post IN MY VOICE!!! What? You don’t know what I sound like YET? Ok here you go… I started vlogging for my Food&Fitness Business and so far I have two videos up on YouTube Shooting the next video today and I would basically be addressing all those ‘I […]