…Until that which your spiritual eyes have seen…

Hey FaithFam, welcome to the blog. It’s a throwback blog and we’re going all the way back to 2015. It’s still such a relevant message for today so let’s get into it. Hallos people And happy Sunday 🙂 Actually I’m typing this on Saturday but I’ll schedule for Sunday. Something about Sunday makes us a […]
The 5,6,7,8 Bridal BOOTCAMP with CoachE’… DETAILS

Hey, Oh happy day to you and yours… Just sliding in to say YAY for our Bridal bootcamp with CoachE’. Wondering at the Numbers We mean in 5WEEKS, we will work with 6BRIDES to lose at least 7KG all for N8,000 ONLY. Pretty cool stuff. So know any December or January brides who […]
For my SPECIAL people… #R&B2015

Eeeeeeek somebody PINCH me!!! My sister Ruth is married to Biodun!!! Oh my gosh, I swear I have teared up A LOT every time I think of them getting married and I had to ring her LATE a night before the wedding to just gush!!! Like babe, is THIS REALLY happening??? Eeeeeeeek!!! It has happened […]
My Hub’s Birthday Pressie… and other stories
Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom/grow in wisdom/get a heart of wisdom… Psalms 90v12 Hi guys. How’s everyone doing today? How did your week go? This week was a birthday week in my family mehn. Started off with BIL on Sunday, Hubs on Tuesday and Popsie’s 71st […]
E's.Mail…Pre-marital Counselling

Airport lounges are a great place to blog… I have done quite some blogging every time I wait… I actually thought I would spend some time reading this book while I await my flight, but I decided I would read the book in-flight since all electronic gadgets would have to be off then… I am […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele

Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me endlessly just as you carry out your […]
Let’s give ’em som’in to be proud about…

I love mentor-mentee relationships… Especially those within the kingdom. I love such phrases as… ‘…one of my sons was telling me…’ ‘…my father in the faith/Lord said…’ ‘…one of my mentees came to see me…’ I really look out for such phrases whenever I am listening to a message or reading a book. I know […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…Phebe testifying

I am super sure if I checked my rather HUGE picture collection, I would find one with Phebe… Or Bomu as I knew her in Pharmacy school back in UI… Funny we weren’t exactly close and frankly I was too bored in pharmacy school to look to make any friends… Post Pharmacy school, Post-UI, thanks […]
Announcements on the F.A.B lane…

Before I go on, the app that did this is called Bit strips. Available on Google play only. Any other info, please Google. Don’t harangue me with questions, thank you!!! :p Looooool OK so I have a few announcements to make about how things are going to be around here. Cool stuff. Divine instructions. I […]
Testifying…to the very end!!!

Aha!!! Day Finale…2013 I am grateful not only to have seen the end of the year, but to have really LIVED through this amazing year of our Lord 2013… Our Word for this year 2013 was I WILL TESTIFY. Incredible word. Many testimonies… I enjoyed this year ooo… Choi!!! Too many testimonies… Do we start […]