#31F.A.B.Voices…Celebrating Testifying Ebele

Today I celebrate Ebele Kenn Ogeleka… Not just as a F.A.B. Testifier, which she is…. Not just because it is her birthday, which it is today, or her third wedding anniversary, which it also is today… I celebrate you Ebele, the water walker because you have inspired me endlessly just as you carry out your […]
oh-SOH-amazing moments… MK&WW

This is the second and the last I would be doing on the oh-SOH-amazing moments. So I would cram as much as possible into this… Johnson Madichie, you have approximately 48hours to do the full post on Sound Of heaven ooo… www.johnsonmadichie.wordpress.com is his blog so keep checking. And then I will also reblog it […]
oh-SOH-amazing moments… FREKE

As you know, the Sound of Heaven concert was yesterday and it was something outta this world. The name was apt… Sound of heaven. Mk and Ebele, mega congrats yo!!! I won’t deceive you and say I’ll blog about it in its entirety… Mba… But Johnson Madichie will TRY. Operative word: TRY. Cos you can’t […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 25

Whoop!!! I’m walking on sunshine as I type… Actually I am typing from heaven… I have MK’s Sound of heaven album playing as I type away… I only got in from the concert a second ago and it was HEAVENLY (Pardon the blurred pix. It was late) I am not promising to give gist… Or […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 21

Boy!!! Am I happy to be blogging again on gratitude… Feels like forever since I last did this. Meanwhile it has been just two days… How have you my darlings been? Still with an #AttitudeO’Gratitude I hope…? Yesterday was just one of those low days for me. It kinda sucked that I had already given […]
E' in da' MIX… #Arugbo Ojo

Hello Sweeries, Been a while I brought you lyrics of my fave FAB songs yeah? Forgive me jare… It was after I heard a particular song on Sunday as I chilled at Coldstone creamery that had ‘…haba habatically…’ in it that I decided that I had to do this… Seriously, haba, habatically… 😮 And guess […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 11 #SundayDelight# :)

Hey FAB’ers Happy sunday/weekend/holiday, did you have? I hate to start on this note but sweerie, holiday is over and you prolly have work tomorrow… Sawry… :p Looooool I had a FAB Sunday from sun up to sun down… There will be plenty of pictures. Some clear. Some not. Some show off. Some will make […]
#AttitudeO’Gratitude… Day 9

Hey dolls, How I look forward to being thankFULL daily… Indescribable… That feeling Whether I’m tired or not, I’m excited. And with excitement comes energy… So today, I feel weak but hey I am strong… The I AM factor is very important. Whatever follows I AM follows me so I AM strong. I can describe […]
#AttitudeO'Gratitude… Day 4

Hey FAB’ers Hope the weekend went well ooo because work dey tomorrow. At least for you and not me… Hehehehehehehehehehehe Today was a super intense day for me. From one thing to another. Hardly any breather. Just got in from LDM which btw way SUPER AMAZING and I have to run this and post quick. […]
Birthday munches… Part 3

Happy Sunday darlings… I hope you had a great time in church thanking God especially for the gift of life that you enjoy…I absolutely did… My church just rocks… Cos our God rocks too… I figured that in this Part 3 of my Birthday munches, I would share some of the munches that were very […]