On Seasons and Guilt…

Recently, I was thinking about how at some point in my life, I had Priscilla Shirer on repeat everywhere. It literally was a BINGE. Today, I really cannot tell when last I listened to a full Shirer sermon. Ditto Christine Caine. Like, I would explore YouTube like crazy and download EVERYTHING Chris Caine like the […]
Between Two Tears… My Daystar Experience so far

Hey yawl, Happy Sunday. I LOVE Sundays like ABSOLUTELY. Always have and absolutely always will. Reason is simple: I get to worship my Father with fellow Believers corporately. Worship experiences are always amazing, and when I think of places where Believers are not free to worship, my heart breaks in sorrow and at the same […]
#AugustFruitful31.28… On finding, losing, and finding PURPOSE again.

This post is a continuation of a previous so did you miss Part 1? Catch up here. Ok so we have talked about being purposeful as a single before you are found, and I shared a part of my single journey in the first part. So now I am married, and I was still serving […]
#AugustFruitful31.27… The Purposeful wife!!!

My friend Yinka invited me to her IG group for young wives to speak on PURPOSE in marriage. Marriage is not the first topic I jump to talk about but the good thing is as I prayed, the Lord just opened my eyes to 3 seasons I have lived through in my own life as […]
Iznur Perznal so BEHAVE like a Christian!!!

Mehn, this past Sunday was one of my best Sunday’s this year. First of all, i attended the Island centre which i prefer (cos it reminds me of Abuja), then I loooooooooooved my look, PC was on the mic for worship, praise, choir ministration and then worship again, Pastor K preached a banging good delicious […]

One thing I need to do right now is just BREATHE!!! Like B-R-E-A-T-H-E!!! Propel Women is something that really REALLY changed my life radically first and then continues to change it as I follow closely Ok let me give some background on Propel. It is actually an Organization founded by my crazy Big Aussie Sister, […]
So who got ya on LOCKDOWN!!!
DISCLAIMER!!! This post is LONG!!! Was gonna divide it into two but no, I won’t!!! I’m sorry… NOT!!! Lol… So lemme set this up with a story that makes me SMH every time I think back at it Btw, by lockdown, I really mean, who or WHAT is putting you under INTENSE PRESSURE? Before you […]
25 men bawooo? Not on MY watch!!!
Hey guys. Happy Sunday and New week and err’thang. So I heard an absolutely wrecking sermon today. Had to share. Rev was in town and yawl know I’m crazy about my Rev. I mean,how many Fathers just titally absolutely truly LOVE like Rev does and random thinks of you like this So with my hubs […]
The Biggest Chick Party of the year!!! #LoveLife2016

As I write this, I’m having a party in my mind. If I get anymore excited, I would self combust. Haha. Yawl know my heart for Joyce Meyer. Yawl know my heart for Christine Caine. Yawl know my heart for Beth Moore. OK you don’t quite know my heart for Beth just yet but she’s […]
For my SPECIAL people… #R&B2015

Eeeeeeek somebody PINCH me!!! My sister Ruth is married to Biodun!!! Oh my gosh, I swear I have teared up A LOT every time I think of them getting married and I had to ring her LATE a night before the wedding to just gush!!! Like babe, is THIS REALLY happening??? Eeeeeeeek!!! It has happened […]