Zoom Prayers & Whatsapp Study Sessions? Who’s NOT ready???

Hey sisters, who’s excited about PRAYERS??? So, how would you like to attend a party I get the privilege of hosting every Friday with some of my JESUS girls over ZOOM? We actually started this June 15 and today, Friday Sept 14 is our FOURTEENTH MEETING and it gets better everytime. Ok, let me explain, […]

Why I threw away all my PRAYER POINTS

Lol This blog title is so funny but truly that was what happened. Recall the post I did on Choices… Spoiled or Paralyzed? My sister, I soon realized that I was getting paralyzed by having way too many things to pray about. Ever since the movie WAR ROOM, I have been one for having a […]


The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much… James 5v16 I had been listening to the Conversations with John and Lisa podcast series on FERVENT PRAYER and I am just in awe of a God soooooo powerful and limitless. Like, if there is a man or men to pray, then there is a […]