That Phone conversation with a friend that took me down memory lane…

So here we go with the SECOND post today. This girl is on fire!!!! Haha. Today, I wanna share a conversation I had with a friend recently, which borders more on me anyways, and how I make my choices. So, I rang a friend recently, to check up on her, and well she had something […]
It’s easy to write. It’s living that’s the hard part….

Hey yawl… HAPPY Sunday!!! I was reading an old post from Pastor M’s blog from like 3 years ago, but still so relevant. In fact, I have never forgotten it, cos this seems to be even more TODAY my reality. You should read that post for contextbut a line once again jumped out at […]
#FruitfulAtHome Day 11… Babe,please drink garri tonight.

That was exactly what I told hubby tonight cos the child was tired. What a ridiculously long day. Yikes. Anyways, the husband was like He wants rice and stew and fried plantain. Cos he says he needs energy to clean the home, which is DIRTY!!! Ugh. Just served him. Now in bed. Let’s attempt to […]
#AugustFruitful31.11… I HATE CONFRONTATIONS!!!

Hey yawl Ok straight to the point I am not usually a confrontational person. I actually shy away from it especially with my friends. It is either I grace you, adjust expectations and my investment or just (sadly) drift away. That’s not always right I know, but the crazy thing is somehow I have been […]
#AugustFruitful31.1… Getting started

Hey yawl Happy Super Duper August. I am soooo EXCITED and EXPECTANT for August and yay, it is also my expected month of delivery, but I am hoping to tip right into September, as I am due last week of August. No hurries. Had a REDUCED MOVEMENT scare recently and the Consultant was quick to […]
Daughters&Sisters Without Rival

For in His eyes, we are all Daughters #WithoutRival and this eliminates every reason we should ever compete with one other… Lisa Bevere. Without Rival I don’t know about yawl but I’m saved enough to admit that if not for Jesus, I would have been the most selfish, competitive Bitch ever (excuse my French) ME, […]
Are we even fighting AT ALL…?

You know, this week was an absolutely emotional one for me. For some reason, I spent quite some time on the phone with women. I took away ONE thing from EVERY conversation. EVERY!!! That some, maybe most of us are NOT fighting hard enough!!! My Rev (who I am CRAZY about more now than before) […]
An addition to your GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESSES…

I attended my very first Service of songs today. The dad of one of my best and most enduring friendships – Chynn, had passed. Wild horses were not gonna stop me from attending and trust me, the ‘horses’ that turned up were stark raving MAD but I was determined. For my girl!!! I didn’t know […]
An absolutely FAB update…

Hey yawl, How is everyone doing? So sorry I went AWOL. In fact. I am so sorry that I am coming here to give an update. I was just gonna disappear for a while. What do you think those three posts in a day were for? Bhahaha😂😁:: Ok really tho, yawl know I got a […]
The Spirit of SHUT UP… Pt 1
I recall EXACTLY where I was, holding my phone when her message dropped… ‘I’m in UCH and I am going in for a surgery…’ That was a message from a dear dear friend. Because I know the back story of the ‘situation’ that landed her in the hospital and how we had faith’ed it all along, this […]