Why I changed my Workout Routine.

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on coachesquad.com, my online fitness site. Happy New week guys… Recently, I wanted better results from my workouts so I reduced skipping from 5000 to 1000 daily… It sounds wrong right? How do you want better results and reduce your workout? GOALS!!! That is the […]
Letter to Busy Millennials

NB: This post was originally authored and published on theladysroom.ng an online blogging site. She rang my phone off the hook. I was out and about so I couldn’t take her to call immediately. When I finally did, she didn’t have anything new to say to me. After the pleasantries and a preamble, I heard […]
Dear CoachE’, how soon can I start my weightloss journey after delivery?

NB: This post was originally authored and published on coachesquad.com, my fitness website. How soon should I start my weight loss journey after giving birth…? I get this question a whole lot and having been on a post-partum journey twice, and coached 100s of chicks through it, I can share my story and knowledge here… […]
Put Your Weight Loss Journey In Context

NB: This post was originally authored and published on www.theladysroom.ng, a female lifestyle website I contribute biweekly to… Recently, on my social media pages, I have been vocal about managing your expectations when it comes to weight loss. This comes from meeting many women who are frustrated by their journeys. They FEEL they are not […]
Diss FAT Dis-Ember with CoachE’… A weight loss program for Nigerians in Diaspora

Hey guys So, you are probably here cos you wanna know more about our DIASPORA weight loss coaching program tagged DISS FAT DIS-Ember!!! Yay. I am SO EXCITED for it because I think Diasporans have even more reason to comply to a HEALTHY meal plan, and all the processes it entails because Availability of all […]
How to LOSE weight with HIGH FIBRE foods IN NIGERIA…

Recently, I did a COMPLETE overhaul on my diet. You see, since I lost that famous 30kg in about 4months almost 2 years ago, I have not even had any cause to lose weight, until now. Trying to lose some post-partum weight now and we are back on the grind. And you know me? I […]
The N5,500 price slash (Weight loss Coaching with CoachE’)

Hey Fam, First off, thank yawl for all the congratulations from all over. Still feels unreal to know that I am a new mommy, and infact TWO people’s mommy. TWO BOYS yawl. PRAYERS UP haha!!! CoachE’Squad was birthed from my first son even as I struggled with the pregnancy, post baby and INDISCIPLINE weight, and […]
#AugustFruitful31.28… On finding, losing, and finding PURPOSE again.

This post is a continuation of a previous so did you miss Part 1? Catch up here. Ok so we have talked about being purposeful as a single before you are found, and I shared a part of my single journey in the first part. So now I am married, and I was still serving […]
The P413 POW WOW with E’ (1.0)

Whooooop-de-deooooo!!! Like God is just so super amazing The POW WOW with E’ is finally a reality. Ok so before I get carried away by my own fizz, a few FAQs likely to surface… What is a POW-WOW? It is a meeting for discussion, especially among friends or colleagues. I JUST LOOOOOVE this name. […]
A RICH SlipStream…

‘…Can we learn, can we glean, can we STAY IN THEIR SLIPSTREAM…?’ Bianca Juarez Olthoff. Propel Conversation series. Happy new week guys. I am bursting with sunshine this week. My online coaching classes are LIVE again and I realized just how much I had missed it. And all the fun and gists it brings Ok […]