A LOT of NEWsss…New Name, New Vlog, NEW BOOK!!!

Hey guys, Oh, my world has been buzzing, spinning, opening up, stretching and just generally BUSY… And BUSY is a term I am reclaiming and redefining because it has been getting a lot of bad rap out there. When we say busy on this lane (yes, we. I am including you in my redefinition), we […]
#SavedFitnFAB…July WEIGHTLOSS results (pictures)
Hey guys, So I’m flying in to share SOME pictures from my July Squad!!! Three weeks in and we have seen some crazy good results. Eeeeek!!! Been sharing on IG and Twitter @savedfitnfab Feel free to follow us And these pictures are accurate because I made them snap just BEFORE the Class and told them […]
#SavedFitnFAB…D Premium Journey so far (plus a 5k July promo)
It has been 6 AMAZING weeks of coaching. And say 2months of owning my own biz… I have learned I have cried and laughed I have grown I have grown because i have encountered different kinds of people and temperaments and everyone of them have given me a RICHER life… Lemme set this up with […]
#SavedFitnFAB FAQssssss
Phew!!! 2 weeks in as CoachE’ of SavedFitnFAB (Premium) and it has been quite an exciting journey. I never hesperredit!!! I am even going to be on TV soon but let’s leave that cat in the bag for now. This Post will be a revised version of this where my clients and intending clients can find […]