Hey Blog Fam,
Sometime in March 2022, I did this amazing free Masterclass called The JOY CODE, and in those 150 mins or so, I dived deep into how we can kick overwhelm away for good, because stress, and overwhelm and burnout, they are all choices and we can choose to reject them.

It was SO GOOD, I still don’t know how it was free. See some of our responses in our feedback form

Even though I got to share the recording with those who registered, I also wanted to shoot a video for my YouTube Fam hitting some of the high notes, so right after the Masterclass, I shot a video.
That video is out right now

This time last year, reading through my journal, I see how overwhelmed I was. I am SO thankful for the journey God took me through, as He led me away from that land forever, and now is using me to lead others out. I am a living proof of this thing
My life now has so much more margin, even after I have done my work, to play, rest, sleep, hang out with friends and be there for my family and also serve in church.
No stress, no overwhelm, no burnout!
I know that one of the major reasons we are overwhelmed is this thing called FREEDOM, which is why I said in this post I wrote a year back,
Yes, we are called to FREEDOM, but not the kind that takes the boundaries away from everything.
Read Post on Freedom
But not you, baby. You don’t do overwhelm (Check out the YT video to learn how)
Back to freedom; I recently started to define overwhelm as freedom gone WILD. That you can afford to do something, many things, everything, does not mean you have to. And the crazy part is how we are all so busy, yet when we audit our days, we can’t really pinpoint what it is we really spent our time doing.
Then enter distractions
After what seems like a long day, we now decide to wind down by endlessly scrolling through our phones, going up and down the streets of social media
At the end of the day, we don’t feel great about ourselves, the bad news we didn’t portion control is making us anxious, we feel behind after comparing our lives with those on social media, and yet, we are actually behind on the more important aspects of our lives, including sleep.
Can I share one simple solution with you?
Wait, what is low quality leisure, you may ask?
Good news. I did a whole video here explaining what that means, and then giving you high quality leisure alternatives.

When we learn to schedule low quality leisure, and actually stick to the time frame allotted it, instead of just allowing it fill up all of our evening hours, or fringe times, we can actually now spend more time on our high value tasks and recharge with high quality leisure
High quality, baby
That is the kinda life I wanna live, and I want that for you, so step into the higher version of yourself, where everything is high quality.
And you also want that kind of life for your kids. You don’t want them addicted to screens now, do you?

The good news is that It’s Possible to reverse all of these if somehow the above sentences describe your kids. You can sign up for another Masterclass, this time, not free. And if you know anything about the 2022 Eziaha, she only accepts EXCELLENCE from herself.
My last work is my BEST work, and my next work will always beat it and become my new BEST.
So if you thought JOYCODE was all that, then It’s Possible will be 10x more.
Come through if you wanna be a parent that’s not always yelling, while raising kids that actually are not screen addicted, come over
It’s Sooo Possible.
A 3-day deep-dive Masterclass into,
Yelling-free Parenting and Low-Screen Kids
Good bye Low Quality, Addiction to screens, Overwhelm and more! Forever!
I hope this blog and the videos shared makes your weekend a whole lot better.
Here are all the links in case you want them together;
Kick Overwhelm
Its possible
Rethinking Leisure #HighQualityLeisure
No more Anyhow-ness, Become a Professional Domestic Queen
Leaving you with the Shalom of God.
So much love,
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Also, do watch and subscribe to my YouTube channel Your BEST LIFE with Eziaha