Tz my mama’s birthday today. Her 71st!!!

My life’s biggest international influence. My numero uno mentor. Chai!!!
Joyce Meyer is a dream. She’s my dream. I listen to her all the time. I read her a plenty. I google to get JM latest gist. I download podcasts.

JM!!! I don’t even know how my life would have looked without a JM preaching round the world. When I hear her, I can abs relate. That’s the way I’ll be speaking too. Only better (#latterGloryTinz) I certainly pray I meet her someday ooo. That would be a dream come through. Ah!!! Gosh. Thank God you are alive for a really long time ooo. And preaching up a storm too.
Or does this look like someone who is about to leave? Mba nu

Picture is two month old.
Abeg gimme Jesus err’single day!!!
JM mehn, God keep blessing you for the world!!! Keep on rockin’ mama. You sure make God look real gooooood
Ok on to Part 2… Living Amazed!!! The finale.
If you missed Part 1, find it here to put this post in context.
I recall one time I felt something close (to JM’s cancer period and was just totally drained). That was when I first repeated and then failed outta Pharmacy school.

My parents beat shege outta me, pressure from home, gossip from people, a whole ‘Miss Popular’ in UI, First ever ‘Miss Pharmacy’ and then she failed!!!

Oh, those days!!! I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go from there as everyone was pulling me in every direction. I used to write letters to God then drowning in my own tears.
And I’ll detail His promises that absolutely didn’t make any sense to me then. I had this amazing friend Eunice who used to agree with me in prayers then. I recall one of the recurring words He gave me then was ‘For my shame, He’ll give me DOUBLE HONOR in the same place…’

Oh Jehovah, I confessed blood out of that line. Who would have thought that not only would I make Best Graduating student with distinctions in the course of my dreams Sociology, I would also go ahead and be called as a Speaker to encourage Pharmacy School students on graduation.

https://eziaha.com/2013/06/26/in-the-same-place/ The same place I was chucked out from some three years ago.
AMAZING!!! I tell you. Just reminds me of how AMAZING God is.
And double amazing is the fact that the same testimony of mine has birthed and encouraged many more. I detailed Chisom’s testimony here who tapped into mine. https://eziaha.com/2013/10/24/blogimony-amakas-victory/
Ok let’s go back to my mama’licious JM.
But not before a comic relief. You wont believe she came out of the operation preaching and prophesying from her unconscious state. Looool. My mama sure loves her drama
Interestingly, I woke up a lot those days with scriptures on my lips straight from heaven. #JustLikeMeyerMe
Lemme move on from the whole cancer and surgery experience.
Long and short, in those down periods, her faith stayed and she kept trusting God. And that’s a lesson for us right there.
The Bible talks about ‘fellowshipping with His sufferings’
We can’t choose to live right and be spiritual only when things are going well. Can we still love on, faith in and worship this God in the wilderness as we do when all is going well? I recall one of my ladies Anna during a prayer session said ‘Let’s worship Him even with our broken-ness’
And I think what would make that easy is when we can go back and bring to remembrance all the past victories He has won for us.
She also talked about the first message she preached on Strife. You can imagine reading through it now and then comparing same to the messages she preaches today. The difference go clear na… Really gets her AMAZED as to how far God has brought her. Both as a Speaker and also as a woman who used to live in strife. Today? That woman pursues peace. I’m still learning. Choi!!!

Or was it the first time God called her to a 28day fast.
Feb 1982
Right after the fast, she records how God sent two men to not only get her an office and a desk, but they said God led them to ordain her. Awwwwwww. Though she knew God had called her and she had been praying for it, she told no one anything about an ordination so those two men ordaining her were definitely God sent.
Whoop Whoop!!!
She actually made everyone clap for the two guys who gave her a beginning to ministry. Especially at a time when Female preachers were absent on the scene. Me too I clapped ooo
She also spoke about her Charity.
Sept ’93 when Hand of Hope, the Outreach ministry began.
God revealed to her in a dream that she was pregnant AGAIN and she had already had a baby. She was scared and unsure about caring for two babies and when she woke, God explained to her that the first baby was going to feed the second baby.
First baby? Her TV ministry
Second Baby? The Outreach ministry called HAND OF HOPE.

At that time, she had zero idea of what God was planning with these babies.
Today though, JM’s TV ministry is thriving incredibly. The entire media ministry actually. So they take a percentage, 27million dollars ($27m) a year from the first baby to the second baby for helping the poor around the globe. They actually have (at that time) 49 orphanages around the world.

Choi!!! Even I am AMAZED!!!
So at this point, you may be thinking ‘Oh tz JM. She’s such a huge star, blablabla. My own case is different.
I’ll just quote her response to you…
‘…If you would have kept a record of your life, and every little thing God has done- breakthroughs, open doors, favour He gives you- when you have those bad days, you can get your box (of remembrance) out and get yourself amazed all over again…’
We are so quick to forget all that God has done for us and we make Him seem like He is doing nothing for us. How heart breaking it must be for God when we act like that.
JM’s ministry at the start (and for while) was a testimony when 105 people showed up and the sales of tapes were $317 for a meeting. Today? She can’t even talk about how blessed she is. With people and resources.

AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooot Wooooooot!!!
She actually said one of her friends, Chris, said she would give anything to get hold of that box/bucket where JM keeps her journals.
Me too ooo mama. Don’t let me get that box. I’ll throw privacy decorum away ooo.
But better still, I’m keeping mine. And safe too. Don’t want nobody stealing into it just yet.
Whoop Whoop!!! Someday, like JM, I’ll share from it.

Oh and I will be more dedicated too
God is absolutely NO respecter of persons. What He does for one, He can do for another.
Sadly, we are reducing His miracles to coincidences. How saddening!!! Sometimes, we even have the guts to call them ‘small’.
Fey shared something this morning in the group from Joel Osteen (I love JO too) and I thought I’ll reproduce here.
‘…wear your blessings well, don’t apologise for what GOD has done, don’t even think about calling it luck or coincidence…’
Look, there are no coincidences. They are GOD-ORDAINED incidences. Can we notice them and make a BIG DEAL outta them?
Don’t make a big deal of the problems and challenges but let’s make a big deal out of what God is doing even when it seems little.
Even David was quick to tell us same.
1st Chr 16 : 24 Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
PUBLISH being the operative word for me.
I dunno how I never came around to doing a post on TESTIMONIES and PRAYER POINTS last year. So lemme just summarise what I was going to say. I notice that sometimes, when we hear people share a ‘common’ testimony such as say God provided t.fare or lunch or stuff like that, we just give a cold applause. We usually wait for the major 10years without kids, miracle car, etc testimonies. And then we raise the roof. I think that’s just human nature. You can’t really blame us. But you the testifier KNOWS that what is seemingly little to others is a BIG DEAL to you. You know where you are coming from. You know how much you prayed for such breaks. Don’t let anyone belittle your testimonies. Don’t!!! Feel free to share it. Feel free to make a big deal outta it. I think it is unfair when we call what God is doing ‘small’. Even if it is small, thank Him for the small on your way to the BIG.
Sometimes, our testimony is in a Word from the Holy Spirit for our situation. Make a BIG DEAL of it please. In recent times, minus the other material blessings and incredible favour I have enjoyed from Him, I have had such incredible leadings from God. For EVERY situation, God has been gracious enough to give me a Word right from the bible that settles everything in a way I can’t explain.

Sometimes, the devil throws me the ‘coincidence’ card BUT no, I am grateful for it. You don’t have to wait until He brings you that dream job/car/hubby until you are AMAZED enough to be grateful. Be amazed and grateful for the ‘little’ leadings too.
Don’t say ‘oh how odd I thought of that!’ Or ‘oh what a coincidence!’
No darling. In my mama’s words and voice, ‘…It is God right smack dab in the middle of your life!!! Right up in our lives doing miracles daily and we could at least have the REVERENCE to be AMAZED!!!’
You think it is of your making that you have friends today?

Oh my God, how grateful I am for my friends. Every last one of you!!! My goodness!!!
JM talks about times when she was homeless and pregnant with her first child. Her first hubby had left her and was living with another woman. Pregnant, sickly, jobless, broke and homeless, thankfully, God sent unusual help in her hairdresser who she barely knew but let her live with her. She had absolutely NO friends!!! NONE. After she had the baby, she was sick all over, had infections, had boils and sores, and couldn’t afford treatment, couldn’t care for her baby well enough cos she had no training, no books, no help, no money to care for him right. It was a TOUGH PAINFUL time. So if anyone understands pain, she did then. She said she would drive past the house where her hubby lived with another woman with sooo much hurt and pain seeping through her veins.
Oh but she remembers those times and just how far God has brought her. Today, I’m sure houses are the least of Meyer’s troubles. Then, to even diagnose all the sores she had on her body was unaffordable but today? She goes for regular medical check ups just because…
Today, she has countless friends and children the world over. Like she asked, how many of us will HAPPILY open up our doors and let her live with us!!!
Talk about from zero to hero!!!
Wanna know something else amazing? Today, that her son Dave she could hardly care for is one of the pillars of JM ministry worldwide. Interestingly, God put it in her to name him Dave which interestingly is the name of her second husband whom she married later. David, Dave!!!

Talk about AMAZING!!!
Now tell me, when JM sits and reads all of these from her journals, can you imagine how she would feel? Can you imagine the rush of faith and hope that will well up in her? Oh my!!!
Look, God is all over us!!! He’s doing super amazing things but we are not keeping records. We are letting our challenges get the better of us.
At some point, JM gives this sarcastic laughter when she talks about people who just wanna give up on life. You know, that kinda ‘SMH at you’ scoff
Cos she went through hell too. In addition to the above, she was sexually abused by her father for over 10 YEARS as a child and I’m being conservative!!! Her mother didn’t believe her, she had to run away from home. She was also physically and emotionally abused. So she’s like ‘please don’t worship your pain’ If God can get her through those times, He too can for you.
Oh my!!! God is working things out for us. I know. I know it like I know my name.
Hebrews 1:3 God is upholding, maintaining, guiding and propelling the entire universe by His mighty Word of Power.
Yes baby, that includes us. He’s working all things for our favour. Commanding it in our favour. Hallelujah!!!
I just feel like speaking in tongues. Shattah!!!
Our God is soooooo AMAZING!!!
Do you need more ginger to just worship this God? Let’s see her ending.
And she ends it by talking about God’s AMAZING GRACE.
Cos that’s the ONLY way we can define GRACE. AMAZING!!! That’s the only adjective that qualifies grace. A free gift from God to us who don’t deserve it.
Grace is just inexplicable. But we can enjoy it. It just helps us through life. Enables us through our weaknesses.
Can we just be grateful for His Amazing Grace and all the privileges?
Let me end with this question…
How can we be hopeless?
Just how?
Just how?
How can we be despondent and in despair?
What with His amazing Grace and all the miracles He daily loads us with. How can we be hopeless when we have a book of remembrance and we can get ourselves amazed and amazed all over again.
Can we be hopeless when we make a big deal of His past testimonies with us? Cos He can do it again and much more.
Truly, God is no respecter of persons. And incredibly, He uses the foolish and seemingly unlikely ones to show Himself. Doesn’t it amaze you that He chose Paul? I mean, I can’t get over that!!! Paul? A confirmed Boko-haram??? Yet the Pauline epistles add colour to our study and Word life like no other. Imagine the bible without Paul’s letters? Haba.
Oh my!!! I love how she ended it.
‘He chose a half-out-of-her-mind, weird-voiced, odd personality, woman who had been sexually abused from downtown Missouri to preach the gospel to 2/3rds of the world in 60languages today…’
Of course that’s my Joyce MEYER.
That message blesses me everytime. I mean who doesn’t like to live amazed abeg? You can just look for it on iTunes. Most of JM’s podcasts there are free.
Thanks Damilola for the link to YouTube.
JM is 71 today. Still doing exploits. Still looking fabulous. Still preaching up a storm.

Ah!!! My future is bright. I especially love that she is a model for the ministry God is building through me. I especially love that she’s all about women (ok let’s say ‘more about’). I just love anything all women so I’m happy my ministry is that way. Interestingly, I have a virtual mentoring group. All ladies. I have a group of FAB sisters… All ladies.
Guys, don’t scoff please. I’m sure there are people there with ministry to strictly men. It is just not me. Sawry.
So everytime I get an opportunity to address or even be in an all ladies group, I’m overjoyed.
That’s why Joyce Meyer’s LOVE LIFE WOMEN’S conference is making me giddy all over.

Oh but until her conference, I am super excited about the monthly ‘Strictly Sisters’ meetings powered by DCC Abuja. I anchored the debut edition in April and by heavens, I loved it. I get high just being with ladies.
There is a review of it on DCC Abuja blog here. http://dccabujablog.com/2014/05/15/upcoming-event-strictly-sisters-the-corporate-woman/
In Abuja? Or know any lady in Abuja? Holler!!!
And just keep a date. Tz every third Saturday of the month. All and Strictly women. The last one, I LOVED the breakdown that was given to pregnancy, natural birthing, and Caesarean Sectioning. Oh, I learnt a lot that day.
Oh and the BIG ONE!!! Our GLOBAL annual ‘When Women Worship’ convention in David’s Christian Centre Lagos.

Oh my!!! This year, date is Sunday, June 15, 4pm.
And it is themed A ki ki tan which loosely translates to When Words Fail.

You recall Last year was themed IMELA. http://justusgirlsnaija.com/2013/06/20/when-women-worship-imela-the-night-as-it-was/
The host is Pastor Mildred Kingsley Okonkwo and by heavens, I can’t wait!!!
You would definitely be getting more details from me here but Pastor M gives us a sneak preview on her blog here. http://justusgirlsnaija.com/2014/05/26/a-may-zed-and-grateful/
You know what happens to me in an all female gathering? It just gingers me for the HUGE DEAL God is going to do through his Sugar Daughter E’licious for women around the world. #JustLikeMeyer!!! Whoop. Hallelujah!!!
Oh… Lord!!! *taking a breather*
Me, I’m just keeping my book of remembrance jare.
AMAZINGLY AMAZED!!! That’s what I wanna be able to say when I’m testifying during an Anniversary like JM did at her 30th…
So, who’s in for an AMAZING life?
Live daily AMAZED…
This is the end. Lol
Cannime, Maggielola, E’, Booski, portable Glow, Nk, Ify (in Abuja) who else is June born? Holler so I holler too oooo. With your dates. We soooo rock we are forming our own FAB rock band!!!
Our monthly LDM seminar holds in Abuja this Sunday June 8 at 4.30pm. Petrus Hotels off Gimbiya, Area 11, Garki. I have the flyer up on my blog ‘Happily ever after’. Click on same for details. Meanwhile the last one, The Price of a ring, we compiled the tweets from the program. Read and enjoy here. http://dccabujablog.com/2014/06/03/the-price-of-a-ring-tweets/ For me the deepest thing I heard there was ‘THE PRICE OF A RING IS YOUR LIFE. Marriage is NO JOKE!!!
Ah Pastor B killed that message. We were all sober after that. Plus me ooo. Lol
Kai!!! Anyways just bookmark www.dccabujablog.com and subscribe too.
That blog stays rockin’
Lol. I taya for me too
OK hope we have not stopped remembering the Chibok girls in Prayers, and Naija generally.
Wow!!! Over 50days held captive. Young girls. All I keep thinking is how darn uncomfy they must be and how their parents are coping. Plus news that keeps coming has a way of just feeling hopeless but no, we won’t stop praying.
I have a song that I keep singing when it comes to ndi-boko and all. Tz Igbo. I will translate
Bia nuru olu anyi o ×2
Onweghi mgbe Ike mmadu g’akari Ike Chukwu x2
Nna bianuru, Olisa bi n’igwe bianuru olu anyi oooo
Come and hear our prayers Lord
NEVER will man’s power be greater than God’s power
Our Father in heaven, come hear our prayers
HBD to a great woman, mentor and mother, JOYCE MEYER.
Her few books I read and articles made me a better woman, christian and also built my spritual life.The story of her life is such a huge testimony.
Mama JM, may God continue to use you to bless people all over the world and your ministry will continue to grow In jesus Mighty Name.
E’ darl, can’t afford to miss When Women Worship o!
Last year edition was soul lifting!Looking forward to this year’s edition.
I live a super amazed life !
I am triumphant!
@E’ darl, how do I join your fab sisters group o?
Yaaaaay Kemi. You too are coming. Whoop whoop!!! Tot I’ll have to wait for Aug for Camp meeting. I am happy you are.
A huge amen to JM prayers abeg. That woman z som’in.
I’ll holler at you on BBM about the group later aii?
Hoooooooooray, whoop whoop, whoop pity, whoop!! Our GOD is indeed AWESOME…faithful GOD…happy birthday to our mama, Joyce Meyer. favoured and blessed at 71, all beautiful, all trim…we thank GOD for the miracles of her life and her continual giving of self to our ABBA…lovely post E’.
We pray for GOD’s amazing grace to continually fill us with the zeal to do HIS will, amen. I’m living an amazed life daily, tra la la la la.
Take care Faber’s +++
The miracle of her life indeed.
Amen ooo.
Thanks Fey mama
Wowwww!! People really don’t look like what they have been through at all o! Thank GOD for Joyce Meyer! Her life is a trailer load of testimonies! This post has blessed me! Ahh, the book of remembrance is very important! Kai , reading past testimonies just have an awesome way of raising your faith. Nothing like coincidence abeg or luck. Hian. As we are not of the world , all those worldly things are not responsible for the happenings in our life o! Something unusual delays you from living your house on time, GOD is protecting you o. Someone meets the EXACT need you prayed to GOD about? It’s GOD oo. NEPA brings the light for you to iron? My dear, GOD wants you to look dapper. It’s all GOD oo. Everything that happens , even when it seemingly looks bad is for His Name to be glorified. Ahh, the scripture about double honour gets me all the time. Our GOD is too awesome for words! GOD bless you E’ hun! As someone said on twitter, every time I get a notification for a new post on your blog, it’s like a credit alert. You are blessed hun! I’m still going to read this post again and again!
Teeee you are the sweetest
Can’t get over the credit alert thing
And yes JM sure doesn’t look like anything she’s been through. 71????
And absolutely all those little things are just God
All God abeg
I love this post.
God…..what can I say, when I think about God in my life, tears jus well up in my eyes and a smile forms on my face. very unconscious thing. he makes my testimonies innumerable. thanx For this post
Thank you for reading boo
Great post again!Joyce Meyer has been so amazing to me in my walk with God…..I absolutely love her.I use her devotional,have her books and do my best to watch and listen to her preach.With Joyce Meyer,some of us have been able to find strength in God when we almost forget he ‘s always with us.I celebrate this great woman of God,Happy birthday to her..more grace and anointing.Thank you E’ for dedicating this post to her,she deserves this and even more.God bless you dear.
She sure deserves even more
Happy birthday to the wonderful Joyce Meyer!! A huge inspiration to so multitudes.. May her latter days be greater than her beginning in Jesus name.
E, I know that God has a great ministry invested in you and you haven’t even scratched the surface yet. May you make God proud in Jesus name xx
Amen amen amen hun
Bless you
You will never know how much effect this amazing post had on me. I was moved, even to tears. AMAZING GRACE!
I know darling
I know!!!
Wow! It took long to comment but I just have to. This post is so loaded. I was teary eyed reading this post. Kai! Her life is a catalogue of testimonies o. No, its a season film of testimonies. Happy birthday to an Amazing woman. Her life portrays what God can and is willing to do with a life yielded to Him. Your birthday deserves to be a public holiday.
So I tried the writing down thing. Was gonna write down everything wrong wiv my life but I ended up writing about God’s faithfulness and was just amazed. No coincidence o. Pure orchestration. God planning everything, organizing my life. He’s too good abeg. I just started worshipping and ended up having an amazing time in His presence. This post is just anointed.
More grace mama. Love ya plenri
I know right
Like titi said people don’t look like what they have gone through.
People like Meyer
Love you too darling