Away on Vacation, Be Back in Two-weeks.

Hey F.A.B Fam! One of the best decision I made this year was to get onboard Time Genius, an online course by one of my life mentors, Marie Forleo. I thought I was learning to manage time but I really discovered that I was learning to manage my life. One of my biggest take-aways will […]
Overwhelm, Stress, Burnout, all choices. You can REJECT them forever!

Hey Blog Fam, Sometime in March 2022, I did this amazing free Masterclass called The JOY CODE, and in those 150 mins or so, I dived deep into how we can kick overwhelm away for good, because stress, and overwhelm and burnout, they are all choices and we can choose to reject them. It was […]
The N5,500 price slash (Weight loss Coaching with CoachE’)

Hey Fam, First off, thank yawl for all the congratulations from all over. Still feels unreal to know that I am a new mommy, and infact TWO people’s mommy. TWO BOYS yawl. PRAYERS UP haha!!! CoachE’Squad was birthed from my first son even as I struggled with the pregnancy, post baby and INDISCIPLINE weight, and […]
30 Days Blogging Challenge… Days 11-20
June is flying guys… Eish!!! I feel like there is fire set to my butts!!! Kai!!! But God is faithful sha. He is IN me, WITH me and ON my side. Amen!!! Moving on, swiftly to days 11-20. Find days 1-10 here Day 11. 10 Fave foods Breakfast : Porridge Oats. Oats pancake. Oatmeal smoothie. […]
SavedFit&FAB… Going PREMIUM to serve you BETTERER!!!
My bestie just popped out baby number 2 and Sunday was the christening. I had gone into the bathroom and on my way out, I didn’t realize I was talking to myself out loud. Haha. Guess what I was saying? I was mentally preparing a customized meal plan for a Client who was looking to […]