For some reason, my mood suddenly nose dived by Saturday evening. First it was my strength that had been declining and then my mood, and finally my spirit. Aaarrrggggh. Anybody ever been there? Now make no mistakes, I have done very well relating with most people all through this period ooo. You really would not […]
Between Inter-tribal marriages and UNRESTRAINED…

So it is another fabulous weekend whoop!!! Btw, second post in one day… Am i smoking or what?!?!?! Hehehehe. Anyways, today is ‘Open House and Parents forum’ at my school and so between welcoming and directing the parents upstairs (And PLENTY smiling too which you know is the easiest thing for E’ to do), and […]
Fab last weekend yo!!!

***This post was written on Monday October 14 but I got lazy and my internet has been crappy so i sort of chilled out till today to try again. So please rewind mentally as you read…*** Ok the weekend for me starts Thursday and it started with plenty of house cleaning, cooking and all. I […]
E’spiration Friday… Between Wana, Adichie and Okada books

Ehen, you recall the E’spiration series I said I would start… Ok, here goes Episode One. Inspiration FM is an absolute inspiration. Pun intended. I know I did that post on Inspiraton FM and values where I knocked them some but truth is, half the time, they rock. Three people that totally make it worth […]
Just incase I stop blogging…

These BLOGS I LOVE will make your day anyday… No worries tho, I am not about to stop writing as God is still letting the juices flow, but seeing as I had a four day hiatus in between Posts, I can imagine that my blog faithfuls have missed me, no? Your weekend was cool yeah? […]
Holier than thou? Who? Me? Hian…
So this morning, I wasn’t gonna blog about anything ooo. But something happened that brought out the Blogger in me… Someone called me ‘holier than thou’ Her exact words were ‘…Ezi please stop all this holier than thou thing you always do…’ Ok lemme back up a bit… We were discussing something on people who […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… V-Log Finale
Hello people… So here is my surprise surprise… My grand final on this #AttitudeO’Gratitude challenge… And I did a double video Actually triple video… Whoop… Disclaimer: I am way prettier than this. I am NOT as fair as this I INISIST… And I speak way better than this too. Looool… I was in a hurry. […]
Back to WORK…
Ok for those of you who don’t know, I am currently serving. In one of those top notch elite schools in Lekki. Summer break let today and so work resumed for me. Actually work resumed last week for the teachers but we Corpers didn’t show till this week. I had been kinda ZERO in my […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day IFY

Variety is indeed the spice of life… This guest today is one of my blog-imonies. I haven’t met her yet but she’s been all variants of sweet. Makes amazing comments and even sends me more amazing long mails like I love’em… Ladies and gentlemen, E’ presents the very delectable Ify and the unique flavour she […]

Train up a child in the way he should go… Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it…(Prov 22;6) Like most of you know, I am serving in a secondary school in Lagos. Recently, we held our valedictory service (yup teachers have to wear the gown […]