Timothy, my son, I command you…In accordance with the words of prophecy spoken in the past about you. Use those words as WEAPONS in order to FIGHT WELL!!!…1 Timothy 1: 18

How’s our fighting game going these days guys?

I’ve probably read that post of mine about 501 times and it gets me pumped EVERYTIME!!!

I can’t believe I wrote it sef. Just God!!!
Anyways, I’m about to pump us all up with even more fire.

Position yourselves!!!

I’ve been in a crazy tight romance with Paul and Timothy. I’ve previously told you how fiercely in love I am with healthy fruitful mentor-mentee relationships.

Paul-Timothy, Moses-Joshua, Elijah-Elisha, Joyce-Chris, Rev Victor-Rev Femi, Rev Femi-Pk, etc.

Oh gosh, it gets me so pumped to see godly thriving mentoring. I enter their matter. Seriously.

So in Paul’s rather emotional letter to Timothy, he charges him to FIGHT WELL.


We fight with the WORD!!!

Mehn, if you are not worded, I dunno what you are doing baby, but it ain’t FIGHTING!!!

You see what Paul told his son? You fight with all those words of prophecies spoken about you. Remember in those days, they didn’t quite have the Bible but today, we do.

No hun, you do NOT need to start running around looking for a prophet to speak words of prophecy over you with which you fight.
Nah!!! Thank You Jesus!!!

We have a more SURE word of prophecy in the Bible!!! 2Peter 1:19

So we sit our butts down, diligently search the scriptures on areas where we know we need to war, get our WORDssss, write them down and get to WAR!!!

Tz a battle of Words ooo and the most powerful word weapon is the Word of God.

Use it.
Fight well!!!

I believe something else very very important in warfare has to be consistency.

C O N S I S T E N C Y!!!

I could do a separate really LONG blog on the C-word which a lot of us don’t exactly like to apply today.
We want IMMEDIATE results.
We pray once, we don’t see results, we stop!!!


Even I find myself slippin’ into that sometimes and then I have to adjust quickly.

If there is anything we can ‘learn’ from the devil has to be how that loser doesn’t give up easily. The devil will use anything at anytime and anywhere to attack us. If A fails, you best believe he’s coming at you with b, c, d right up to Z.

But we who have been called to be Warriors, the kick-ass kind, sometimes sadly give up before him.

If only we knew how weak he was.
If only we knew just how close to victory we were.

Let’s jump right to Elijah in 1Kings for a second.

Chapter 18 opens with a Word from God to him… I’m sending rain!!!

Elijah repeats same in verse 41 to Ahab after that Boko-haramic massacre of Baal’s prophets…

‘I hear the sound of abundance of rain…’

Movie time…

Elijah takes a position. I am in love with that position so some days, I’m feeling rather Elijah’ry and I attempt it. For all of 30seconds. Lol. Let’s just say I prefer to stay on my face or my back. Or sit. Or pace Ain’t noborry go’ time fo’ tha’ Elijah posture.

But he takes a position and goes into battle.

He had the Word. ‘Prophecy’ if you like –
Rain is Coming!!!

But the Word spoken won’t happen if you don’t fight for it ooo. War a good warfare with it.

All He had to do was stay in that battle position UNTIL the Word became flesh. Or rain, literally.

Several times, his servant returned saying ‘I didn’t see anything’ and every time He sent him back while he remained in that position.

Talk about Consistency!!!

I can bet you Elijah was both praying, praising, worshipping and confessing the Word.

That Sisters, is how we fight!!!
We stay in THAT POSITION, in this case, a spiritual posture of warfare.
We keep praying.
We keep praising.
We keep worshipping.
We stay confessing ONLY what we wanna see/have.
We stay WARRING!!!
The servant went and came 7 times with nonsense report before he brought a good report.
7 there just means perfection.
We stay WARRING guys, until we get that ‘perfect’ report. Not a second earlier.

We give up too easily. Eziaha inclusive. I’m learning too. What we really need are ladies (and men) who stay fighting long after the initial emotion or pep talk is over.
We might have some battle scars but I promise you babe, at the end, we will be holding the Victor’s cup and medal if we ‘faint not’
But you know what, I’m excited at what God is doing.
I KNOW God is raising up Warrior Chicks. Lionesses. Women who know the kind of battle they have been called to, and have made up their minds to be undefeatable. #NoWeapon…

Women who know their Daddy is a MAN OF WAR and so know that the WARRIOR DNA is also in them.

Who are unflinching as they go into battle DETERMINED to fight WELL and to FINISH!!!

Which is why I am unbelievably EXCITED about Warrior In Heels!!!

Sweet Lord Baby Jesus!!!
When I did that post on ‘Are we even fighting at all…?’ I had ZERO idea When Women Worship this year was all about fighting.
I was pleasantly shocked when mama mentioned to me that this was the theme.
Don’t let me preach too much.
April 1 and April 3.

Two locations. (Festac and Lekki)
One city. Lagos.
Don’t worry about the Guest ministers coming, Jesus will be there and that’s ALL you need. (But PC will be ministering in Lekki. Eish!!!)

See ehn, just COME!!!

Come, like a little child, with UNREASONABLE expectations that God can and will do ANYTHING no matter the magnitude of the battle.

Kai, we all have battles ooo. Some of us are fighting health battles. Others financial. Some spiritual. Some marriage and family. Some soul ties. Some gossip/beef/drama. Some rebellion and insubordination. Some fornication/adultery. Some pornography/masturbation Etc. We all have wetin dey do us. Some of us have been fighting on our own and doing well at it. Some of us are NOT. Oh, but TWO will ALWAYS chase ten thousand!!!


Which is why we are coming together, as an army of warriors. Some are just being recruited into the army of fighters. Others are coming for reinforcement. Either way, the chick who walks in, I’m too sure won’t be the same chick who walks out. At least, that’s what I’m believing for myself.

Eeeeeeeeeeek!!! I am about to explode!!! Oh Jesus!!! Can you just imagine the kinda damage that we are going to do to the Kingdom of darkness.

I’m on my face before God for this program. I’m praying with all my heart that as Tasha Cobbs sang, an army of warriors in Heels, will rise up from that program, untameable, as we go to do major damage to the Kingdom of darkness. Lionesses arising indeed, in the words of Lisa Bevere.

I don’t know about you but i’m really REALLY tired of being weak and then having weak people around me. I want every lady around me to be a high heeled Holy Ghost terrorist. Not the ‘hey-ya’ friend. Look, this is a REAL need in my life. A REALLY REAL need!!! I am TIRED of seeing wimpy, weak-willed, ladies with defeatist attitude. I am also tired of being same. The world is already unfair in their labelling of women as weak as per powerless. It’s worse when we erroneously show them that we really are.

Oh good Lord, imagine a world of Warrior Chicks!!! I mean, heels, makeup on fleek, gele, manicured nails, perfect hair (natural or not) and all, looking pretty on the outside but inside, a real spiritual bulldog!!!

Lionesses (I’m resisting the urge to go on about my latest crush on Lisa Bevere but it is hardddddd)

Imagine how much of a pleasant surprise it will be. Imagine the kinda power we would command!!!
Imagine the kinda terror we would be to the kingdom of darkness. And the freshness we could bring to the world as we emerge.

Can I share a teeny weeny secret? I believe women are the REAL leaders of the home when it comes to spiritual warfare.

Sorry, not up for debate.
But really, life would be real awesome when we are doing it along side (prayer)warriors in heels!!!

One time, two of the most amazing Chicks I got to know via my blog, Eloho and 1plus came visiting. I shared with them my challenge in my search for a help and in the middle of my talk, they stop me, seriously and say ‘you know what, let’s agree and pray about it. It is easy to go on and on about our problems magnifying it without knowing, rather than PRAY about it. So Eloho shares a story of her aunt and her amazing househelp and how she stayed long with them and all that good stuff. And she prayed that God will favor me with same…’
See the kinda Chicks I want in my corner. Because I finally got my homehelp and she is a REAL answer to our prayers. Amen!!! We are coming together for Warrior in Heels.

Btw, if you are wondering why there is no picture, that’s cos Ayo stole our ‘fine’ in that picture soooo… lol. Actually, I don’t have the picture we took here.

Or was it this time one of my (best) friends and I were on the phone discussing the various Faith projects on our table. I think I was updating her on mine. I mean, we were just gisting about how crazy we were and at the end of the convo, when I’m about to say ‘bye love’ and she goes

‘*deep breathe and exhale*
Father I just thank you for your daughter Eziaha…….’

And that’s how she started praying ooo. Good Lord!!! I can’t forget the way she took that breath and exhaled. I recall exactly where I was in the waiting lounge at Abuja airport. I was shocked. How did we move from just random fun-gisting sorta talk to Prayers? Oh but she KNEW that after we finished talking, we should PRAY. It was unplanned. It was unrehearsed. It was REAL!!! It just flowed.

How many conversations/gist/phonecalls end with prayers?
Gosh!!! I thank God for warrior-friendships.
I want more and more Chicks like that in both my life, and in life generally. Just released into the atmosphere.
Lionesses. Warriors. Girls with swords.

Just going into all the world and doing major damage to the enemy.

You can come for any of the days. You can come from outside town and you can stay at my home. Looking forward to meeting my (half) namesake who is coming all the way from the east on my invite. Soooooooooooo excited. I’ve loved talking to her over the phone so when I thought of who to invite, my mind went straight to her.

Oh btw, the lady I invited last year is PREGNANT today!!! She got her testimony.

Good Lord!!!

Me, one of my battles has to do with finances. You see, I just discovered Luke 8 v 1-3 and I am now consumed in a good way with being VERY WEALTHY!!!

Those women FROM THEIR OWN CONSIDERABLE MEANS supported Jesus and His travelling crew financially!!!

I fainted!!! You see, I’ve been living small!!! Living for my own needs.
I. Quit!!! I Repent!!!

I dunno about you but there’s PLENTY work to be done in and for the Kingdom of God here on earth and guess what will fuel it?
No wonder the devil is pumping money to his agents on earth. Tufiakwa!!!
Money is such a tool mehn!!!
Again, not debating with you. I just need me some major MONEY!!!

Btw, Luke is officially my favourite disciple and Book. It must be the Doctor in him. He certainly brought a different angle to a lot of the Bible stories.

Remember ladies, gather your war tools. Prepare for battle baby.

Personally, I’m writing down scriptures for the areas I wanna war in.

I’ll also watch War room again for more pump factor. And then I’ll recommend this video Girls with swords!!!

Then I’ll not stop praying for the absolute success of the program.
Consider this my personal invite to you.

Before you start doing anything physical, come and war and settle it in the spiritual first. Then God will now show you HOW to do it in the physical.
And i’m serious, you can stay at mine. Just don’t be dirty. Lol. And don’t snore too.

Or you can also stay at Pastor M’s.
Lol. I’m kiddin’. She didn’t send me ooo. I’m just being naughty.

And oh, you do NOT have to wear heels if you are not comfy in it. Like my girl Dimma would say
‘where’s my sneakers? No time’

I personally don’t think I’ll b doing heels even though I’m a bit sad cos I realised last week that I’m 5ft 10 when all the while I thought I was 5ft 11″. Sigh. I’m tempted to but my ankle has cucu been hinting me with all my workouts. Something else to war about. I can even pray I hit 6ft. I mean, while we are praying……….
Anyways, just come. There is a tee which is 2k. I think you can buy at the venue too. But even if you don’t have, just COME!!!

Come to Festac on the 3rd, that’s Sunday evening. Or Lekki on the 1st of April that’s Friday evening.
And if you see me, (i’ll be at both by God’s grace) say Hiiiiiiiii !!!


Happy Easter. I hope to ‘enter’ the season before it is over. I only realised Easter was today, yesterday. Days have morphed into days without seams for me this week. I have eaten oats and noodles daily this week. Caffeine has powered many hours for me this week. I’ve stayed offline and incommunicado longer than I cared this week. I’ve switched up every routine I’ve had this week. I think I’m operating a heavenly time zone. Hopefully, something resets me. It’s not a problem or whatever oooo. I just don’t know what happened to me this week. But one thing I know is this
I. Need. A. Holiday!!!
Somebody invite me somewhere for 48hours only please!!!
I won’t even lie, it is getting tougher and tougher not having my hubby in Lagos with me. I’m no longer sure how I’m coping.

Yawl, pray with me??? (Nobody send me any ‘hey ya’ email please)

Lisa Bevere is EVERYTHING!!! I’m not even kidding.

Very fierce preacher. 56. Mom of four boys. Grandmom to 3.

Just go and find her and follow. Watch her YouTube vids esp Girls with swords and Lioness arising.
She’s my new (second) best friend.
I’m just amazed at the women God has sha. Phew!!!

0 Responses

  1. My darling E’, I’m so loving you like right now + the crush on Lisa Bevere… Nne, I’m living that crush o, since last December kwanu. God led me to her through her book, Lioness Arising. That search on Amazon that I didn’t understand… Heheheee… Now, I’m drooling over Girls With Sword (birthday present, anyone..?) Doesn’t this our loving God have an amazing sense of humour?
    Anyhoos, I read it in December (remember my IG post on my reads for the Christmas holiday) and almost every page stirred something in my heart. I clearly remember that I was itching to read Fervent first but I clearly heard God say Lioness Arising first… Not turned back since then. Moreso, her YouTube videos are warrior nuggets; with every video, I love being a woman all over again. You need to see how giddy I get when I get an alert that she’s posted something on YouTube. She’s fiery, passionate and fun too. Love her!!!

    P.S.: Looking forward to seeing you at both centres o; and Eloho… hmmm. small world. 🙂

    Love ya!

    1. Lisa Bevere💞😍💞😍💞😍😍💕💕

      And I need to move into your library gosh

      Seeeee you at Warrior in heels hun

  2. I screamed in my room when I saw the guest minister coming, did someone say Debola Deji- kurnmi; jeez!!! OAU beht why????
    Final papers: April 2nd 4-7pm
    As in!
    I’m Just gonna sulk and sleep.
    P.S my roomies have given up on me!!!!
    One was like. Dee is always like “o jesus! OMG Eziaha, oh DDK” in that order
    I laughed and laughed.
    I’m like ‘whor’ever! Who cares!!
    I’m just gonna call glow and whine and whine..

    1. You can come.
      You should come.
      Tz Sunday evening na

      Loooool at ur OMGsssssss haha

      Abeg enjoy jor. Leave them. Dunno DDK but now I am looking forward to her. Whoosh

  3. Awwww…and am around lekki but would be leaving on Tue! Ish! Would have been lovely to experience this and see ya.

    Lioness arising. Like the sound of that.

  4. You just keep dropping it like it’s hot.Every time!.This post was very insightful as usual. I really thank God for his numerous gifts he has deposited in your life as you keep usinf it in helping others. May God continue to renew your strength.

    Btw you cracked me up when u said u would pray to be 6ft.I think 5ft 10 is perfect tho,although I would have thot u were 5 11. Anyways I too, have always wished I was 6ft(I am 5 11) , there is just something about being 6ft I dunno,lol.

    Stay blessed dear.x

      1. Beht, wait o. Who 6ft dun epp? I’m 6’1.5″. I’m waiting for my bank statement sha. If anything changes, I’ll let y’all know. *tongue out*

  5. Hugs dear. Thanks for introducing me to Lisa Bevere. I have subscribed to her YouTube channel. Very tired of being a weakling in prayer. Sending this link to my prayer partner. No time for nonsense

  6. Oh am so blessed by this eziaha, this is a wake up call for me. Channeling the course of my life in the place of prayer. Oh I miss those times with the Spirit.

    Was literally speaking in tongues as I was reading this. Lord help me with excuses of all sorts.

  7. Awww Ezi darling, ur post as always has gotten me all revved up.
    Unfortunately I’d be in Lagos a day after the program ends,can’t even contain my unhappiness.I just hope that for my sake there wld be another session Cz I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of power that wld be generated on those days.
    I thank God for leading me to this great ministry/blog..

  8. Am short of words. All i can say is God bless you again and again. Thanks for digging deep into the WORD and gjfting us with great post and seasoned women of God.

  9. Whao! thanks for this post. I will be attending the sessions online.
    All schedules are clear. #no office meeting formed that day will prosper.
    Ready for all the rhema..
    checking Lisa’s books on Eden.. am still enjoying Christine Caine and Beth Moore.

  10. Waooooooooh! What do i call you? Okay let me call you ” Mighty E”. You are too much. I mistakenly stumbled on your blog but it has blessed me. Even though l am much older, you are an inspiration. You are indeed a blessing to your generation. Hope to meet you one day.

    1. Oh these mistakes are God ordained. I love God for this. I prayed He will bring people and He is bringing yawl from God knows where.

      When we meet, make sure you say hi ooo

  11. I have heard a lot about you from my sister and decided to visit your blog. I must say, you are simply amazing and a wonderful woman and my prayer is that God will give you the strength and ideas to fulfill your dreams. Thank you for allowing God use you and never forget that He will never let go of your hands no matter what may.
    Please visit my blog: http://www.deveinmesite.wordpress.com
    New post up!

  12. Good Morning Mama E’
    Chai.! I won’t have forgiven mua if I missed this program. #WarriorInHeel
    You all should permit me to appear on flaaat
    No time to climb mountain, except mountain of prayers.
    ….. Off to dust my flaaatie and get more worded…..

    Thanks once more for this special invite

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