Recently, I was thinking about how at some point in my life, I had Priscilla Shirer on repeat everywhere. It literally was a BINGE. Today, I really cannot tell when last I listened to a full Shirer sermon. Ditto Christine Caine. Like, I would explore YouTube like crazy and download EVERYTHING Chris Caine like the stalker that I am. At some point, it was Lisa Bevere. Joyce Meyer. My nieces used to jokingly say that my kids have 3 Grandmothers- – My mom, My MIL, and Joyce Meyer haha. I mean, these women have been such a HUGE influence in my life and leaning in has been something I have explored at different degrees in different seasons.

From Teachers, let’s quickly flip to FRIENDSHIPS. There have been various seasons in my life where a certain friend was literally my EVERYTHING!!! And being the kinda Chick I am, EVERYONE and their mamas KNEW this person was IT. Today, whilst I have kept the doors of friendships open with all the friends in my life, the degree of friendship has changed over time.

And guess what? It is OK!!!

I realized recently, in a very practical way, that there is indeed a time and season for everything in our lives (Eccl 3 v 1). And change is a good thing. So as our lives changes, God brings different people and things that work for our season and it is wisdom for us to know how to receive those, instead of hanging on to the old and familiar.

For example, in this season, I am totally with STEVEN FURTICK. Its amazing and frankly creepy how we have a BEAUTIFUL relationship. He gets me. I get him. We flow. Now nothing wrong with Shirer cos every once in a while, I lean in that direction. Ditto Chris and Lisa and GMama Joyce. Someday in the future, the season will change and maybe I won’t be able to get enough of Paula White, but for now, just gimme Stevie!!!

My people dem…

Oh, I am reminded of even churches, and how seasons have continued to change and how I have had to go with the flow and leading of the Spirit. When I attended Fountain of Life, which was my first independent church, I was ALL IN. Then I had to move to WCF as a student, then Triumphant Assembly too in Ibadan, then DCC on graduation, then kinda Winners with my hubby and now DAYSTAR. I can boldly say that I am EXACTLY where God would have me be with Daystar, and looking back at the earlier churches mentioned, I can also boldly say that for those seasons, I was in the PERFECT place for me.

But in all these moves, I have seen that sometimes, the devil – through humans and ourselves – tries to make us feel that change is wrong and guilts us to stay with a certain person/condition long after the season has passed and God (and all HE reps) has also moved on.

I sense that sometimes, like the Prophet Samuel, we cry over Saul so much that we forget that a David has been anointed and waiting… (See 1 Sam 16 v 1)

I am more sensitive now to His leadings and I move as He moves me. Operative word, HE, i.e. GOD!!! But I have also learned a few things which I have applied in my moves…

  1. Honor where you are moving from. That a friendship season passed doesn’t mean that suddenly, that person is a demon. That you changed churches doesn’t mean the former Pastor is nonsense.
  2. Leave doors open, or at least ajar, and if you must close it, close it gently. I recently moved on from a certain friendship, but I made sure to let her know that this door wasn’t shut even though the season is over. Recently. I had cause to kinda consider her for something, and I did. But with wisdom and keeping lines really clear. You can’t just bang doors and destroy bridges because a season changed
  3. Leave guilt behind. Like shame, guilt is a tool of satan to hold us down. REFUSE!!! The simple truth is that we cannot engage with everything at the same level of intensity all the time. Recall that definition Priscilla Shirer gave us of balance in this post? I still apply it. You don’t even have the time or emotional energy too to do that. You will wear thin. And don’t let anyone guilt you too, cos sometimes I hear people say things to me like ‘Ah why did you leave DCC? There must be a story….’ Or ‘ Hmmm na wa ooo, so its no more Joyce Meyer it is now Sarah Jakes. I wonder who it will be tomorrow…’


Please note that I am not saying that you never grow depths with anything, or quit relationships and stuff every time it gets hard. NO!!! And I hope you are mature enough to discern that. I am truly talking about God moving you through seasons and I do expect that we navigate those moves with maturity and honor!!!


Me on duty at DAYSTAR last Sunday




I truly desire to blog weekly at least and on Sundays but the way my Sundays are set up these days? Phew!!! I think I will do it before, then schedule it for Sunday. So, this is my I AM SORRY this didn’t come up on Sunday


I started this post and set a countdown timer for 30mins. Lol. I truly wanted to discipline my time so I can do other things. Time is 2.15am and I have quite a lot to achieve before day break. But I will schedule it to post in the morning. For now, I gotta go work on some official stuff and then some academic work…



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