Overwhelm, Stress, Burnout, all choices. You can REJECT them forever!

Hey Blog Fam, Sometime in March 2022, I did this amazing free Masterclass called The JOY CODE, and in those 150 mins or so, I dived deep into how we can kick overwhelm away for good, because stress, and overwhelm and burnout, they are all choices and we can choose to reject them. It was […]

I am referring /reviewing a few businesses

I hope to run more of these review posts often like this one on Bibles I did…. MEET MY BIBLES So while the above focused on products, today I wanna highlight a few services offered by some small and growing businesses I have used that just ridiculously blessed me Let’s jump right in 1. New […]

My Hub’s Birthday Pressie… and other stories

Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom/grow in wisdom/get a heart of wisdom… Psalms 90v12 Hi guys. How’s everyone doing today? How did your week go? This week was a birthday week in my family mehn. Started off with BIL on Sunday, Hubs on Tuesday and Popsie’s 71st […]


Train up a child in the way he should go… Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it…(Prov 22;6) Like most of you know, I am serving in a secondary school in Lagos. Recently, we held our valedictory service (yup teachers have to wear the gown […]

Inspiration FM and Values…

Prepping for work this morning, I tune to Inspiration FM which is easily my fave radio station.  Two guys who I am NOT fans of were on. I think they were the same two guys who stood in for Wanawana when she was out for a while. I found them too garrulous so I stopped […]


It was a Wednesday evening after service. I was doing my not-too-usual faffing (recall my post on CURFEWS and how I hardly can afford to wait for service to be over talkless of faffing) when someone grabbed me from behind ‘…Ehen she is the One, I have caught you today, I have been looking for […]

Church girls and boys

Disclaimer(lol) This article was written on Thursday Feb 28.But i did not publish till today.  This disclaimer should explain a lot. Pele. Now I am in orientation camp having the time of my life *straight face* Ok, enjoy… Sorry I’ve been MIA I’ve been having so much fun junketing the w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ Nation… :p Anyways lemme […]

…but we KNOW…

BUT WE KNOW Nicodemus’s (hereafter known as (Bros) Nico) story in John chapter 3  has always amazed me even as a child in Sunday school class at my Parents Anglican church, which by the way still misses me (can you Imagine biko nu). I recall my teacher then telling us how we needed to be […]