Pump. Passion. Energy. And a BRAND NEW YEAR!!!

Hey FaithFam. We’re cruising on the Throwback Lane this January. Lol. Today, I’m bringing back another ‘oldie but goodie’ post. If you need a reminder of why you shouldn’t dim the passion and energy you were feeling with the dawn of the New Year, you’ve come to the right place.   Hallos people,Happy Super Duper […]

My Place of QUIET retreat: HIS Dulce Apartments.

Hey Darlings… Happy new month. 2019 is almost ovurrrrrrrrrr can you imagine? Gosh this year has been REAL!!! It has stretcheeeeed my whole life, but with the stretch has come such a strengthening for which I am SUPER THANKFUL!!! Ok so today, what are we about? I have been hearing ‘My place of quiet retreat’ […]

Milk or Meat? Don’t be ‘that friend’

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog. Lol. I had something else to share this week but something happened yesterday that made me change my mind. Was going to actually blog on why you should EXIT every whatsapp Prayer and Word group you are in RIGHT NOW and maybe I will get to it later this […]

Yay for my BRAND NEW DEVOTIONAL for MarketPlace Apostles

Yikes!!! I am sooo EXCITED to launch my second Devotional this year… THE 40 DAY DEVOTIONAL for MARKET PLACE APOSTLES. This is soooo super personal to me because I could not be a business Chick if I didn’t have a way to put my Jesus bang at the center of it all. I loooooved writing […]

THREE MORE DAYS off the 30-31-30 Devotional.

Hey yawl…  Doing this for my amazing IOS USERS who keep haranguing me. Like I say, the Android version of the App has to make the money for the Ios VERSION so let’s all be patient and prayerful. I LOVE THIS DEVOTIONAL TO LIFE Blows me away and so I KNOW no be my power. […]

YAY!!! Happy LAUNCH DAY TO ME!!! The 30-31-30 Devotional is LIVE!!!

Yay!!! Finally the D-day for my Devotional to launch, and I am just overwhelmed in a GOOD way. Like, God is just so amazing, and He has made this happen finally!!! I took my time to go through the entire Devotional for the last time today, and I was just blown away. I didn’t even […]

Say HELLO to the 30-31-30 Devotional for FAB SWORDED CHICKS (Ist 10 Days)

Hello You Warrior Chick, The 30-31-30 Devotional for FAB SWORDED CHICKS will change your life. No, seriously I mean it. As I wrote it, I went into depths with God I didn’t even know were possible, and a new Eziaha emerged, swords blazing and everything. I even learned that Psalm in the Bible didn’t come […]