Yay, the FAB SISTERSHIP mentoring academy is OPEN!!!

Note Before : I changed the email from eziaha@eziaha.com cos I’m not getting emails there so well so pls if you sent to that email, resend to eziaharx@yahoo.com Hey FAB FAM Gosh, I am so excited about this post because ONCE AGAIN, I am mentoring YOUNG LADIES not just stay at home moms. Phew. Last […]
Meet the Fab Mentees….Goodness-Mercy Weme’s journey.

I’m Goodness-Mercy Weme, one of the beneficiaries of the just concluded mentoring program on TFS. I really cannot find the right words to describe my stay at the program. It has been all shades of awesomeness. I’ve been blessed and blessed tremendously. I’ve grown in just this short period of time. Thank you mama E. […]
For the FAB wives and moms… #LetUsPray

First things first… Happy birthdays to my darling mentees who don’t stop haranguing the rest of us with twinees to triplets to Quads cos they are four born at the same time. Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee… Fell in love with her blog from my first visit. Derinsola love, I am proud of you. I […]
#31 Voices and more… Still Testifying Forward

*music* He has promised He will never fail… I will follow Him, Yes I will follow Him My God has promised He will NEVER fail His faithfulness is FOREVER more. His Faithfulness, is forever more… It was the only medical doctor in our midst that was leading the Monday night prayers on my FAB ladies […]
A F.A.B. #OpenLetter…

This is an #OpenLetter from E’ to my darling FABers… When I decided to run the #31Voices, I thought I was just doing something fun on my blog. I didn’t realize I was doing MINISTRY!!! I didn’t realize I was actually running with a vision. It hit home after I got the very first post […]
#GrandFinale… F.A.B. Mrs. O Testifying

Since I started with me testifying, I figured I would end this with my twin… Love her like I would have loved a twin sister if I had one, and considering my love for twins, that is a whole LOT… We are so alike in many ways that if no be God ehn, I for […]
#DoubleTriumphantDelight…Kemi&Deolu Testify

We have two testifiers today and both of them are TRIUMPHANT I met kemi as a final year student in my church Triumphant Assembly. She was a Corper then and she was so committed she was made HOD of ‘Meeters and Greeters’.  We attended desperate branches but when we had a joint program, units […]
*Drumroll* The RESPLENDENT Lizzie testifies…

Yay!!! Hon. Lizzie in da house, complete with her big big grammer looool I met Lizzie some four years ago. I had just crossed to the Social sciences and I had to take some 100level courses so therefore I had clashing courses. Someone told me to meet the classrep of 100level to borrow her note […]
Two different kind of FAB Testifiers… Dee and CC do their thing!!!

Hmmmm… I put up Dee and CC on the same day because in their cases, they had to look backward to testify forward… Many people misunderstood me and sent me 2013 round up rather than 2014, and I sent back the mails and asked them to readjust… For this two, the HS prompted me to […]
#DoubleF.A.B.Delight… Sparkle and Belema testify

Hey people… Week off to a great start yo? I feel particularly like I am taking down giants this week… Where dem dey??? All I have been singing to my Sugar daddy is ‘Lord make me courageous’ . That song ‘Courageous’ by Casting Crowns is my ringtone. And my daily song dose… Best line has […]