This post was first published in August 9, 2018. Yesterday, I was SO DISCOURAGED. Kai and the crazy thing about DISCOURAGEMENT is that even though it is a mental/emotional thing, it saps PHYSICAL strength out of you, so you soon realize that you cannot pursue life like you would. I just didn’t wanna do nothing, […]
Do you KNOW the difference between your JOURNAL, GODLY FRIENDSHIPS and YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA? My personal story!!!
Do you know the difference between your journal,friendships and social media or is social media wrongly taking the place of the others? This post was first published in February 2018. Let’s take a read. Hey yawl Been a bit of a minute here and I am actually working on MY LIFE, so that I can […]
Authentically Me & Surprisingly Satisfied!!!
Are you content in the path where God has placed you? Are you looking away from what others have in their lives to live how God would have you live? You can be AUTHENTICALLY YOU yet fully satisfied. Find out more when you continue reading . This blog was first published in 2015. There was […]
10,000 Teachers guys…Stay HUNGRY! Lean IN!! Go HARD!!!
There’s so much we can learn that our lives and that of others around us will be better for it. Now, the question is, are we willing to? You literally have 10,000 teachers FaithFam. Have you spotted them? And if you have, will you lean in? This blog was first published in 2016. Lean in […]
Pump. Passion. Energy. And a BRAND NEW YEAR!!!
Hey FaithFam. We’re cruising on the Throwback Lane this January. Lol. Today, I’m bringing back another ‘oldie but goodie’ post. If you need a reminder of why you shouldn’t dim the passion and energy you were feeling with the dawn of the New Year, you’ve come to the right place. Hallos people,Happy Super Duper […]
Meet my Bibles
Hey BlogFam, So today, I want to talk about my Bibles and like give you a Bible buying guide of sorts. Every time I want to buy a Bible, I check for reviews online and we hardly see reviews from Nigeria so I mostly check on Amazon and all other Bible websites, then bloggers/influencers who […]
My April Reads (plus review of Q1 books)
Gosh, this is so late and I apologize So I shared here my January and then February and March reads. January reads Q1 Reads The reason I do these posts is really to encourage you to read and then hand you practical guides in choosing books as I share not just what I am reading, […]
Friendship, Purpose & Seasons
If I can keep it 100p, I would say that I’ve enjoyed the VERY best of friendships and some of the most PAINFUL heart wrenching moments in friendships. And to also keep it 100p, I wont change anything for the whole world The many seasons of friends and friendships in my life have made me […]
Dear Stay-At-Home Mum, This Money Matter is Not Easy
I picked fault with everything my husband did that pertained to money. If he dropped money on the table for me when going out because I was asleep, I would attribute it to the fact that it was because I wasn’t making money. If I asked for money for XYZ and he didn’t have (genuinely), […]
Ah I wrote this post in December 30th, 2015 and I chanced upon it recently. I love it enough to share again now. Will add my updated thoughts in bracket… Enjoy spending time with God yawl. He is like so FREAKIN’ good!!! What I find the most interesting about this post is the JOY I […]