Tz actually called THE EVERYDAY LIFE BIBLE but I had to use that title for obvious reasons. Btw, happy new month yawl…And happy independence to Nigeria. This month, this blog will stay drippin’ with plenty good stuff regularly. At least twice a week, and on very good weeks, thrice. Don’t thank me, send cheques. *straight […]
How to believe God for a HOUSE!!!

I LOVE the title of this post walahi. Usually I think on posts wella before I write it. But this one came yesterday and I was too busy/tired to write it and so today, with a bit of time, I’m up to writing… Btw, feel free to replace ‘house’ with anything else you are in […]
LIVE AMAZED!!! The finale

Aha!!! Tz my mama’s birthday today. Her 71st!!! My life’s biggest international influence. My numero uno mentor. Chai!!! Joyce Meyer is a dream. She’s my dream. I listen to her all the time. I read her a plenty. I google to get JM latest gist. I download podcasts. JM!!! I don’t even know how my […]
Maybe we should ALL stop laughing…

First off, I the biggest biggest warmest lovingest HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my most fabulous FAB’ers, Ify. Beyond the blog, Ify and I have become sisters though we have never met. One of the many joys of blogging. She has such a beautiful heart. Aside from dropping the most amazing comments and prayers on […]
#31F.A.B.Voices…E’ testifying

Happy New year my darlings!!! Now let’s kick this off with me sharing my 2014 plans with you. Some at least. Since we have 31 Favored.And.Blessed Voices testifying, I figured I’ll go first. Not just because it is my blog but I’ll also love to give direction and clarity as to what I meant when […]
So the Devil talks to YOU?
So the devil talks to you? I had this conversation with someone. But lemme back up a bit. Last week Monday, we had a prayer meeting at Kado estate. Afterwards, I was walking with my girl Mimi to a place where I could get a cab home easily. Recall that I am still new in […]